wyszukanych pozycji: 25
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Montague's Coterie
ISBN: 9798708223203 / Angielski / Miękka / 2021 / 36 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. |
23,53 zł |
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Prinsarna och den stora skatten
ISBN: 9780990804833 / Szwedzki / Twarda / 2014 / 30 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. I det magiska landet Gronrike blir den vackra prinsessan Helena plotsligt bortford av en gammal kvinna. Den starke kampen Magnus och den blyge bokmalen Alvar ger sig ut pa jakt efter -den storsta skatten i hela landet-, sa att en av dem kan gifta sig med prinsessan. Langs vagen inser Alvar och Magnus att -den storsta skatten i hela landet- inte ar vad de trodde.
I det magiska landet Gronrike blir den vackra prinsessan Helena plotsligt bortford av en gammal kvinna. Den starke kampen Magnus och den blyge bokmale...
93,66 zł |
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Los Príncipes y el Tesoro
ISBN: 9780996111577 / Hiszpański / Twarda / 2018 / 30 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. |
93,66 zł |
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Kraljevici i blago
ISBN: 9780996111508 / Croatian / Twarda / 2015 / 30 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. U čarobnom Kraljevstvu vazdazelenom lijepu princezu Elenu iznenada otme jedna starica. Neporaženi prvak Galant i sramežljivi knjiski moljac Ernest krenuse na zadatak pronaći -najveće blago na zemlji- kako bi je jedan od njih oslobodio i oženio se njome. Na tom putu Ernest i Galant shvate da -najveće blago na zemlji- nije ono sto su očekivali.
U čarobnom Kraljevstvu vazdazelenom lijepu princezu Elenu iznenada otme jedna starica. Neporaženi prvak Galant i sramežljivi knjiski mo...
93,66 zł |
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Książęta i skarb
ISBN: 9780990804864 / Polski / Twarda / 2014 / 30 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. W magicznym krolestwie Zielonii porwana została piękna krolewna Dobromiła. Niepokonany Jarosław i nieśmiały Radomysł wyruszają na wielką wyprawę. Mają odnaleźć największy skarb na świecie, aby jeden z nich mogł ocalić i poślubić krolewnę. W drodze Radomysł i Jarosław pojmują, że największym skarbem na świecie nie jest wcale to, czego się spodziewali.
W magicznym krolestwie Zielonii porwana została piękna krolewna Dobromiła. Niepokonany Jarosław i nieśmiały Radomysł...
93,66 zł |
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De Prinsen en de Schat
ISBN: 9780990804888 / Angielski / Twarda / 2014 / 30 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. In het magische koninkrijk van Altijd Groen is de mooie prinses Elena ontvoerd door een oude vrouw. De ongeslagen kampioen Gerard en de verlegen boekenwurm Ernst gaan op een zoektocht naar -de grootste schat in het land-, zodat een van hen de prinses kan redden en met haar trouwen. Onderweg beseffen Ernst en Gerard dat -de grootste schat in het land- niet is wat ze verwacht hadden.
In het magische koninkrijk van Altijd Groen is de mooie prinses Elena ontvoerd door een oude vrouw. De ongeslagen kampioen Gerard en de verlegen boeke...
93,66 zł |
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ふたりのおうじと たからもの = Both the Prince and Treasures
ISBN: 9780996111522 / Japoński / Twarda / 2015 / 30 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. This is the second edition of the best-selling adventure, romance, and marriage of Prince Earnest and Prince Gallant. The book has been translated into twenty-six languages, and has sold all over the world Prince Earnest and Prince Gallant go on an adventure, fall in love, get married, and live happily ever after ...This is the second edition of the best-selling adventure, romance, and marriage of Prince Earnest and Prince Gallant. The book has been translated ... |
93,66 zł |
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Prinsene og Skatten
ISBN: 9780990804895 / Norweski / Twarda / 2014 / 30 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. I det magiske kongeriket Eviggront blir den vakre prinsesse Elena plutselig fort bort av en gammel kone. Den uslaelige helten Gallant og den sky bokormen Earnest drar pa en ferd for a finne -den storste skatten i landet- slik at en av dem kan redde prinsessen og gifte seg med henne. Underveis forstar Earnest og Gallant at -den storste skatten i landet- ikke er det de hadde ventet seg.
I det magiske kongeriket Eviggront blir den vakre prinsesse Elena plutselig fort bort av en gammel kone. Den uslaelige helten Gallant og den sky bokor...
