wyszukanych pozycji: 19
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Influence: Science and Practice: Pearson New International Edition
ISBN: 9781292022291 / Angielski / Miękka / 2013 / 272 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 8-10 dni roboczych. Influence: Science and Practiceis an examination of the psychology of compliance (i.e. uncovering which factors cause a person to say "yes" to another's request). Written in a narrative style combined with scholarly research, Cialdini combines evidence from experimental work with the techniques and strategies he gathered while working as a salesperson, fundraiser, advertiser, and in other positions inside organizations that commonly use compliance tactics to get us to say "yes." Widely used in classes, as well as sold to people operating successfully in the business world, the eagerly awaited...
Influence: Science and Practiceis an examination of the psychology of compliance (i.e. uncovering which factors cause a person to say "yes" to another...
437,41 zł |
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INFLUENCE - Wie man (andere) überzeugt. Nützliche Erkenntnisse der Psychologie
ISBN: 9783365001295 / Twarda / 624 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 10-14 dni roboczych. Kaufen oder gekauft werden? - über die Psychologie des Überzeugens Sie möchten andere von etwas überzeugen? Oder sich selbst davor schützen, beeinflusst zu werden? Der Sozialpsychologe und Marketingexperte Robert B. Cialdini hat die Verkaufs- und Verhandlungstechnik revolutioniert. Eingängig und unterhaltsam erläutert er in seinem Standardwerk die sieben wesentlichen Prinzipien, die uns in unseren täglichen Entscheidungen beeinflussen - und wie wir diese an anwenden können. Basierend auf über 40 Jahren Forschung, bietet das Buch alles,... Kaufen oder gekauft werden? - über die Psychologie des Überzeugens Sie möchten andere von etwas überzeuge... |
150,30 zł |
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Pre-Suasion: A Revolutionary Way to Influence and Persuade
ISBN: 9781847941435 / Angielski / Miękka / 2017 / 432 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 8-10 dni roboczych. Intends to transforms the way we think about the craft of persuasion. Drawing on research, and packed with case studies, this book offers new insights into the art of winning people over: it isn't just what we say or how we say it that counts, but also what goes on in the moments before we speak.
Intends to transforms the way we think about the craft of persuasion. Drawing on research, and packed with case studies, this book offers new insights...
64,61 zł |
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Pre-Suasion: A Revolutionary Way to Influence and Persuade
ISBN: 9781501109805 / Angielski / Miękka / 2018 / 432 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. |
89,59 zł |
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Influence: Science and Practice: The Comic
ISBN: 9781610660204 / Angielski / Miękka / 2012 / 82 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Over two million readers have armed themselves with the knowledge in this book. Dark forces seek to turn society into unthinking automatons by the use of weapons of mass influence. In this graphic adaptation of his best-seller, Robert B. Cialdini becomes society's best hope in combatting compliance professionals throughout the world. He leads a team of special forces through a battleground filled with psychological sneak-attacks designed to elicit pre-programmed responses from unknowing victims. Influence: Science and Practice outlines the basics... Over two million readers have armed themselves with the knowledge in this book. Dark forces seek to turn society into unthi... |
59,09 zł |
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ISBN: 9788491396901 / Hiszpański / Miękka / 2022 / 576 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. |
81,44 zł |
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Influence, New and Expanded: The Psychology of Persuasion
ISBN: 9780063136892 / Angielski / Miękka / 2021 / 592 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 8-10 dni roboczych. |
99,42 zł |
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Influence, New and Expanded: The Psychology of Persuasion
ISBN: 9780062937650 / Angielski / Twarda / 2021 / 592 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 8-10 dni roboczych. |
124,33 zł |
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Influence, New and Expanded UK: The Psychology of Persuasion
ISBN: 9780063138797 Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 8-10 dni roboczych. The foundational and wildly popular go-to resource for influence and persuasion-a renowned international bestseller, with over 5 million copies sold-now revised adding: new research, new insights, new examples, and online applications. In the new edition of this highly acclaimed bestseller, Robert Cialdini-New York Times bestselling author of Pre-Suasion and the seminal expert in the fields of influence and persuasion-explains the psychology of why people say yes and how to apply these insights ethically in business and everyday settings. Using memorable stories and relatable examples,...
The foundational and wildly popular go-to resource for influence and persuasion-a renowned international bestseller, with over 5 million copies sold-n...
