It is now possible to enter a chemistry degree course at many UK universities without any formal maths training beyond age 16. Addressing this deficiency requires students to take additional mathematics training when entering university, yet the relevance of maths to chemistry is often poorly appreciated by chemistry students. In addition, many service courses are either too abstract, or aimed at physicists and engineers, for students of chemistry, who are not inclined to study mathematical techniques per se and do not make the connection between the maths they are taught and the chemistry...
It is now possible to enter a chemistry degree course at many UK universities without any formal maths training beyond age 16. Addressing this deficie...
Inorganic chemistry is a core part of the chemistry curricula, though it is often felt to be a huge range of disparate facts that have little underlying organization or reasoning. The periodic table was developed in the latter part of the 19th century, providing an organizing structure which began to explain the underlying principles of inorganic chemistry
The Periodic Table at a Glance provides a concise overview of the main principles and reactions of inorganic chemistry, carefully structured around the periodic table, for students studying chemistry and related courses at...
Inorganic chemistry is a core part of the chemistry curricula, though it is often felt to be a huge range of disparate facts that have little underlyi...