wyszukanych pozycji: 14
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The Counting of Sins: A Love Story
ISBN: 9780578787787 / Angielski / Miękka / 2020 / 148 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. |
56,99 zł |
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This High School Has Closets
ISBN: 9781927124048 / Angielski / Miękka / 2012 / 156 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Sometimes coming out during high school just isn't an option. For Mark Thomas, finding out that he was gay falling in love, and dealing with becoming an adult, made it even tougher. High school is a challenge. "This High School Has Closets" is a story of two young teenagers falling in love during a difficult senior year.
Sometimes coming out during high school just isn't an option. For Mark Thomas, finding out that he was gay falling in love, and dealing with becoming ...
57,28 zł |
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The Gay Icon Classics Of The World II
ISBN: 9781469914152 / Angielski / Miękka / 2012 / 104 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. A continuation of the wonderful collection of gay short fiction fables from around the world. The creation of these stories were based upon some cultural awareness of gay men in history and in some cultures where gay life is taboo. This is a must read for people who are interested in gaining an understanding of gays from different cultures and the human heart.
A continuation of the wonderful collection of gay short fiction fables from around the world. The creation of these stories were based upon some cultu...
72,68 zł |
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Would You Mind?
ISBN: 9781927124260 / Angielski / Miękka / 2013 / 132 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Nate Lawson didn't know the kind of parents he had until he fell in love with another guy in high school. This wasn't just any guy, it was Mike Sarafin, the boy Nate had a crush on since the 8th Grade. Would You Mind? looks at those two boys, their families and their love for one another. Your family can surprise you sometime and give you the greatest gift of all, their love and acceptance.
Nate Lawson didn't know the kind of parents he had until he fell in love with another guy in high school. This wasn't just any guy, it was Mike Sarafi...
49,15 zł |
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This High School Has Closets
ISBN: 9781470069766 / Angielski / Miękka / 2012 / 156 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Sometimes coming out during high school just isn't an option. For Mark Thomas, finding out he was gay, falling in love, and dealing with becoming an adult, made it even tougher. "This High School Has Closets" is part of the "Gay Support" series and is about two young male teenagers falling in love during a difficult time in high school.
Sometimes coming out during high school just isn't an option. For Mark Thomas, finding out he was gay, falling in love, and dealing with becoming an a...
61,98 zł |
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Die Verbotene Schriftrolle: Eine verborgene Wahrheit hinter einer schwulen Liebesgeschichte
ISBN: 9781927124321 / Niemiecki / Miękka / 2013 / 124 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Was Sie gleich lesen werden, ist eine kurze fiktive schwule Liebesgeschichte namens "Die verbotene Schriftrolle." Sie handelt von Terryn von Cole, einem Schreiber, und seiner Beziehung zu Prinz Florian von Deira. Terryn wurde vom Fursten angewiesen, eine Schriftrolle, auf der "Verboten" stand, zu ubersetzen. Der Inhalt der Rolle ist sexueller Natur und fuhrt dazu, dass die beiden jungen Manner ihre Sexualitat ergrunden. Bemerken: Was Sie gleich lesen werden, ist eine fiktive schwule Liebesgeschichte namens Die verbotene Schriftrolle." Die Geschichte dreht sich um die Entdeckung des...
Was Sie gleich lesen werden, ist eine kurze fiktive schwule Liebesgeschichte namens "Die verbotene Schriftrolle." Sie handelt von Terryn von Cole, ein...
34,18 zł |
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Schwule Liebesgeschichten aus aller Welt
ISBN: 9781927124208 / Niemiecki / Miękka / 2012 / 216 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Eine wundervolle Zusammenstellung von schwulen Kurzgeschichten aus aller Welt. Der Hintergrund dieser Geschichten basiert auf kulturellem, geschichtlichem Kenntnis von schwulen Mannern sowie auf Kulturen, in denen Homosexualitat ein Tabu ist. Dieses Buch ist ein Muss fur alle Menschen, die Interesse daran haben, Schwule aus allen Kulturen und das menschliche Herz besser zu verstehen. Inhaltsverzeichnis Einleitung Die Reise und die Juwelen - Saudi Arabien Und auch Amor liebte - Romisches Reich Haakon aus Herzen - Schweden Die weit entfernte, falsche Stimme - Agypten Bantus Lied und der...
Eine wundervolle Zusammenstellung von schwulen Kurzgeschichten aus aller Welt. Der Hintergrund dieser Geschichten basiert auf kulturellem, geschichtli...
85,51 zł |
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The Gay Icon Contemporary Short Stories
ISBN: 9780986929762 / Angielski / Miękka / 2011 / 182 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. This collection of Icon Contemporary Short Stories is a series of male experiences to varying degrees of depth. It looks at the gay experience with modern day living for most of us and it connects us with a certain understanding of the human heart. Please note, that some of these stories are in other eBook collections. Table of Contents: 1) Introduction 2) The Difference Between Buddies And Lovers 3) The Stones On The Floor 4) The E-Mail Message 5) The Measure Of Love 6) Oh Shit 7) The Abyss 8) The Understanding 9) Earl's Child 10) The Wrong Voice Far Away 11) The Thin Line
This collection of Icon Contemporary Short Stories is a series of male experiences to varying degrees of depth. It looks at the gay experience with mo...
