wyszukanych pozycji: 20
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Karel Van Mander and His Foundation of the Noble, Free Art of Painting: First English Translation, with Introduction and Commentary
ISBN: 9789004508385 / Angielski / Twarda / 2023 / 588 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 22 dni roboczych. Written by the poet-painter Karel van Mander, who finished it in June 1603, the Grondt der edel, vry schilderconst (Foundation of the Noble, Free Art of Painting) was the first systematic treatise on schilderconst (the art of painting / picturing) to be published in Dutch (Haarlem: Paschier van Wes[t]busch, 1604). This English-language edition of the Grondt, accompanied by an introductory monograph and a full critical apparatus, provides unprecedented access to Van Mander’s crucially important art treatise. The book sheds light on key terms and critical categories such as schilder, manier,...
Written by the poet-painter Karel van Mander, who finished it in June 1603, the Grondt der edel, vry schilderconst (Foundation of the Noble, Free Art ...
624,24 zł |
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Personification: Embodying Meaning and Emotion
ISBN: 9789004310421 / Angielski / Twarda / 2016 / 756 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 22 dni roboczych. Personification, or prosopopeia, the rhetorical figure by which something not human is given a human identity or 'face', is readily discernible in early modern texts and images, but the figure's cognitive form and function, its rhetorical and pictorial effects, have rarely elicited sustained scholarly attention. The aim of this volume is to formulate an alternative account of personification, to demonstrate the ingenuity with which this multifaceted device was utilized by late medieval and early modern authors and artists in Italy, France, England, Scotland, and the Low Countries....
Personification, or prosopopeia, the rhetorical figure by which something not human is given a human identity or 'face', is readily discernible...
1055,75 zł |
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Customised Books in Early Modern Europe and the Americas, 1400-1700
ISBN: 9789004680555 / Angielski Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 22 dni roboczych. |
1043,19 zł |
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Image and Incarnation: The Early Modern Doctrine of the Pictorial Image
ISBN: 9789004300507 / Angielski / Twarda / 2015 / 514 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 22 dni roboczych. The doctrine of the Incarnation was wellspring and catalyst for theories of images verbal, material, and spiritual. Section I, "Representing the Mystery of the Incarnation," takes up questions about the representability of the mystery. Section II, "Imago Dei and the Incarnate Word," investigates how Christ's status as the image of God was seen to license images material and spiritual. Section III, "Literary Figurations of the Incarnation," considers the verbal production of images contemplating the divine and human nature of Christ. Section IV, "Tranformative Analogies of Matter and Spirit,"...
The doctrine of the Incarnation was wellspring and catalyst for theories of images verbal, material, and spiritual. Section I, "Representing the Myste...
821,14 zł |
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Early Modern Eyes
ISBN: 9789004179745 / Angielski / Twarda / 2009 / 272 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 22 dni roboczych. In bringing together work on optic theory, ethnography, and the visual cultures of Christianity, this volume offers a sense of the richness and the complexity of early modern thinking about the human eye. The seven case studies explore the relationship between vision and knowledge, taking up such diverse artifacts as an emblem book, a Jesuit mariological text, Calvin's Institutes, Las Casas's Apologia, Hans Staden's True History, the Codex Telleriano-Remensis, and an exegetical painting by Herri met de Bles. Argued from different disciplinary perspectives, these essays...
In bringing together work on optic theory, ethnography, and the visual cultures of Christianity, this volume offers a sense of the richness and the co...
565,58 zł |
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Landscape and the Visual Hermeneutics of Place, 1500–1700
ISBN: 9789004436220 / Angielski / Twarda / 2020 / 582 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 22 dni roboczych. This volume examines the image-based methods of interpretation that pictorial and literary landscapists employed between 1500 and 1700. The seventeen essays ask how landscape, construed as the description of place in image and/or text, more than merely inviting close viewing, was often seen to call for interpretation or, better, for the application of a method or principle of interpretation. Contributors: Boudewijn Bakker, William M. Barton, Stijn Bussels, Reindert Falkenburg, Margaret Goehring, Andrew Hui, Sarah McPhee, Luke Morgan, Shelley Perlove, Kathleen P. Long, Lukas Reddemann,...
This volume examines the image-based methods of interpretation that pictorial and literary landscapists employed between 1500 and 1700. The seventeen ...