93,66 zł |
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Die prinse en die skat
ISBN: 9780990804840 / Afrikaans / Twarda / 2014 / 30 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. In die magiese koninkryk van Immergroen word die pragtige prinses Elena skielik deur ʼn ou vrou ontvoer. Die onoorwonne kampioen, Gallant, en die skugter boekwurm, Ernst, gaan op ʼn soektog om "die grootste skat in die land" te vind, sodat een van hulle die prinses kan red en met haar mag trou. Maar gou besef Ernst en Gallant dat "die grootste skat in die land" nie dit is wat hulle verwag het nie.
In die magiese koninkryk van Immergroen word die pragtige prinses Elena skielik deur ʼn ou vrou ontvoer. Die onoorwonne kampioen, Gallant, en die ...
93,66 zł |
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The Princes and The Treasure 王子與寶藏: (Chinese-language version)
ISBN: 9780996111515 / Chiński / Twarda / 2015 / 30 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. 王子與寶藏 This is the Chinese language version of -The Princes and The Treasure- children's picture book with a same-sex marriage....
王子與寶藏 This is the Chinese language version of -The Princes and The Treasure- children's picture book with a same-se...
93,66 zł |
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Prinsarnir og fjársjóðurinn
ISBN: 9780990804871 / Islandzki / Twarda / 2014 / 30 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. I tofrarikinu Graenuvollum er Elena prinsessa skyndilega numin a brott af gamalli konu. Sigursaeli kappinn Magni og feimni bokaormurinn Hugi hefja leit ao -dyrmaetasta fjarsjooi landsins- svo annar eirra geti bjargao prinsessunni og gifst henni. A feroalaginu atta Hugi og Magni sig a vi ao -dyrmaetasti fjarsjoour landsins- er ekki sa sem eir heldu ao hann vaeri.
I tofrarikinu Graenuvollum er Elena prinsessa skyndilega numin a brott af gamalli konu. Sigursaeli kappinn Magni og feimni bokaormurinn Hugi hefja lei...
93,66 zł |
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Ang mga Prinsipe at ang Kayamanan
ISBN: 9780990804857 / Tagalog / Twarda / 2014 / 30 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Sa mahiwagang kaharian ng Laging Luntian, si Prinsesa Elena ay dinukot ng isang matandang babae. Ang di-natatalong kampeyon na si Makisig at ang mahiyaing palabasa ng aklat na si Maalab ay magkasamang nakipagsapalaran sa paghahanap ng -pinakadakilang kayamanan sa buong mundo- upang sa gayon ang isa sa kanila ay makapagligtas at makapagpakasal sa prinsesa. Sa kanilang paglalakbay, natuklasan nina Maalab at Makisig na ang -pinakadakilang kayamanan sa buong mundo- ay iba sa kanilang inaasahan.
Sa mahiwagang kaharian ng Laging Luntian, si Prinsesa Elena ay dinukot ng isang matandang babae. Ang di-natatalong kampeyon na si Makisig at ang mahiy...
93,66 zł |
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Management and Organization Theory: A Jossey-Bass Reader
ISBN: 9781118008959 / Angielski / Miękka / 2012 / 480 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 30 dni roboczych. Management and Organization Theory offers a summary and analysis of the 40 most popular, researched, and applied management and organization theories. This important resource includes key instruments used to measure variables in each theory and examines pertinent questions about the theory: strengths and weaknesses, practical applications, and the seminal articles published on each theory. -This is a remarkable book. Jeffrey Miles clearly explains and synthesizes 40 major theories of management and organization in an easily accessible and engaging style. Well researched,... Management and Organization Theory offers a summary and analysis of the 40 most popular, researched, and applied management and organization theori... |
210,84 zł |
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New Directions in Management and Organization Theory
ISBN: 9781443854757 / Angielski / Twarda / 2014 / 520 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 22 dni roboczych. This book is a collection of the best seventeen papers from the first Management Theory Conference held at the University of the Pacific in San Francisco, California, on September 27 and 28, 2013. The authors of these papers are some of the best management researchers in the world, including: Anette Mikes, Robert S. Kaplan, and Amy C. Edmondson (Harvard Business School); Sarah Harvey (University College London); Randall S. Peterson (London Business School); Jack A. Goncalo and Verena Krause (Cornell University); Karen A. Jehn (University of Melbourne); Yally Avrahampour (London School of...
This book is a collection of the best seventeen papers from the first Management Theory Conference held at the University of the Pacific in San Franci...
300,39 zł |
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'Facts About Homes Every Home Buyer Should Know': Changes In Home Construction 1900-2015, By The Decade, And Why You Should Care.
