Cytokines had been characterized in the early eighties as communication mole- cules between immune cells, and between immunocytes and other peripheral cells, such as fibroblasts and endothelial cells. They play a key role in the regulation of the immune response and the coordination of the host response to infection. Based on these biological properties, nobody would have predicted that one decade later cytokines would burst upon neurosciences and permeate into several avenues of current research. In neurology, the connection between cytokines and inflammation, and the demonstration of a...
Cytokines had been characterized in the early eighties as communication mole- cules between immune cells, and between immunocytes and other peripheral...
With the coming of the new millennium we are witnessing a revolution in our understanding of cancer genetics. These are very exciting times. Today we have at our disposal the technology to diagnose abnormalities in our cancer genes and the means to correct the deficit and very soon we will have the complete sequence of the human genome. With the use of gene chip technology the way doctors will be able to assess patients will change completely. Today we can diagnose abnormalities in ten thousand genes and within a short period of time we will be able to screen through our genome and discover...
With the coming of the new millennium we are witnessing a revolution in our understanding of cancer genetics. These are very exciting times. Today we ...
In September 1991, Victor Zammit and I were in the Department of Biochemistry, the University of Cambridge, discussing ou r collaborative research project when we real ized thepotential value and need fora conference specifically concerned with fatty acid oxidation and ketogenesis. Thei dea, onceseeded, was indulged and flourished into the first "Fatty Acid Oxidation & Ketogenesis (FAOx&K) Conference"t hatwas held in the Department at Eastertime, 1992. Itw as attended byc olleagues mainly from the U. K., France and Spain. From these modest beginnings atradition for holding a conference every...
In September 1991, Victor Zammit and I were in the Department of Biochemistry, the University of Cambridge, discussing ou r collaborative research pro...
Thirty-five years ago, when Stephen Kuffler and his colleagues at Harvard initiated a new era of research on the properties and functions of neuroglial cells, very few neuro- scientists were impressed at the time with the hypothesis that neuroglial cells could have another, though more subtle, role to play in the nervous system than to provide static support to neurons. Today, very few neuroscientists are unaware of the fact that multiple interactions between neurons and glial cells have been described, and that they consti- tute the basis for understanding the function and the pathology of...
Thirty-five years ago, when Stephen Kuffler and his colleagues at Harvard initiated a new era of research on the properties and functions of neuroglia...
The International Society on Oxygen Transport to Tissue (lSOTT) held its 26th annual meeting from August 23-26, 1998, and met for the second time in Budapest. As captured in the design of the ISOTT'98 logo, the venue of the conference was the Budapest Hilton in the heart of the historic Castle District in Buda, across from Hungary's coronation church-the Matthias Church-and the fairy-tale-like Fisherman's Bastion; a special place with a historical touch situated atop the Castle Hill, from where participants enjoyed the spectacular panoramic views of Budapest exquisitely laid out on both sides...
The International Society on Oxygen Transport to Tissue (lSOTT) held its 26th annual meeting from August 23-26, 1998, and met for the second time in B...
This volume includes contributions presented at the Second International Sym- posium on Nutrition and Cancer, held in Naples, Italy, in October 1998 at the National Tumor Institute "Fondazione Pascale." During the Conference, experts from different disciplines discussed pivotal and timely subjects on the interactions between human nutrition and the development of malignancies. Comparing the themes of this Meeting with those discussed at the First Sympo- sium in 1992, the major scientific advancements certainly derive from the extensive use of molecular approaches to perform research in...
This volume includes contributions presented at the Second International Sym- posium on Nutrition and Cancer, held in Naples, Italy, in October 1998 a...
Proceedings of the 5th Biannual International Meeting on Angiogenesis: From the Molecular to Integrative Pharmacology, held July 1-7, 1999, in Crete, Greece. Angiogenesis, as a vastly complex biological process, has challenged researchers from all basic scientific disciplines, including pharmacology, biochemistry, physiology, embryology and anatomy. The significance of this phenomenon for the study of disease states has also interested clinicians from a number of specialist fields. This multidisciplinary work reflects the growth of awareness of concepts such as angiogenesis based...
Proceedings of the 5th Biannual International Meeting on Angiogenesis: From the Molecular to Integrative Pharmacology, held July 1-7, 1999, in Crete, ...
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of the International Society for Research in Human Milk and Lactation (ISRHML), October 2-6, 1999, Bavaria, Germany. The quality of infant feeding is of major importance for child health development and well being, and breast feeding is the natural form of supplying food to the infant and is considered to be ideally adapted to the needs of both mother and child. This contributed volume therefore, brings together the research on the physiological foundations and on the biological effects of breast feeding, both short and long term. This book...
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of the International Society for Research in Human Milk and Lactation (ISRHML), October 2-6, 1999, Bav...
In recent years increased scientific attention has been given to immediate defense mechanisms based on non-clonal recognition of microbial components. These mechanisms constitute the innate immunity arm of the body s defense. Identification of pathogens by these mechanisms involves primarily receptors recognizing sugar moieties of various microorganisms. Innate immunity based mechanisms are essential for the existence of multicellular organisms. They are evolutionarily conserved and designed to provide immediate protection against microbial pathogens to eradicate infection. Activation of...
In recent years increased scientific attention has been given to immediate defense mechanisms based on non-clonal recognition of microbial components....
Proceedings of the European Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research (COST 825) Symposium on Mammary Gland Biology, held September 16-18, 1999, in Tours, France. It is difficult to overstate the evolutionary and functional significance of mammary tissue in biology. Substantial progress has been made by researchers in various disciplines, particularly over the last fifteen years, towards realizing the potential of this tissue to yield powerful experimental models for morphogenesis and tissue development; for cellular differentiation; for the biosynthesis and...
Proceedings of the European Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research (COST 825) Symposium on Mammary Gland Biology, held Septembe...