wyszukanych pozycji: 36
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Droga do rzeczywistości
ISBN: 9788382340143 / Polski / Twarda / 2020 / 1136 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 1-3 dni roboczych. Książka R. Penrosea "Droga do rzeczywistości. Wyczerpujący przewodnik po prawach rządzących Wszechświatem" to fascynująca podróż po bezkresnych obszarach zarówno współczesnej nauki, jak i całego niezwykle bogatego dorobku ludzkości w dziedzinie nauk ścisłych. W swym przewodniku, będącym jednocześnie klarownym i prostym podręcznikowym wykładem matematyki, fizyki i kosmologii, który opatrzony jest wieloma zadaniami i odręcznymi rysunkami autora, wielki uczony stara się zbudować pomost pomiędzy światem idei matematycznych a światem fizycznym i przedstawić oraz...
Książka R. Penrosea "Droga do rzeczywistości. Wyczerpujący przewodnik po prawach rządzących Wszechświatem" to fascynująca podróż po bezkresn...
141,00 zł |
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Altair Design - Penrose Tilings: Geometrical Colouring Book
ISBN: 9781907155130 / Angielski / Miękka / 2013 / 48 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 8-10 dni roboczych. The one and only Penrose colouring book
The one and only Penrose colouring book
29,80 zł |
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Povaha prostoru a času
ISBN: 9788025725818 / Czeski / 2019 / 138 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Hawkingův a Penroseův cyklus přednášek je určen spíše pro čtenáře, kteří se o fyziku zajímají do hloubky. Poskytuje jim důkladné setkání s látkou, kterou Stephen Hawking představil ve svých popularizačních knihách a kterou shrnuje název knihy. Oba vědci zkoumají vznik a vývoj vesmíru a těles v něm i podstatu času, který je s prostorem neoddělitelně spjat.
Hawkingův a Penroseův cyklus přednášek je určen spíše pro čtenáře, kteří se o fyziku zajímají do hloubky. Poskytuje jim důkladné setk...
58,96 zł |
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The Emperor's New Mind: Concerning Computers, Minds, and the Laws of Physics
ISBN: 9780198784920 / Angielski / Miękka / 2016 / 640 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 8-10 dni roboczych. For many decades, the proponents of artificial intelligence' have maintained that computers will soon be able to do everything that a human can do. In his bestselling work of popular science, Sir Roger Penrose takes us on a fascinating tour through the basic principles of physics, cosmology, mathematics, and philosophy to show that human thinking can never be emulated by a machine. Oxford Landmark Science books are 'must-read' classics of modern science writing which have crystallized big ideas, and shaped the way we think.
For many decades, the proponents of artificial intelligence' have maintained that computers will soon be able to do everything that a human can do. In...
64,61 zł |
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Computerdenken: Die Debatte Um Künstliche Intelligenz, Bewusstsein Und Die Gesetze Der Physik
ISBN: 9783827413321 / Niemiecki / Miękka / 2002 Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. In seinem Klassiker erlautert der international fuhrende Mathematiker und Physiker, Sir Roger Penrose, seine These, dass die geistigen Fahigkeiten des menschlichen Gehirns nicht durch Berechnungen von Elektronengehirnen erreicht werden konnen - und provozierte eine neue KI-Debatte. ...des Kaisers neue Kleider - steht auf dem Buchumschlag. Der renommierte englische Physiker Penrose will damit sichtbar machen, dass die Vertreter der Kunstlichen Intelligenz (KI) nackt dastehen. Mit einem 400 Seiten langen Exkurs versucht er, ihre Behauptung zu widerlegen, dass Maschinen ebenso intelligent sein...
In seinem Klassiker erlautert der international fuhrende Mathematiker und Physiker, Sir Roger Penrose, seine These, dass die geistigen Fahigkeiten des...
115,85 zł |
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Cykle czasu
ISBN: 9788376487649 / Polski / Twarda / 2011 / 312 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 1-3 dni roboczych. W swojej najnowszej książce Roger Penrose opisuje śmiałą hipotezę konforemnej kosmologii cyklicznej, będącą próbą odpowiedzi na pytanie, co było przed Wielkim Wybuchem. Chociaż mogłoby się wydawać, że jest to zbyt trudna tematyka dla osób niezajmujących się zawodowo kosmologią, autorowi udaje się przedstawić te zagadnienia w sposób niezwykle przystępny. Penrose wyjaśnia szczegółowo pojęcie entropii, opisuje proces powstawania i parowania czarnych dziur i tłumaczy, dlaczego druga zasada termodynamiki nie musi stać w sprzeczności z koncepcją wszechświata...
W swojej najnowszej książce Roger Penrose opisuje śmiałą hipotezę konforemnej kosmologii cyklicznej, będącą próbą odpowiedzi na pytanie, co...
