The Altdeutsche Textbibliothek Old German Text Library] is the series of editions of German medieval texts with the richest history. Founded in 1881 by Hermann Paul, it has been edited by leading Germanists - Georg Beasecke, Hugo Kuhn, Burghart Wachinger. Since 2001, responsibility for the series has rested with Christian Kiening. In the meantime, the series comprises some 120 volumes, with an exemplary combination of closeness to the original manuscript(s) with ease of reading, philological accuracy with concern for university teaching. It includes recognised editions of...
The Altdeutsche Textbibliothek Old German Text Library] is the series of editions of German medieval texts with the richest history. Foun...
To the seven titles traditionally recognized as Notker's shorter works ("De partibus logicae," "De syllogismis," "De definitione," "De arte rhetorica," "Computus," "De musica," and his letter to the Bishop Hugo of Sitten), the volume adds three texts, all new to the Notkerian canon - the St. Gall tractate ("Incipit quomodo septem circumstantiae rerum in legendo ordinandae sint"), "Distributio omnium specierum nominis inter cathegorias Aristotelis," and "De dialectica." The manuscripts of the texts have been closely followed in this diplomatic edition. Several codices have been identified and...
To the seven titles traditionally recognized as Notker's shorter works ("De partibus logicae," "De syllogismis," "De definitione," "De arte rhetorica,...
The Altdeutsche Textbibliothek Old German Text Library] is the series of editions of German medieval texts with the richest history. Founded in 1881 by Hermann Paul, it has been edited by leading Germanists - Georg Beasecke, Hugo Kuhn, Burghart Wachinger. Since 2001, responsibility for the series has rested with Christian Kiening. In the meantime, the series comprises some 120 volumes, with an exemplary combination of closeness to the original manuscript(s) with ease of reading, philological accuracy with concern for university teaching. It includes recognised editions of...
The Altdeutsche Textbibliothek Old German Text Library] is the series of editions of German medieval texts with the richest history. Foun...
The Altdeutsche Textbibliothek Old German Text Library] is the series of editions of German medieval texts with the richest history. Founded in 1881 by Hermann Paul, it has been edited by leading Germanists - Georg Beasecke, Hugo Kuhn, Burghart Wachinger. Since 2001, responsibility for the series has rested with Christian Kiening. In the meantime, the series comprises some 120 volumes, with an exemplary combination of closeness to the original manuscript(s) with ease of reading, philological accuracy with concern for university teaching. It includes recognised editions of...
The Altdeutsche Textbibliothek Old German Text Library] is the series of editions of German medieval texts with the richest history. Foun...
The Altdeutsche Textbibliothek Old German Text Library] is the series of editions of German medieval texts with the richest history. Founded in 1881 by Hermann Paul, it has been edited by leading Germanists - Georg Beasecke, Hugo Kuhn, Burghart Wachinger. Since 2001, responsibility for the series has rested with Christian Kiening. In the meantime, the series comprises some 120 volumes, with an exemplary combination of closeness to the original manuscript(s) with ease of reading, philological accuracy with concern for university teaching. It includes recognised editions of...
The Altdeutsche Textbibliothek Old German Text Library] is the series of editions of German medieval texts with the richest history. Foun...
This well-known and eminently reliable edition of -Der arme Heinrich- is published here in a thoroughly corrected form of the previously revised edition (from 1996) which for the first time contained a user-friendly critical apparatus fully presenting the complex transmission. The printed text serves as a basis for access to freely available internet-materials for students, including a complete dictionary with definitions in German and English.
This well-known and eminently reliable edition of -Der arme Heinrich- is published here in a thoroughly corrected form of the previously revised ed...
The Altdeutsche Textbibliothek Old German Text Library] is the series of editions of German medieval texts with the richest history. Founded in 1881 by Hermann Paul, it has been edited by leading Germanists - Georg Beasecke, Hugo Kuhn, Burghart Wachinger. Since 2001, responsibility for the series has rested with Christian Kiening. In the meantime, the series comprises some 120 volumes, with an exemplary combination of closeness to the original manuscript(s) with ease of reading, philological accuracy with concern for university teaching. It includes recognised editions of...
The Altdeutsche Textbibliothek Old German Text Library] is the series of editions of German medieval texts with the richest history. Foun...
The Altdeutsche Textbibliothek Old German Text Library] is the series of editions of German medieval texts with the richest history. Founded in 1881 by Hermann Paul, it has been edited by leading Germanists - Georg Beasecke, Hugo Kuhn, Burghart Wachinger. Since 2001, responsibility for the series has rested with Christian Kiening. In the meantime, the series comprises some 120 volumes, with an exemplary combination of closeness to the original manuscript(s) with ease of reading, philological accuracy with concern for university teaching. It includes recognised editions of...
The Altdeutsche Textbibliothek Old German Text Library] is the series of editions of German medieval texts with the richest history. Foun...
The Altdeutsche Textbibliothek Old German Text Library] is the series of editions of German medieval texts with the richest history. Founded in 1881 by Hermann Paul, it has been edited by leading Germanists - Georg Beasecke, Hugo Kuhn, Burghart Wachinger. Since 2001, responsibility for the series has rested with Christian Kiening. In the meantime, the series comprises some 120 volumes, with an exemplary combination of closeness to the original manuscript(s) with ease of reading, philological accuracy with concern for university teaching. It includes recognised editions of...
The Altdeutsche Textbibliothek Old German Text Library] is the series of editions of German medieval texts with the richest history. Foun...
The Altdeutsche Textbibliothek Old German Text Library] is the series of editions of German medieval texts with the richest history. Founded in 1881 by Hermann Paul, it has been edited by leading Germanists - Georg Beasecke, Hugo Kuhn, Burghart Wachinger. Since 2001, responsibility for the series has rested with Christian Kiening. In the meantime, the series comprises some 120 volumes, with an exemplary combination of closeness to the original manuscript(s) with ease of reading, philological accuracy with concern for university teaching. It includes recognised editions of...
The Altdeutsche Textbibliothek Old German Text Library] is the series of editions of German medieval texts with the richest history. Foun...