Claudia Apel zeigt, dass die Teilnahme an einem eintagigen Berufsberatungs-Workshop sich nachhaltig positiv auf die berufliche Selbstwirksamkeit, die berufliche Zielklarheit und die Arbeitszufriedenheit auswirkte. Die von der Autorin untersuchte kompetenzorientierte Laufbahnberatung unterstutzt Erwerbswillige dabei, unter sich verandernden Umstanden ihre Berufslaufbahn ressourcenorientiert und proaktiv zu gestalten. Claudia Apel erortert die Frage, wie die berufliche Orientierung unterstutzt und psychische Belastungen vermieden werden konnen, wenn die Eigenverantwortlichkeit fur...
Claudia Apel zeigt, dass die Teilnahme an einem eintagigen Berufsberatungs-Workshop sich nachhaltig positiv auf die berufliche Selbstwirksamkeit, die ...
Model-based recursive partitioning (MOB) provides a powerful synthesis between machine-learning inspired recursive partitioning methods and regression models. Hanna Birke extends this approach by allowing in addition for measurement error in covariates, as frequently occurring in biometric (or econometric) studies, for instance, when measuring blood pressure or caloric intake per day. After an introduction into the background, the extended methodology is developed in detail for the Cox model and the Weibull model, carefully implemented in R, and investigated in a comprehensive...
Model-based recursive partitioning (MOB) provides a powerful synthesis between machine-learning inspired recursive partitioning methods and reg...
Various psychographic traits that most directly influence consumers' private label attitudes are the focal point of Stefanie Weiss' investigation. The author develops a comprehensive profile of psychographic predictors of attitude and identifies ways of translating these insights into managerial practice. Her conclusions thereby strongly contribute to understanding and describing purchasers of private labels and can be meaningfully applied to the management areas of brand positioning and market segmentation. The hypothesized relationships between consumers' private label attitude and various...
Various psychographic traits that most directly influence consumers' private label attitudes are the focal point of Stefanie Weiss' investigation. The...
In his Master project Sven Herrmann for the first time carried out fundamental investigations into the development of polyoxometalate based ionic liquids (POM-ILs). The POM-ILs were obtained by charge balancing inorganic polyoxometalate (POM) anions with sterically demanding tetraalkylammonium or tetraalkylphosphonium cations. By functionalization of lacunary Keggin clusters with 3d-transition metals and charge balancing with tetraalkylammonium cations of differing chain length, a model system for the correlation of the molecular structure with macroscopic materials properties was obtained....
In his Master project Sven Herrmann for the first time carried out fundamental investigations into the development of polyoxometalate based ionic liqu...
This book covers relevant topics of social media in the area of research institutes. Daniel Hurrle and Julia Postatny follow the research question of how social media can empower the communication of such institutes by using the example of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities. Based on a comprehensive analysis of the designated target group of young academics, a holistic social media concept is developed with clear guidelines for immediate application and implementation. Diagrams, illustrations, models and short summaries after each section facilitate the understanding of...
This book covers relevant topics of social media in the area of research institutes. Daniel Hurrle and Julia Postatny follow the research question of ...
Sven-Michael Wundenberg discusses the development of a reference architecture for the Learning Management System's (LMS) selection-process aimed at the system's implementation in a polytechnic-knowledge-transfer organization. The focus lies on the requirement engineering (RE) process's quintessence based on research about standard RE-procedures and -approaches combined with LMS-basic knowledge and LMS-best-practice experiences. The resulting reference-architecture, particularly its frameworks and questionnaires, are tested prototypically in the real-life instance of a polytechnic school, the...
Sven-Michael Wundenberg discusses the development of a reference architecture for the Learning Management System's (LMS) selection-process aimed at th...
Florian Auinger highlights the core weaknesses and sources of criticism regarding the VIX Index as an indicator for the future development of financial market volatility. Furthermore, it is proven that there is no statistically significant causal relationship between the VIX and the S&P 500. As a consequence, the forecastability is not given in both directions. Obviously, there must be at least one additional variable that has a strong influence on market volatility such as emotions which, according to financial market experts, are considered to play a more and more important role in...
Florian Auinger highlights the core weaknesses and sources of criticism regarding the VIX Index as an indicator for the future development of financia...
Moritz Berger beschaftigt sich mit einer Erweiterung des klassischen binaren Rasch-Modells, mit der es moglich ist, Unterschiede zwischen Personen aus unterschiedlichen Subgruppen bei der Beantwortung von Testitems zu berucksichtigen. Das binare Rasch-Modell findet Anwendung in der Psychometrie bei der Auswertung von Intelligenztests. Grundannahme dieses Modells ist, dass die Schwierigkeit eines Testitems fur alle Personen mit derselben Fahigkeit exakt gleich ist, was jedoch oftmals nicht der Fall ist. Das vorgestellte, erweiterte Modell wird mithilfe von Boosting-Verfahren geschatzt. Auf...
Moritz Berger beschaftigt sich mit einer Erweiterung des klassischen binaren Rasch-Modells, mit der es moglich ist, Unterschiede zwischen Personen aus...
Bettina Basel presents experimental conditions which allow to extract the three-spin contribution precisely from experimental multi-spin double electron-electron resonance (DEER) signals. The theory and concepts behind the used techniques, which are among others broadband chirp pump pulses, over coupling of microwave resonators and echo reduction measurements, are discussed and explained in detail. Moreover the setup and results of DEER experiments with newly introduced double chirp pump pulses consisting of two separate chirps are shown. Particular attention is paid to the phenomenon of...
Bettina Basel presents experimental conditions which allow to extract the three-spin contribution precisely from experimental multi-spin double electr...
Jochen Szangolies contributes a novel way of dealing with the problem of the experimental testability of the Kochen-Specker theorem posed by realistic, that is, noisy, measurements. Such noise spoils perfect compatibility between successive measurements, which however is a necessary requirement to test the notion of contextuality in usual approaches. To overcome this difficulty, a new, extended notion of contextuality that reduces to Kochen-Specker contextuality in the limit of perfect measurement implementations is proposed by the author, together with a scheme to test this notion...
Jochen Szangolies contributes a novel way of dealing with the problem of the experimental testability of the Kochen-Specker theorem posed by realis...