Earthquakes and tsunamis in the region from Azores Islands to Iberian Peninsula: Introduction. Buforn, E. & Mattesini, M.- The MyShake Platform: A global Vision for Earthquake Early Warning. Allen, R. M., Kong, Q. & Martin-Short, R.- Tsunamis Along the Azores-Gibraltar Plate Boundary Maria Ana Baptista.- Eurasia–Africa Plate Boundary Affected by a South Atlantic Asthenospheric Channel in the Gulf of Cadiz Region? Catalán, M., Martos, Y. & Martín-Dávila, J.- Large Earthquakes and Tsunamis at Saint Vincent Cape before the Lisbon 1755 Earthquake: A Historical Review. Udías, A.- Seismic Information at the Spanish Geophysical Data National Archive. Example: the Earthquake of February 28, 1969. López Muga, M., Benayas, I. & Tordesillas, J. M.- Focal Parameters of Earthquakes Offshore Cape St. Vincent Using an Amphibious Network. Cabieces, R., Buforn, E., Cesca, S. & Pazos, A.- Re-evaluation of Seismic Intensity for the 28 February 1969 main shock and relocation of larger aftershocks. Buforn, E., López-Sanchez, C., Lozano, L., Martínez-Solares, J.M., Oliveira, C. S. & Udías, A.- Effects of the 28th February 1969 Cape Saint Vincent Earthquake on Ships. Aparicio Florido, A.- Study of the PGV, Strong Motion and Intensity Distribution of the February 1969 (Ms 8.0) Offshore Cape St. Vincent (Portugal) Earthquake Using Synthetic Ground Velocities. Pro, C., Buforn, E., Udías, A., Borges, J. & Oliveira, C. S.- Human Losses and Damage Expected in Future Earthquakes on Faial Island – Azores. Fontiela, J., Rosset, P., Wyss, M., Bezzeghoud, M., Borges, J. & Cota Rodrigues, J.
This book presents new results and data for the 1969 Saint Vincent Cape Earthquake (Mw=7.8) and tsunami. It provides key information to access the Spanish Geophysical Data National Archive Compilation and includes data-sets that range from the Azores Islands to the Iberian Peninsula.
On February 28th, 1969, a large earthquake (Mw=7.8) strokes the Iberian Peninsula and northern Morocco, producing some causalities and important damage and economic losses. In this Topical volume ten papers are published, which are representative of many contributions presented at a Workshop organized by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain) and the instituto Geográfico Nacional (Madrid, Spain) on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the 1969 earthquake. These papers cover different aspects of communications presented at the Workshop. There are two papers dedicated to tsunamis, one to Earthquake Early Warning System, one paper on lithospheric structure, three on seismicity and a data archive, three focused on the 1969 earthquake, and one of the seismic hazard. Summarizing, this topical issue present new results on the structure, seismicity, seismotectonics, seismic hazard, and geodynamics of this complex region that extends from the Azores Islands to the Iberian Peninsula.