796,01 zł |
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Ekphrastic Image-Making in Early Modern Europe, 1500-1700
ISBN: 9789004109971 / Angielski / Twarda / 2021 Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 22 dni roboczych. |
938,45 zł |
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Quid est secretum?: Visual Representation of Secrets in Early Modern Europe, 1500–1700
ISBN: 9789004432253 / Angielski / Twarda / 2020 / 734 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 22 dni roboczych. Quid est secretum? Visual Representation of Secrets in Early Modern Europe, 1500–1700 is the companion volume to Intersections 65.1, Quid est sacramentum? Visual Representation of Sacred Mysteries in Early Modern Europe, 1400–1700. Whereas the latter volume focused on sacramental mysteries, the current one examines a wider range of secret subjects. The book examines how secret knowledge was represented visually in ways that both revealed and concealed the true nature of that knowledge, giving and yet impeding access to it. In the early modern period, the discursive and symbolical sites...
Quid est secretum? Visual Representation of Secrets in Early Modern Europe, 1500–1700 is the companion volume to Intersections 65.1, Quid est sacram...
1047,38 zł |
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Ut pictura amor: The Reflexive Imagery of Love in Artistic Theory and Practice, 1500-1700
ISBN: 9789004346451 / Angielski / Twarda / 2017 / 770 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 22 dni roboczych. Ut pictura amor: The Reflexive Imagery of Love in Artistic Theory and Practice, 1500-1700 examines the related themes of lovemaking and image-making in the visual arts of Europe, China, Japan, and Persia. The term ‘reflexive’ is here used to refer to images that invite reflection not only on their form, function, and meaning, but also on their genesis and mode of production. Early modern artists often fashioned reflexive images and effigies of this kind, that appraise love by exploring the lineaments of the pictorial or sculptural image, and complementarily, appraise the pictorial or...
Ut pictura amor: The Reflexive Imagery of Love in Artistic Theory and Practice, 1500-1700 examines the related themes of lovemaking and image-making i...
1135,35 zł |
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The Anthropomorphic Lens: Anthropomorphism, Microcosmism and Analogy in Early Modern Thought and Visual Arts
ISBN: 9789004261709 / Angielski / Twarda / 2014 / 524 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 22 dni roboczych. Anthropomorphism - the projection of the human form onto the every aspect of the world - closely relates to early modern notions of analogy and microcosm. What had been construed in Antiquity as a ready metaphor for the order of creation was reworked into a complex system relating the human body to the body of the world. Numerous books and images - cosmological diagrams, illustrated treatises of botany and zoology, maps, alphabets, collections of ornaments, architectural essays - are entirely constructed on the anthropomorphic analogy. Exploring the complexities inherent in such work, the...
Anthropomorphism - the projection of the human form onto the every aspect of the world - closely relates to early modern notions of analogy and microc...
728,97 zł |
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The Ten Commandments in Medieval and Early Modern Culture
ISBN: 9789004309821 / Angielski / Twarda / 2017 / 242 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 22 dni roboczych. Over the course of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, as more and more vernacular commentaries on the Decalogue were produced throughout Europe, the moral system of the Ten Commandments gradually became more prominent. The Ten Commandments proved to be a topic from which numerous proponents of pastoral and lay catechesis drew inspiration. God’s commands were discussed and illustrated in sermons and confessor’s manuals, and they spawned new theological and pastoral treatises both Catholic and Reformed. But the Decalogue also served several authors, including Dante, Petrarch, and...
Over the course of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, as more and more vernacular commentaries on the Decalogue were produced throughout Europe, ...
498,55 zł |
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Magnificence in the Seventeenth Century: Performing Splendour in Catholic and Protestant Contexts
ISBN: 9789004432642 / Angielski / Twarda / 2020 / 400 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 22 dni roboczych. |
607,48 zł |
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Imago Exegetica: Visual Images as Exegetical Instruments, 1400-1700
ISBN: 9789004262003 / Angielski / Twarda / 2014 / 1032 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 22 dni roboczych. This volume consists of essays that pose fundamental questions about the relation between verbal and visual hermeneutics, especially as relates to biblical culture. Exegesis, as theologians and historians of art, religion, and literature, have come increasingly to acknowledge, was neither solely textual nor aniconic; on the contrary, following from Scripture itself, which is replete with verbal images and rhetorical figures, exegesis has traditionally utilized visual devices of all kinds. In turn, visual exegesis, since it concerns the most authoritative of texts, supplied a template for the...