55,46 zł |
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Cycles of Time: An Extraordinary New View of the Universe
ISBN: 9780099505945 / Angielski / Miękka / 2011 / 304 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 8-10 dni roboczych. One of our most distinguished scientists offers a radical new theory of the origin, and ultimate end, of the Universe.
Professor Sir Roger Penrose's groundbreaking and bestselling The Road to Reality provided a complete guide to the laws that govern our universe. In Cycles of Time, Penrose offers a completely new perspective on the often-asked question, 'what came before the Big Bang?' The answer that Penrose proposes involves a curious but fully rational way of looking at the expected ultimate fate of our acclerating expanded universe, and showing that its end can in fact... One of our most distinguished scientists offers a radical new theory of the origin, and ultimate end, of the Universe.
Professor Sir Roger Penrose... |
64,61 zł |
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Roger Penrose: Collected Works, Volume 4: 1981-1989
ISBN: 9780199219391 / Angielski / Twarda / 2010 / 885 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 22 dni roboczych. Professor Sir Roger Penrose's work, spanning fifty years of science, with over five thousand pages and more than three hundred papers, has been collected together for the first time and arranged chronologically over six volumes, each with an introduction from the author. Where relevant, individual papers also come with specific introductions or notes.
Among the new developments that occurred during this period was the introduction of a particular notion of 'quasi-local mass-momentum and angular momentum', the topic of Penrose's Royal Society paper. Many encouraging results were initially... Professor Sir Roger Penrose's work, spanning fifty years of science, with over five thousand pages and more than three hundred papers, has been collec...
1141,96 zł |
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The Road to Reality: A Complete Guide to the Laws of the Universe
ISBN: 9780679776314 / Angielski / Miękka / 2007 / 1136 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Roger Penrose, one of the most accomplished scientists of our time, presents the only comprehensive and comprehensible account of the physics of the universe. From the very first attempts by the Greeks to grapple with the complexities of our known world to the latest application of infinity in physics, The Road to Reality carefully explores the movement of the smallest atomic particles and reaches into the vastness of intergalactic space. Here, Penrose examines the mathematical foundations of the physical universe, exposing the underlying beauty of physics and giving us one the most... Roger Penrose, one of the most accomplished scientists of our time, presents the only comprehensive and comprehensible account of the physics of th... |
123,32 zł |
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The Large, the Small and the Human Mind
ISBN: 9780521785723 / Angielski / Miękka / 2000 / 224 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Roger Penrose's views on the large-scale physics of the Universe, the small-scale world of quantum physics and the physics of the mind are controversial and widely discussed. This book is a fascinating and accessible summary of Roger Penrose's current thinking on those areas of physics in which he feels there are major unresolved problems. It is also a stimulating introduction to the radically new concepts that he believes will be fruitful in understanding the workings of the brain and the nature of the human mind.
Roger Penrose's views on the large-scale physics of the Universe, the small-scale world of quantum physics and the physics of the mind are controversi...
77,97 zł |
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Roger Penrose: Collected Works, Volume 6: 1997-2003
ISBN: 9780199219414 / Angielski / Twarda / 2010 / 803 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 22 dni roboczych. Professor Sir Roger Penrose's work, spanning fifty years of science, with over five thousand pages and more than three hundred papers, has been collected together for the first time and arranged chronologically over six volumes, each with an introduction from the author. Where relevant, individual papers also come with specific introductions or notes.
This sixth volume describes an actual experiment to measure the length of time that a quantum superposition might last (developing the Diosi-Penrose proposal). It also discusses the significant progress made in relation to incorporating the... Professor Sir Roger Penrose's work, spanning fifty years of science, with over five thousand pages and more than three hundred papers, has been collec...
1141,96 zł |
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Roger Penrose: Collected Works: Volume 1: 1953-1967
ISBN: 9780199219360 / Angielski / Twarda / 2010 / 846 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 22 dni roboczych. Professor Sir Roger Penrose's work, spanning fifty years of science, with over five thousand pages and more than three hundred papers, has been collected together for the first time and arranged chronologically over six volumes, each with an introduction from the author. Where relevant, individual papers also come with specific introductions or notes.
The first volume covers the beginnings of a career that is ground-breaking from the outset. Inspired by courses given by Dirac and Bondi, much of the early published work involves linking general relativity with tensor systems. Among his... Professor Sir Roger Penrose's work, spanning fifty years of science, with over five thousand pages and more than three hundred papers, has been collec...
1141,96 zł |
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Shadows of the Mind: A Search for the Missing Science of Consciousness
ISBN: 9780195106466 / Angielski / Miękka / 1996 / 480 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. A New York Times bestseller when it appeared in 1989, Roger Penrose's The Emperor's New Mind was universally hailed as a marvelous survey of modern physics as well as a brilliant reflection on the human mind, offering a new perspective on the scientific landscape and a visionary glimpse of the possible future of science. Now, in Shadows of the Mind, Penrose offers another exhilarating look at modern science as he mounts an even more powerful attack on artificial intelligence. But perhaps more important, in this volume he points the way to a new science, one that may eventually explain the...