ISBN: 9781519189813 / Angielski / Miękka / 2015 / 134 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. 'FACTS ABOUT HOMES' 'EVERY HOME BUYER SHOULD KNOW', is a book about just that. I have spent the last 42 years (and counting), of my life building homes, remodeling them, designing them, inspecting them, buying them, selling them, flipping them, and just plain learning a lot about them. I have always had a thing, intrigue, desire, call it what you will, in the homes I have come across. There have been major changes over the last hundred years in every aspect of home construction and you would do well to know something about them (the more the better), if you plan on buying one. Home...
'FACTS ABOUT HOMES' 'EVERY HOME BUYER SHOULD KNOW', is a book about just that. I have spent the last 42 years (and counting), of my life building home...
26,22 zł |
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Il-PrinĊpijiet U T-TeŻor
ISBN: 9780996111539 / Maltese / Twarda / 2015 / 30 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. This is the Maltese language version of -The Princes and The Treasure- children's picture book with a same-sex marriage. Fir-renju msaħħar ta' Dejjemħadra, is-sbejħa Prinċipessa Elena tinħataf f'daqqa minn mara xwejħa. Il-kampjun mhux megħlub Gallant u l-istudjuż Ernestu imorru fuq tfittxija biex isibu -l-akbar teżor fil-pajjiż- biex wieħed minnhom ikun jista' jsalva lill-prinċipessa u jiżżewwiġha. Tul l-avventura tagħhom, Ernestu u Gallant jiskopru li -l-akbar teżor fil-pajjiż- m'huwiex dak li...
This is the Maltese language version of -The Princes and The Treasure- children's picture book with a same-sex marriage. Fir-renju msaħħar t...
93,66 zł |
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The Princes and the Treasure
ISBN: 9780991053636 / Angielski / Twarda / 2014 / 30 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. This is the second edition of the best-selling adventure, romance, and marriage of Prince Earnest and Prince Gallant. The book has been translated into twenty-six languages, and has sold all over the world In the magical kingdom of Evergreen, beautiful Princess Elena is suddenly whisked away by an old woman. Undefeated champion Gallant and shy bookworm Earnest go on a quest to find -the greatest treasure in the land- so one of them can save and marry the princess. Along the way, Earnest and Gallant realize -the greatest treasure in the land- is not what they expected. This is a... This is the second edition of the best-selling adventure, romance, and marriage of Prince Earnest and Prince Gallant. The book has been translated ... |
85,10 zł |
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Die Prinzen Und Der Schatz
ISBN: 9780991053643 / Niemiecki / Twarda / 2014 / 30 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. In dem zauberhaften Konigreich Immergrun wird die schone Prinzessin Elena plotzlich von einer alten Frau entfuhrt. Der unbesiegte Champion Galan und der schuchterne Bucherwurm Ernesto gehen auf die Suche nach dem groten Schatz im Land, damit einer von ihnen die Prinzessin retten und heiraten kann. Auf dem Weg, wird Ernesto und Galan klar, dass -der grote Schatz im Land- nicht das ist, was sie erwarteten.
In dem zauberhaften Konigreich Immergrun wird die schone Prinzessin Elena plotzlich von einer alten Frau entfuhrt. Der unbesiegte Champion Galan und d...
93,66 zł |
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I Due Principi Ed Il Tesoro
ISBN: 9780991053629 / Włoski / Twarda / 2014 / 30 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Nel magico regno di Sempreverde la bella principessa Elena viene improvvisamente rapita da una vecchia. L'invincibile campione Galante e il timido e studioso Ernesto vanno alla ricerca del -piu grande tesoro del mondo- cosi uno di loro potra salvare e sposare la principessa. Lungo la strada Ernesto e Galante imparano che -il piu grande tesoro del mondo- non e quello che si aspettavano.
Nel magico regno di Sempreverde la bella principessa Elena viene improvvisamente rapita da una vecchia. L'invincibile campione Galante e il timido e s...
93,66 zł |
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Prinserne Og Skatten
ISBN: 9780990804802 / Duński / Twarda / 2014 / 30 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. I det magiske kongerige Stedsegront bliver den smukke Prinsesse Elena pludselig bortfort af en gammel kone. Den ubesejrede helt Galant og den generte bogorm Ernst drager ud pa en sogen efter -rigets storste skat-, sa en af dem kan frelse og aegte prinsessen. Undervejs opdager Ernst og Galant, at -rigets storste skat- ikke er det, de forventede.
I det magiske kongerige Stedsegront bliver den smukke Prinsesse Elena pludselig bortfort af en gammel kone. Den ubesejrede helt Galant og den generte ...
93,66 zł |