wyszukanych pozycji: 8
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The Tlateloco Massacre, Mexico 1968, and the Emotional Triangle of Anger, Grief and Shame: Discourses of Truth(s)
ISBN: 9781786832801 / Angielski / Miękka / 2018 / 288 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 30 dni roboczych. When discussing the Tlatelolco 1968 massacre, neither official sources nor the `voice of the people' necessarily aim to tell the `truth'. They rather stir up feelings of anger, sadness or shame, and this book demonstrates the extent to which the triggering of such emotions affects what those reading different accounts will believe.
When discussing the Tlatelolco 1968 massacre, neither official sources nor the `voice of the people' necessarily aim to tell the `truth'. They rather ...
266,70 zł |
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Interface Between Literature and Science: Cross-Disciplinary Approaches to Latin American Texts
ISBN: 9781443875325 / Angielski / Twarda / 2015 / 210 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 22 dni roboczych. The boundaries of science and literature are permeable; they are continuously crossed and illuminated by a variety of narrative forms and their interpretations. Changes in our perception of the world are informed in equal measure by scientific and humanistic disciplines. This volume treats both literary and scientific texts as products of the human mind, therefore abiding by all the rules it creates, scientific and humanistic alike. The volume does not propose to replace all literary or discourse analysis with a cross-disciplinary science-based approach, but, rather, uses this theoretical...
The boundaries of science and literature are permeable; they are continuously crossed and illuminated by a variety of narrative forms and their interp...
243,18 zł |
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A World in Words, A Life in Texts; Revisiting Latin American Cultural Heritage - Festschrift in Honour of Peter R. Beardsell
ISBN: 9783034302739 / Angielski / Miękka / 2011 / 239 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 30 dni roboczych. This volume presents a number of close readings of Latin American literary and cultural phenomena. The overarching theme of the collection is the revision of the accepted view of Latin American national identities as represented in twentieth-century Latin American literature and culture. The book examines the complexity of national identities forged among political crises, economic upheaval and intercultural influences.
The essays included here focus upon internal contradictions of national identity and the factors contributing to this discord. Among these are the nature of the Latin... This volume presents a number of close readings of Latin American literary and cultural phenomena. The overarching theme of the collection is the revi...
294,44 zł |
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Der MILF verfallen | Erotische Geschichte + 2 weitere Geschichten
ISBN: 9783756169887 / Niemiecki / Miękka / 42 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 10-14 dni roboczych. Folgende 3 erotische Geschichten sind in diesem Taschenbuch enthalten: »Der MILF verfallen« von Pamela RitcheyHeiß, anders kann Björn die Milf nicht beschreiben, die bei ihm Badminton trainiert. Doch wer hätte gedacht, dass in ihr so viel Dominanz und Unterwerfung gleichzeitig schlummern. Noch ist es offen, welche Rolle Björn dabei übernehmen darf. »Das Pflegeheim« von Victoria GrahamDer Alltag der alleinerziehenden Ilona ist geprägt von ihrer eintönigen Arbeit, der Sorge um ihre Tochter und der abendlichen Selbstbefriedigung - bis sie Rob und seine Frau Kathrin kennenlernt. Die...
Folgende 3 erotische Geschichten sind in diesem Taschenbuch enthalten: »Der MILF verfallen« von Pamela RitcheyHeiß, anders kann Björn die Milf nic...
37,91 zł |
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Heiße Massagen: Lass dich von mir (ver)führen | Erotische Geschichte + 2 weitere Geschichten
ISBN: 9783756167463 / Niemiecki / Miękka / 42 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 10-14 dni roboczych. Folgende 3 erotische Geschichten sind in diesem Taschenbuch enthalten: »Heiße Massagen: Lass dich von mir (ver)führen« von Simona WilesKevin und Carmen fielen früher fast jeden Tag gierig übereinander her. Doch im Laufe der Zeit wurde ihr Sexualleben ruhiger, bis es schließlich eingeschlafen war. Gut, wenn man eine Freundin wie Libby hatte. Diese hatte einen Plan, wie sie Carmen wieder zu einer erfüllten Beziehung verhelfen konnte. Der war allerdings auf Enthaltsamkeit aufgebaut. Sollte er zum Erfolg führen? Und konnte Carmen sich zügeln? »Das Zeckenflittchen« von Victoria...
Folgende 3 erotische Geschichten sind in diesem Taschenbuch enthalten: »Heiße Massagen: Lass dich von mir (ver)führen« von Simona WilesKevin und C...
37,91 zł |
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Digital Transformation in Policing: The Promise, Perils and Solutions
ISBN: 9783031096938 / Angielski Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. |
200,30 zł |
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Digital Transformation in Policing: The Promise, Perils and Solutions
ISBN: 9783031096907 / Angielski / Twarda / 2023 / 168 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. This book shares essential insights into how the social sciences and technology could foster new advances in managing the complexity inherent to the criminal and digital policing landscape. Said landscape is both dynamic and intricate, emanating as it does from crimes that are both persistent and transnational. Globalization, human and drug trafficking, cybercrime, terrorism, and other forms of transnational crime can have significant impacts on societies around the world. This necessitates a reassessment of what crime, national security and policing mean. Recent global events such as human...
This book shares essential insights into how the social sciences and technology could foster new advances in managing the complexity inherent to the c...
280,43 zł |
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Nisqually Indian Tribe
ISBN: 9781531635725 / Angielski / Twarda / 2008 / 130 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. The Nisqually are the original stewards of prairie lands, mountains, and rivers in Thurston and Pierce Counties. They welcomed British and American newcomers and tightly bound the outsiders to the Native American world. This volume visually explores the traditional time, when Nisqually political and economic control of the South Sound was supreme. As Nisqually men and women married and worked with outsiders, the Native American world was transformed. In 1854, Nisqually leaders signed a treaty with the United States and officially ceded most of their country, but the land and rights they...
The Nisqually are the original stewards of prairie lands, mountains, and rivers in Thurston and Pierce Counties. They welcomed British and American ne...
131,67 zł |