This volume consists of essays that pose fundamental questions about the relation between verbal and visual hermeneutics, especially as relates to bib...
1311,31 zł |
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Motus Mixti Et Compositi: The Portrayal of Mixed and Compound Emotions in the Visual and Literary Arts of Europe, 1500-1700
ISBN: 9789004694606 / Angielski Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 22 dni roboczych. |
816,95 zł |
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Reading Images from the Past: In Honour of Karl A.E. Enenkel
ISBN: 9789004712959 / Angielski Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 22 dni roboczych. |
959,40 zł |
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Jesuit Image Theory
ISBN: 9789004319110 / Angielski / Twarda / 2016 / 500 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 22 dni roboczych. The Jesuit investment in images, whether verbal or visual, virtual or actual, pictorial or poetic, rhetorical or exegetical, was strong and sustained, and may even be identified as one of the order's defining characteristics. Although this interest in images has been richly documented by art historians, theatre historians, and scholars of the emblem, the question of Jesuit image theory has yet to be approached from a multi-disciplinary perspective that examines how the image was defined, conceived, produced, and interpreted within the various fields of learning cultivated by the Society:...
The Jesuit investment in images, whether verbal or visual, virtual or actual, pictorial or poetic, rhetorical or exegetical, was strong and sustained,...
800,19 zł |
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The Authority of the Word: Reflecting on Image and Text in Northern Europe, 1400-1700
ISBN: 9789004215153 / Angielski / Twarda / 2011 / 710 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 22 dni roboczych. This book examines scriptural authority and its textual and visual instruments, asking how words and images interacted to represent and by representing to constitute authority, both sacred and secular, in Northern Europe between 1400 and 1700. Like texts, images partook of rhetorical forms and hermeneutic functions - typological, paraphrastic, parabolic, among others - based largely in illustrative traditions of biblical commentary. If the specific relation between biblical texts and images exemplified the range of possible relations between texts and images more generally, it also operated...
This book examines scriptural authority and its textual and visual instruments, asking how words and images interacted to represent and by representin...
963,59 zł |
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Quid est sacramentum?: Visual Representation of Sacred Mysteries in Early Modern Europe, 1400–1700
ISBN: 9789004408937 / Angielski / Twarda / 2019 / 662 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 22 dni roboczych. ‘Quid est sacramentum?’ Visual Representation of Sacred Mysteries in Early Modern Europe, 1400–1700 investigates how sacred mysteries (in Latin, sacramenta or mysteria) were visualized in a wide range of media, including illustrated religious literature such as catechisms, prayerbooks, meditative treatises, and emblem books, produced in Italy, France, and the Low Countries between ca. 1500 and 1700. The contributors ask why the mysteries of faith and, in particular, sacramental mysteries were construed as amenable to processes of representation and figuration, and why the resultant...
‘Quid est sacramentum?’ Visual Representation of Sacred Mysteries in Early Modern Europe, 1400–1700 investigates how sacred mysteries (in Latin,...
909,12 zł |
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The Art of Visual Exegesis: Rhetoric, Texts, Images
ISBN: 9781628371727 / Angielski / Miękka / 2017 / 532 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Essays from biblical scholars and art historians provide resources for understanding the relation of texts to artistic paintings and images. Additionally, contributors offer resources for understanding language that prompts mental picturing and visual objects that prompt mental imaging and meditation. Readers will master the tools necessary for integrating multiple approaches both to biblical and artistic interpretation. Essays from biblical scholars and art historians provide resources for understanding the relation of texts to artistic paintings and images. Additi... |
309,58 zł |
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The Art of Visual Exegesis: Rhetoric, Texts, Images
ISBN: 9780884142140 / Angielski / Twarda / 2017 / 532 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Essays from biblical scholars and art historians provide resources for understanding the relation of texts to artistic paintings and images. Additionally, contributors offer resources for understanding language that prompts mental picturing and visual objects that prompt mental imaging and meditation. Readers will master the tools necessary for integrating multiple approaches both to biblical and artistic interpretation. Essays from biblical scholars and art historians provide resources for understanding the relation of texts to artistic paintings and images. Additi... |
395,58 zł |