Since the publication of the first edition of Network Economics: A Variational Inequality Approach in 1993, there have been many ad vances in both methodological developments, as well as, applications in this field. These have occurred in an environment of an increasingly networked global economy, in which the importance of transportation networks and communication networks is now well-recognized, with net works such as knowledge networks, environmental networks, and finan cial networks receiving growing attention. This edition adds recent research progress in new and evolving ar eas of...
Since the publication of the first edition of Network Economics: A Variational Inequality Approach in 1993, there have been many ad vances in both met...
It is unlikely that any frontier of economics/econometrics is being pushed faster, further than that of computational techniques. The computer has become a tool for performing as well as an environment in which to perform economics and econometrics, taking over where theory bogs down, allowing at least approximate answers to questions that defy closed mathematical or analytical solutions. Tasks may now be attempted that were hitherto beyond human potential, and all the forces available can now be marshalled efficiently, leading to the achievement of desired goals. Computational...
It is unlikely that any frontier of economics/econometrics is being pushed faster, further than that of computational techniques. The computer has bec...
A study of the theory of finite-dimensional variational inequalities, algorithms and applications. It establishes the connections among economic equilibrium problems through their network structure and shows how the structure can then be used to address policy interventions.
A study of the theory of finite-dimensional variational inequalities, algorithms and applications. It establishes the connections among economic equil...
The immune system has evolved in large part to enable organisms to resist microbial infection. Micro-organisms have long been used as experimental tools by immunologists, and the study of the immune response to viruses and bacteria has contributed much to our understanding of basic immunological mechanisms.
The immune system has evolved in large part to enable organisms to resist microbial infection. Micro-organisms have long been used as experimental too...
Quantitative economic policy and econometrics were developed along with macroeconomics in the 1930s. Econometric techniques and models are still being used extensively in the business of forecasting and policy advice. In particular, policy simulations with econometric models have become standard tools for evaluating and designing macroeconomic stabilization policies. For instance, such studies provided important arguments for the popularization of the recent steps towards European integration such as the European Single Market, the European Monetary Union, and the Enlargement of the European...
Quantitative economic policy and econometrics were developed along with macroeconomics in the 1930s. Econometric techniques and models are still being...
This book is the result of my doctoral dissertation research at the Department of Econometrics of the University of Geneva, Switzerland. This research was also partially financed by the Swiss National Science Foundation (grants 12- 31072.91 and 12-40300.94). First and foremost, I wish to express my deepest gratitude to Professor Manfred Gilli, my thesis supervisor, for his constant support and help. I would also like to thank the president of my jury, Professor Fabrizio Carlevaro, as well as the other members of the jury, Professor Andrew Hughes Hallett, Professor Jean-Philippe Vial and...
This book is the result of my doctoral dissertation research at the Department of Econometrics of the University of Geneva, Switzerland. This research...
Agent-Based Computer Simulation of Dichotomous Economic Growth reports a project in agent-based computer stimulation of processes of economic growth in a population of boundedly rational learning agents. The study is an exercise in comparative simulation. That is, the same family of growth models will be simulated under different assumptions about the nature of the learning process and details of the production and growth processes. The purpose of this procedure is to establish a relationship between the assumptions and the simulation results. The study brings together a...
Agent-Based Computer Simulation of Dichotomous Economic Growth reports a project in agent-based computer stimulation of processes of economic...
One of the major controversies in macroeconomics over the last 30 years has been that on the effectiveness of stabilization policies. However, this debate, between those who believe that this kind of policies is useless if not harmful and those who argue in favor of it, has been mainly theoretical so far.
The Rational Expectation Hypothesis, Time-Varying Parameters and Adaptive Control wants to represent a step toward the construction of a common ground on which to empirically compare the two "beliefs" and to do this three strands of literature are brought together....
One of the major controversies in macroeconomics over the last 30 years has been that on the effectiveness of stabilization policies. However, this...
Agent-Based Computer Simulation of Dichotomous Economic Growth reports a project in agent-based computer stimulation of processes of economic growth in a population of boundedly rational learning agents. The study is an exercise in comparative simulation. That is, the same family of growth models will be simulated under different assumptions about the nature of the learning process and details of the production and growth processes. The purpose of this procedure is to establish a relationship between the assumptions and the simulation results. The study brings together a...
Agent-Based Computer Simulation of Dichotomous Economic Growth reports a project in agent-based computer stimulation of processes of economic...
This second book on financial and economic simulations in Swarm marks the continued progress by a group of researchers to incorporate agent-based computer models as an important tool within their disci- pline. It is encouraging to see such a clear example of Swarm helping to foster a community of users who rely on the Swarm framework for their own analyses. Swarm aims at legitimizing agent-based computer models as a tool for the study of complex systems. A further goal is that a common base framework will lead to the growth of user communities in specific areas of application. By providing an...
This second book on financial and economic simulations in Swarm marks the continued progress by a group of researchers to incorporate agent-based comp...