Comparative neurological studies of the evolutionary development of struc- tures within the central nervous system of vertebrates have depended to a large extent upon morphological rather than functional criteria. Classical comparative anatomical studies, which have attempted to demonstrate homologies between parts of the brain in representatives of different vertebrate classes may be grouped under three general headings: 1. comparison of the embryological development of brain structures; 2. comparison in adult forms of the topographical relations of neuron groupings and fiber tracts, and of...
Comparative neurological studies of the evolutionary development of struc- tures within the central nervous system of vertebrates have depended to a l...
The presence of nerve cells in the white matter of the spinal cord and in the spinal and cranial nerves has attracted the attention of some researchers in the past. Because of their location in such unexpected regions, these neurons provided a rich field of speculation regarding their nature and function. This was partic- ularly true about the nerve cells lying in the spinal white matter. From phylogenetic considerations, neurons in the spinal white matter are present more abundantly in amphibians, reptiles and brids than in mammals. A. brief survey of literature on lower vertebrates...
The presence of nerve cells in the white matter of the spinal cord and in the spinal and cranial nerves has attracted the attention of some researcher...
Die Auffassung, daB die auBere Gestalt und die innere Struktur des Knochens durch seine Funktion bewirkt ist, geht in ihren Anfangen auf Untersuchungen von Ward (1838) und v. Meyer (1867) iiber die Architektur der Substantia spongiosa zuriick. Ersterer verglich das coxale Femurende, das wegen seiner besonders auffalligen Spongiosastruktur immer von neuem die Aufmerksamkeit auf sich zog, mit einer kranahnlichen Konstruktion und unterschied auch bereits ein von der medialen Substantia compacta (Corticalis) aufsteigendes Druck biindel von einem bogenformigen lateralen Zugbiindel der Substantia...
Die Auffassung, daB die auBere Gestalt und die innere Struktur des Knochens durch seine Funktion bewirkt ist, geht in ihren Anfangen auf Untersuchunge...
Der Mensch ist in der Lage, durch seine geistige Leistungsfahigkeit seine Umwelt umzugestalten. Das konnen die Tiere nicht. Das Organ, das fur die geistige Leistungsfahigkeit verantwortlich ist, ist das Gehirn. Es ware daher zu erwarten, da das menschliche Gehirn eine deutliche Sonderstellung innerhalb der Lebewesen besitzt. Bisher war es jedoch nicht moglich, morphologische Tat- bestande im Gesamtaufbau des Gehirns zu finden, die die gegenuber den Tieren besonders hohe Intelligenz des Menschen hatten voll befriedigend erklaren konnen. Um dies deutlich zu machen, sind in Tabelle 1 die Korper-...
Der Mensch ist in der Lage, durch seine geistige Leistungsfahigkeit seine Umwelt umzugestalten. Das konnen die Tiere nicht. Das Organ, das fur die gei...
Das Auftreten von Zellen, deren Chromosomenzahl von der fur das jeweils untersuchte Individuum typischen Norm abweicht, ist seit den altesten uns vor liegenden karyologischen Untersuchungen immer wieder beschrieben worden. Die fur Zellen mit abweichenden Chromosomenzahlen gebrauchlichen Namen werden manchmal unterschiedlich verwendet (s. auch: Swanson, 1957; White, 1961; Geneva Conference: Standardization of procedures for chromosome studies in abortion, 1966; Rieger, Michaelis und Green, 1968; Whitehouse, 1969): ich mochte deshalb gleich zu Beginn die im Folgenden vorkommenden Begriffe kurz...
Das Auftreten von Zellen, deren Chromosomenzahl von der fur das jeweils untersuchte Individuum typischen Norm abweicht, ist seit den altesten uns vor ...
In recent years the inferior olive and its projection to the cerebellum have attracted considerable interest. Numerous experimental anatomic and electrophysiologic studies have been undertaken, and much new information has been brought forward. Many apparently discordant observations have been reported however, and on many points the data obtained by the use of different methbds and approaches appear to be diffi- cult to reconcile. Much of the interest in the olivocerebellar projection concerns the topographical localization within the projection. Particularly as a result of research in...
In recent years the inferior olive and its projection to the cerebellum have attracted considerable interest. Numerous experimental anatomic and elect...
Of all the classes in the animal kingdom, birds represent the best known. There are in total about 8600 living species, and the systematic study of this class is more or less complete. Extensive observations - to a large extent by amateur ornithologists - with respect to geographical distribution, life cycles, demands on and adaptations to the environment, breeding habits, migration, and so forth have contributed towards basic and more widely relevant knowledge, e. g., in the areas of ethology, ecology, and evo- lution and also in social biology (Hilprecht 1970; Farner and King 1971)....
Of all the classes in the animal kingdom, birds represent the best known. There are in total about 8600 living species, and the systematic study of th...
In many aspects hematopoiesis in newborn rodents, especially in rats, resembles hema- topoiesis in the human fetus in the 6th-7th month of gestation. In man the transition from the stage of liver to bone marrow erythropoiesis takes place at this time (Bessis, 1973). In rodents, however, the liver is almost the only place where hematopoiesis occurs until birth. Thereafter it is replaced to a growing extent by the bone marrow, which so far consists mainly of immature mesenchymal cells (Maximow, 1910; Cuda, 1970). Thus hematopoietic precursor cells appear in the sternum only around 30 h after...
In many aspects hematopoiesis in newborn rodents, especially in rats, resembles hema- topoiesis in the human fetus in the 6th-7th month of gestation. ...
Primary cortical areas receive a defmed input which makes them especially appropria- te for investigating cortical functions. The striate area is the only isocortical field which can be delineated unequivocally in the human brain. Nevertheless, there have been only a few morphological studies of this particular area (cytoarchitectonic studies: Bailey and Von Bonin 1951, Beck 1934, Von Economo and Koskinas 1925, Filimo- noff 1932; myeloarchitectonic studies: Sanides and Vitzthum 1965, Vogt and Vogt 1919; pigmentoarchitectonic studies: Braak H 1976, 1977). For Golgi impregnations, Ramon y Cajal...
Primary cortical areas receive a defmed input which makes them especially appropria- te for investigating cortical functions. The striate area is the ...