A New York Times bestseller when it appeared in 1989, Roger Penrose's The Emperor's New Mind was universally hailed as a marvelous survey of modern ph...
209,21 zł |
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Moda, wiara i fantazja w nowej fizyce.. w.2023
ISBN: 9788378867166 / Polski / broszurowa / 2023 / 800 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 1-3 dni roboczych. Sir Roger Penrose jest laureatem Nagrody Nobla 2020 w dziedzinie fizyki, za udowodnienie, że z teorii względności Alberta Einsteina wynika powstawanie czarnych dziur. Czy modne teorie, ślepo wyznawana wiara lub szalone spekulacje mają jakikolwiek udział w procesie naukowego poznawania Wszechświata? Profesor Roger Penrose, światowej sławy fizyk i matematyk, od niemal półwiecza nie tylko śledzi rozwój fizyki, ale i żywo w nim uczestniczy. W swojej najnowszej książce przygląda się roli, jaką odgrywają w tej dyscyplinie moda, wiara i fantazja. Na przykładzie teorii strun,...
Sir Roger Penrose jest laureatem Nagrody Nobla 2020 w dziedzinie fizyki, za udowodnienie, że z teorii względności Alberta Einsteina wynika powstawa...
140,90 zł |
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The Road to Reality: A Complete Guide to the Laws of the Universe
ISBN: 9780099440680 / Angielski / Miękka / 2006 / 1136 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 8-10 dni roboczych. In a single work of colossal scope one of the world's greatest scientists has given us a complete and unrivalled guide to the glories of the universe. The Road to Reality is the most important and ambitious work of science for a generation. It provides nothing less than a comprehensive account of the physical universe and the essentials of its underlying mathematical theory. It assumes no particular specialist knowledge on the part of the reader -- for example, the early chapters give us the vital mathematical background to the physical theories explored later in the book....
In a single work of colossal scope one of the world's greatest scientists has given us a complete and unrivalled guide to the glories of the universe....
174,06 zł |
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Roger Penrose: Collected Works, Volume 3: 1976-1980
ISBN: 9780199219384 / Angielski / Twarda / 2010 / 719 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 22 dni roboczych. Professor Sir Roger Penrose's work, spanning fifty years of science, with over five thousand pages and more than three hundred papers, has been collected together for the first time and arranged chronologically over six volumes, each with an introduction from the author. Where relevant, individual papers also come with specific introductions or notes.
Many important realizations concerning twistor theory occurred during the short period of this third volume, providing a new perspective on the way that mathematical features of the complex geometry of twistor theory relate to actual... Professor Sir Roger Penrose's work, spanning fifty years of science, with over five thousand pages and more than three hundred papers, has been collec...
1141,96 zł |
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Fashion, Faith, and Fantasy in the New Physics of the Universe
ISBN: 9780691264301 / Angielski Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 8-10 dni roboczych. |
79,53 zł |
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Shadows Of The Mind: A Search for the Missing Science of Consciousness
ISBN: 9780099582113 / Angielski / Miękka / 1995 / 457 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 8-10 dni roboczych. By the author of The Emperor's New Mind, this is an exploration of what modern physics has to tell us about the mind, and a visionary description of what a new physics might look like. It is also a speculation on the biological process that makes consciousness what it is.
By the author of The Emperor's New Mind, this is an exploration of what modern physics has to tell us about the mind, and a visionary description of w...
74,56 zł |
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Cycles of Time: An Extraordinary New View of the Universe
ISBN: 9780307278463 / Angielski / Miękka / 2012 / 304 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. This groundbreaking book presents a new perspective on three of cosmology s essential questions: What came before the Big Bang? What is the source of order in our universe? And what cosmic future awaits us? This groundbreaking book presents a new perspective on three of cosmology s essential questions: What came before the Big Bang? What is the source ... |
76,34 zł |
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Roger Penrose: Collected Works, Volume 5: 1990-1996
ISBN: 9780199219407 / Angielski / Twarda / 2010 / 875 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 22 dni roboczych. Professor Sir Roger Penrose's work, spanning fifty years of science, with over five thousand pages and more than three hundred papers, has been collected together for the first time and arranged chronologically over six volumes, each with an introduction from the author. Where relevant, individual papers also come with specific introductions or notes.
Publication of The Emperor's New Mind (OUP 1989) had caused considerable debate and Penrose's responses are included in this volume. Arising from this came the idea that large-scale quantum coherence might exist within the conscious brain,... Professor Sir Roger Penrose's work, spanning fifty years of science, with over five thousand pages and more than three hundred papers, has been collec...
1141,96 zł |