In recent years the so-called new economic geography and the issue of regional economic convergence have increasingly drawn the interest of economists to the empirical analysis of regional and spatial data. However, even if the methodology for econometric treatment of spatial data is well developed, there does not exist a textbook theoretically grounded, well motivated and easily accessible to eco- mists who are not specialists. Spatial econometric techniques receive little or no attention in the major econometric textbooks. Very occasionally the standard econometric textbooks devote a few...
In recent years the so-called new economic geography and the issue of regional economic convergence have increasingly drawn the interest of economists...
Economic growth and globalisation create traffic growth, leading to congestion, which again increases travel times and costs. Traffic growth also increases CO2 emissions, air pollution, accidents, and noise. So, clearly there is a need to manage traffic, taking into account that there is a need for transportation; hence it cannot be restricted without costs.
Road pricing, where motorists pay for driving on specific roads, is an instrument that may efficiently reduce the negative impacts. But despite technological development and the efforts of the EU, it is still not widely used....
Economic growth and globalisation create traffic growth, leading to congestion, which again increases travel times and costs. Traffic growth also i...
This book provides a balanced, empirically-based view of the "Digital Economy," and explores its regional and geographical import in areas where the Digital Economy meets more traditional patterns. More than just an interpretive analysis, this book utilizes empirical evidence in its assessment of the dynamics of specific regions in different parts of the world. The book also examines the policy implications of the rising Digital Economy.
This book provides a balanced, empirically-based view of the "Digital Economy," and explores its regional and geographical import in areas where th...
The aim of this book is to explore the challenges facing rural communities and economies and to demonstrate the potential of spatial microsimulation for policy and analysis in a rural context. This is done by providing a comprehensive overview of a particular spatial microsimulation model called SMILE (Simulation Model of the Irish Local Economy). The model has been developed over a ten year period for applied policy analyis in Ireland which is seen as an ideal study area given its large percentage of population living in rural areas. The book reviews the policy context and the state of the...
The aim of this book is to explore the challenges facing rural communities and economies and to demonstrate the potential of spatial microsimulation f...
After a description of the new forms of globalization currently shaping our world, and of their possible spatial effects, the book highlights which European regions have in the past succeeded in taking advantage of globalization trends and identifies the major reasons for their success. The book also offers a prospective analysis utilizing scenarios based on different assumptions of how globalization trends will develop, identifying the regional winners and losers for each scenario. The analysis greatly benefits from a unique database which contains, among others, data on FDI by sector and...
After a description of the new forms of globalization currently shaping our world, and of their possible spatial effects, the book highlights which Eu...
A rare book on regional convergence in the EU, this volume affords planners, policy makers and regional development institutions a set of easily applied methods based on a novel analysis that links club convergence to technology adoption differentials.
A rare book on regional convergence in the EU, this volume affords planners, policy makers and regional development institutions a set of easily appli...
Metropolitan growth has been dramatic in the past several decades, and today metropolitan regions are recognized as the main driving forces in national growth and development as well as in national and global innovation processes. The purpose of this book is to contribute to a better understanding of how metropolitan regions and their subsystems interact and compete, why they differ in their capacity to nurture innovation and growth, and how metropolitan policies must be designed to secure the region's long-term vitality. To that end, it presents new contributions on theories of urban...
Metropolitan growth has been dramatic in the past several decades, and today metropolitan regions are recognized as the main driving forces in nati...
In recent years more emphasis has been placed in transport research on using existing roads as efficiently as possible in order to diminish the impact of traffic congestion. This book describes new theoretical, empirical and simulation models to analyse the impact of information provision to drivers and road pricing on congestion levels. It is the first publication presenting a wide variety of economic models to study information and road pricing effects jointly.
In recent years more emphasis has been placed in transport research on using existing roads as efficiently as possible in order to diminish the impact...
When in 1989 the authors started research on infrastructure, they did not foresee that this would lead to a long-term involvement in this area. Our beginning happened to coincide with the publication of David Aschauer's article on public capital and productivity, which induced a large flow of publications in this field. Infrastructure has indeed been a hot topic in policy and research during the past decade. It is surprising, however, that the number of monographs on spatial and economic impacts of infrastructure has remained very limited. The aim of this book is to contribute to the...
When in 1989 the authors started research on infrastructure, they did not foresee that this would lead to a long-term involvement in this area. Our be...