1. Humanizing research(ers) and understanding how concepts evolve in context Gail Prasad, Nathalie Auger and Emmanuelle Le Pichon Vorstman; 2. Become a teacher-researcher to find your Turkish Mehmet-Ali Akinci; 3. Between languages, norms and social variations Nathalie Auger; 4. Learning to language, learning to live: an essay on literacies of language learning Theresa Austin; 5. A retrospective look at multi/pluri/linguistic transformations Francis Bangou; 6. Multilingualism as lived, felt and evolving through dialogue and melody of life Dat Bao and Phan Le Ha; 7. Revisiting the 'Plurilingual-intercultural' orthodoxy Jean-Claude Beacco; 8. The languages that started to flourish in our childhood, developed over time into beautiful blooming meadows Mercè Bernaus and Emilee Moore; 9. On the borderline between languages and knowledge Marisa Cavalli; 10. Multilingualism as part of social reality Viktorija L. A. Čeginskas; 11. Some elements of family history and language biography Daniel Coste; 12. My trajectory in languages and language learning Diane Dagenais; 13. Multilingualism as norm: advocating for Equity for multilingual learners Ester de Jong; 14. From patois to inter-comprehension issues Pierre Escudé; 15. Biography, linguistic coexistence, and epistemological reflection Carole Fleuret; 16. Fighting off zombies in France's multilingual education Gilles Forlot; 17. From language planning to the didactization of plurilingualism: a Swiss perspective Laurent Gajo; 18. A sociolinguistic biography and understandings of bilingualism Ofelia García; 19. Experiential and research journey: questioning linguistic and cultural otherness Cécile Goï; 20. Multimodality and multilingualism: biographical notes, key concepts, and practices Maureen Kendrick; 21. Researching multilingualism and language education across borders and over decades Kendall A. King; 22. Possible selves Claire Kramsch; 23. Feeling at home across languages, schools and countries Emmanuelle Le Pichon-Vorstman; 24. From monolingual habitus to plurilingual education David Little; 25. My path towards awareness of languages and linguistic diversity Marie-Paule Lory; 26. A personal journey: school, social class, and language Jeff MacSwan; 27. Cultivating plurilingual gardens Enrica Piccardo; 28. Unbecoming a monolingual anglophone Gail Prasad; 29. From plurilingual experiences to pluri-artistic practices Elatiana Razafimandimbimanana; 30. A personal and professional journey to multilingualism Nikolay Slavkov (Николай Славков); 31. Journey towards a translanguaging pedagogy for social justice: from school French to critical race theory Heather Jane Smith; 32. From language biography to a research life's journey Shelley K. Taylor; 33. My linguistic biography Kelleen Toohey; 34. Travelling back and forth between local language variation and global multilingualism Piet van Avermaet and Sven Sierens; 35. A reflection on generational diaspora and resulting linguistic acclimatization Rahat Zaidi; 36. On language(s), education and dynamic language users: final words and future directions Nathalie Auger, Gail Prasad Emmanuelle Le Pichon-Vorstman; Index.