56,00 zł |
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Diese High School Hat Schränke
ISBN: 9781927124406 / Niemiecki / Miękka / 2020 / 104 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. |
47,70 zł |
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Historias de amor gay de Todo el Mundo
ISBN: 9781927124222 / Hiszpański / Miękka / 2012 / 190 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. La coleccion de cuentos cortos ofrece una variedad maravillosa de amor entre hombres de todas partes del mundo. El autor paso 15 anos de investigacion durante la composicion de la coleccion. Los cuentos se basan en una conciencia cultural de los hombres gay en la historia y en la tradicion folclorica. 1. El Viaje y Las Joyas - Arabia Saudita 2.Y Cupido Tambien Amaba - Roma Imperio 3.Haakon de Corazones - Suecia 4.de La Voz Equivocada Lejana - Egipto 5.Cancion Bantu y El Taparrabos Sucio - Costa de Marfil 6.Los Cinco Arcos del Aprendiz de Shakespeare: Gran Bretana 7.Los Tres Deseos - Mexico...
La coleccion de cuentos cortos ofrece una variedad maravillosa de amor entre hombres de todas partes del mundo. El autor paso 15 anos de investigacion...
81,24 zł |
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Crossover II: Straight Men - Gay Encounters
ISBN: 9781468072341 / Angielski / Miękka / 2012 / 124 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. CROSSOVERS II: STRAIGHT MEN - GAY ENCOUNTERS addresses the psychological struggle men go through in dealing with their desire or curiosity with same sex encounters. This book looks at what's it like before, during and after such encounters occur. Table Of Content: Introduction CROSSOVER: Collection One 1) Before The Crossover 2) The Stones On The Floor 3) Oh Shit 4) The Understanding 5) New Text Message 6) The Match That Lit The Fire (His Story) 7) It Was The Way He Did Things (My Story) 8) The Truth CROSSOVER: Collection Two 9) The Other Side 10) Holt Cartling: The BMX Story 11) Why I didn't...
CROSSOVERS II: STRAIGHT MEN - GAY ENCOUNTERS addresses the psychological struggle men go through in dealing with their desire or curiosity with same s...
72,68 zł |
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The Forbidden Scroll: The Hidden Truth Behind A Gay Love Story
ISBN: 9781927124291 / Angielski / Miękka / 2013 / 102 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. What you are about to read is a fictional gay love story called "The Forbidden Scroll." It is the love story between Terryn of Cole, a scribe, and his relationship with Prince Florian of Deira. Terryn was instructed by the Prince to translate a scroll that had the words "Forbidden" written upon it. The contents of the scroll is sexual in nature and causes the two young men to question their sexuality. NOTE: The story is based upon some factual "forbidden" text. There are excepts from the original translated copy which are inserted into this story. During the middle ages, monks purposely...
What you are about to read is a fictional gay love story called "The Forbidden Scroll." It is the love story between Terryn of Cole, a scribe, and his...
36,66 zł |
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L'amour gay à travers le monde
ISBN: 9781927124185 / Francuski / Miękka / 2012 / 218 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Une fabuleuse collection de nouvelles gays issues du monde entier. La creation de ces histoires courtes repose sur la volonte de projeter a l'avant de la scene divers personnages masculins gays qui parsement l'Histoire, particulierement celle de pays ou l'homosexualite est un sujet tabou. Ce livre est incontournable si vous souhaitez approfondir votre comprehension des gays par-dela les frontieres. Il vous guidera aussi a travers une fascinante exploration du coeur des hommes. Table des Matieres 1. Introduction 2. Le Voyage et les Joyaux - Arabie Saoudite 3. Et Cupidon Aussi Aima - Rome 4....
Une fabuleuse collection de nouvelles gays issues du monde entier. La creation de ces histoires courtes repose sur la volonte de projeter a l'avant de...
85,51 zł |
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Portrete Clasice Ale Literaturii Universale Gay
ISBN: 9781927124369 / Rumuński / Miękka / 2014 / 136 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Aceasta carte merita sa fie citita de cei care sunt interesati sa obtina o intelegere sufleteasca a gay-lor din diferite culturi. O extraordinara colectie de naratiuni gay din intreaga lume. Crearea acestor povesti s-a bazat pe constientizarea culturala a homosexualitatii in istorie si in special in unele culturi unde viata barbatilor homosexuali este un subiect tabu.
Aceasta carte merita sa fie citita de cei care sunt interesati sa obtina o intelegere sufleteasca a gay-lor din diferite culturi. O extraordinara cole...
59,85 zł |