wyszukanych pozycji: 4
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Women and Science, 17th Century to Present: Pioneers, Activists and Protagonists
ISBN: 9781443829182 / Twarda / 2011 / 300 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 22 dni roboczych. If women’s interest and participation in the advancement of science has a long history, the academic study of their contributions is a far more recent phenomenon, to be placed in the wake of “second wave” feminism in the 1970s and the advent of women’s studies which have, since then, given impetus to research on female figures in specific fields or, more generally speaking, on women’s battles to gain access to knowledge, education and recognition in the scientific world. These studies—while providing a useful insight into the contributions of a few more or less well-known...
If women’s interest and participation in the advancement of science has a long history, the academic study of their contributions is a far more rece...
225,29 zł |
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Citoyennes, Et Après ?: Le Droit de Vote Des Femmes Et Ses Conséquences En Grande-Bretagne, 1918-1939
ISBN: 9783039117284 / Francuski / Miękka / 2008 / 291 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 10-14 dni roboczych. En 1918, apres un demi-siecle de lutte suffragiste et au terme de quatre annees de guerre, les femmes britanniques furent parmi les premieres en Europe a obtenir le droit de voter. Longtemps negligees par les historiens, les vingt annees qui suivirent representent une conclusion indispensable a toute etude sur le suffrage feminin. Dans quelle mesure, en effet, le droit de vote des femmes bouleversa-t-il le paysage politique britannique ?
Cet ouvrage, riche de nombreuses sources primaires, parmi lesquelles un grand nombre encore inexploitees, se propose de repondre a cette question en... En 1918, apres un demi-siecle de lutte suffragiste et au terme de quatre annees de guerre, les femmes britanniques furent parmi les premieres en Europ...
478,36 zł |
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Using and Abusing Science: Science and Political Discourse from Burke’s “French Revolution” to Obama’s Science Fair
ISBN: 9781443889452 / Twarda / 2016 / 260 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 22 dni roboczych. |
240,30 zł |
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(Re-)Mobilizing Voters in Britain and the United States: Political Strategies from Parties and Grassroots Organisations (1867–2020)
ISBN: 9783110710045 / Angielski / Twarda / 2021 / 236 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 22 dni roboczych. This collective work offers a historical approach to the issue of voters’ mobilisation and, through case studies, aims to expand the fi eld’s research agenda by taking into account less familiar mobilising strategies from various groups or parties, both in Britain and the United States. Two different yet complementary approaches are used, one from the top down with political parties, the other from the bottom up with grassroots organisations, to analyze how these groups either (re-)connect citizens with politics or give birth to social movements which durably occupy and change the...
This collective work offers a historical approach to the issue of voters’ mobilisation and, through case studies, aims to expand the fi eld’s rese...
364,28 zł |