94,45 zł |
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The Little Book of Yes: How to win friends, boost your confidence and persuade others
ISBN: 9781788160568 / Angielski / Miękka / 2018 / 136 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 8-10 dni roboczych. The pocket-sized companion to the international bestseller Yes! that brings persuasive science into all areas of your life
The pocket-sized companion to the international bestseller Yes! that brings persuasive science into all areas of your life
34,78 zł |
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The small BIG: Small Changes that Spark Big Influence
ISBN: 9781781252758 / Angielski / Miękka / 2015 / 304 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 8-10 dni roboczych. |
59,64 zł |
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Influence: Science and Practice
ISBN: 9780205609994 / Angielski / Miękka / 2008 / 260 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Influence: Science and Practice is an examination of the psychology of compliance (i.e. uncovering which factors cause a person to say "yes" to another's request). Written in a narrative style combined with scholarly research, Cialdini combines evidence from experimental work with the techniques and strategies he gathered while working as a salesperson, fundraiser, advertiser, and in other positions inside organizations that commonly use compliance tactics to get us to say "yes." Widely used in classes, as well as sold to people operating successfully in the...
Influence: Science and Practice is an examination of the psychology of compliance (i.e. uncovering which factors cause a person to...
244,40 zł |
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Die Psychologie des Überzeugens : Wie Sie sich selbst und Ihren Mitmenschen auf die Schliche kommen
ISBN: 9783456857206 / Niemiecki / Twarda / 2017 / 400 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 10-14 dni roboczych. |
162,46 zł |
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Die Psychologie des Überzeugens, 6 Audio-CDs : Wie Sie sich selbst und Ihren Mitmenschen auf die Schliche kommen
ISBN: 9783456858920 / Niemiecki / Audio (mc/cd) / 2019 Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 10-14 dni roboczych. |
185,43 zł |
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Zasady wywierania wpływu na ludzi
ISBN: 9788383222561 / Polski / twarda / 2023 / 104 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 1-3 dni roboczych. Moc oddziaływania na ludzi i sytuacje Poznaj sześć najskuteczniejszych zasad wpływania na ludzi i... włącz je w swój naturalny repertuar zachowań. Naucz się błyskawicznie rozpoznawać, gdy ktoś próbuje Cię oszukać, i... subtelnie demaskuj te nieetyczne zabiegi. Zostań najbardziej wpływowym człowiekiem roku! Dr Robert Cialdini jest obecnie najczęściej cytowanym żyjącym psychologiem społecznym, specjalizującym się w dziedzinie wywierania wpływu i perswazji. Amerykański Harvard Business Review w uznaniu wielkiego znaczenia przełomowych prac dr. Cialdiniego...
Moc oddziaływania na ludzi i sytuacje Poznaj sześć najskuteczniejszych zasad wpływania na ludzi i... włącz je w swój naturalny repertuar ...
37,51 zł |
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HBR's 10 Must Reads for New Managers (with bonus article "How Managers Become Leaders" by Michael D. Watkins) (HBR's 10 Must Reads)
ISBN: 9781633693029 / Angielski / Miękka / 2017 / 224 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 8-10 dni roboczych. Develop the mindset and presence to successfully manage others for the first time. If you read nothing else on becoming a new manager, read these 10 articles. We've combed through hundreds of Harvard Business Review articles and selected the most important ones to help you transition from being an outstanding individual contributor to becoming a great manager of others. This book will inspire you to:
Develop the mindset and presence to successfully manage others for the first time. If you read nothing else on becoming a new manager,... |
84,50 zł |
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ISBN: 9788184982725 / Marathi / Miękka / 2011 / 202 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. |
68,40 zł |
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The Practice of Social influence in Multiple Cultures
ISBN: 9780805832792 / Angielski / Twarda / 2000 / 400 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. This work provides - in one volume - a diverse collection of studies reporting the effects of social influence processes in multiple cultures at both the universal and culture-specific levels. The book is characterized by three distinct features. First, the social influence process is considered as a ubiquitous and pervasive feature of human interaction. Second, the book represents a multicultural approach which includes both cross-cultural and culture-focused examinations. Third, the book emphasizes practical implications of the research presented. This volume incorporates theory and...
This work provides - in one volume - a diverse collection of studies reporting the effects of social influence processes in multiple cultures at both ...
726,09 zł |
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Yes!: 50 Scientifically Proven Ways to Be Persuasive
ISBN: 9781416576143 / Angielski / Miękka / 2009 / 272 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Learn how small changes can make a big difference in your powers of persuasion with this New York Times bestselling introduction to fifty scientifically proven techniques for increasing your persuasive powers in business and life. Every day we face the challenge of persuading others to do what we want. But what makes people say yes to our requests? Persuasion is not only an art, it is also a science, and researchers who study it have uncovered a series of hidden rules for moving people in your direction. Based on more than sixty years of research into the psychology of persuasion,...
Learn how small changes can make a big difference in your powers of persuasion with this New York Times bestselling introduction to fifty scien...
81,44 zł |