Part I. Beer market: Factors and trends 1. Industrial beer versus craft beer: Definitions and nuances 2. Understanding the behaviour of beer consumers 3. Craft beers and breweries in the UK: where now, what next? 4. Craft brewery and tourism best-practices across the product lifecycle
Part II. Case studies on Consumer Science and Product Innovation and Differentiation 5. From drinking beer to experiencing beer: the British Beer Market and the Castle Rock Brewery Case 6. Sites of consumption and sights of production: brew bars and craft beer in the city 7. Bira 91 - The Spring of Magic 8. The Sleeping Dragon: Investigating the "Chinese Craft Beer Revolution" through the Lens of Generational Cohorts 9. Category convergence and product innovation: the competitive scenario for microbreweries 10. A barnacle-flavored beer? Consumer acceptance of flamboyant tastes in the brewery industry
Part III. Case studies on Consumer Science and Business Strategy 11. Beer Farms in Tuscany: a case study 12. Craft and agricultural brewing in the Marche region: Theoretical and empirical implications of global versus local sourcing 13. How the Gastro-communitas Spirit of Craft Breweries Can Anchor and Shape Broader Gastro-tourism Destination Development: 12 Factors for Brewery Driven Gastro-Development 14. The Case of "Birra Korça" - an Albanian Success Story
Part IV. Sustainability in the beer sector: Concepts and practices 15. Sustainable brewing practices in Norway: Using local ingredients and traditional brewing techniques 16. Sustainable value: the perspective of microbreweries in peripheral northern areas 17. Craft Beer in the land of the Purity Law - The German beer industry and the purity requirement in the course of time 18. The Social Ethics of Craft Consumption. The Case of Craft Beer in a Regulated Market 19. Integrating Sustainability in the Romanian Beer Industry. Case Study: URSUS Breweries 20. Concepts and practices of sustainable craft beer in Italy: A case study analysis 21. Strategical implications and future developments for the beer sector
Dr. Roberta Capitello, PhD, is an associate professor at the Department of Business Administration, University of Verona, Italy, where she teaches wine economics and food and wine marketing. Her research focuses on consumer behavior, marketing, communication and sustainability in the food and beverage industry. Her publications include academic journal articles and book chapters on subjects such as wine demand in new markets, Generation Y's attitude towards wine, food and wine consumer behavior, and marketing and communication strategies in the food and wine businesses. She is a project coordinator of the H2020 SUSFOOD2 ERA-Net project "SUSCHOICE: Towards sustainable food and drink choices among European young adults (2018-2021).
Dr. Natalia Maehle is an associate professor at the Mohn Centre for Innovation and Regional Development, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Bergen, Norway. She received her PhD in marketing from the Norwegian School of Economics, Bergen, Norway in 2008. Her research areas include marketing, consumer behavior, brand management, digital economy, innovation, and entrepreneurship. Dr. Maehle has published widely, in international journals such as Journal of Marketing, European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Communications, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, International Journal of Market Research and Journal of Product & Brand Management.