wyszukanych pozycji: 361
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Lili et le doudou magique
ISBN: 9782954133355 / Francuski / Miękka / 2014 / 58 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Pour son anniversaire, Lili recoit de la part de son grand-pere un cadeau merveilleux: un doudou magique qui a le pouvoir d'exaucer trois de ses v ux. Lili doit choisir ses souhaits avec soin. Mais quels v ux Lili va-t-elle choisir d'accomplir? Une histoire poetique et pleine de delicatesse qui fera la joie des petits et des grands en montrant que la gentillesse et la generosite seront toujours recompensees."
Pour son anniversaire, Lili recoit de la part de son grand-pere un cadeau merveilleux: un doudou magique qui a le pouvoir d'exaucer trois de ses v ux....
64,12 zł |
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Book of the Songs of Israel: Three Introductions to Psalms on Poetry, Translation, and Music by Joel Bril (Berlin 1791). a Bilingual Edition, Trans
ISBN: 9789004398948 / Angielski Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 22 dni roboczych. |
503,94 zł |
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Color Patterns Of Zen: Fun Coloring Book For Adults Book II
ISBN: 9780692708033 / Angielski / Miękka / 2016 / 88 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Color your Zen with 40 abstract, relaxing patterns designed for everyone from beginners to experienced colorists. Be creative. Color outside the lines - or inside the lines - as you see fit. Make new lines where there are none or combine coloring areas. The abstract designs let you do what you want. It's up to you. Be a Kid again, don't grow up, and just have Fun
Color your Zen with 40 abstract, relaxing patterns designed for everyone from beginners to experienced colorists. Be creative. Color outside the lines...
38,28 zł |
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Color Patterns Of Zen: Fun Coloring Book For Adults Book 1
ISBN: 9780692670637 / Angielski / Miękka / 2016 / 88 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. |
38,28 zł |
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The People of the Song: Biblical Poetry, Translation, and the Reception of Moses Mendelssohn in the Berlin Haskalah
ISBN: 9789004536494 / Angielski Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 22 dni roboczych. |
482,94 zł |
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Health: A Natural Approach
ISBN: 9781099512261 / Angielski / Miękka / 2019 / 246 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. |
64,12 zł |
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On the Ground After September 11: Mental Health Responses and Practical Knowledge Gained
ISBN: 9780789029072 / Angielski / Miękka / 2005 / 726 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. A heartfelt collection of extraordinary first-person accounts that delve into every level of the experience of 9/11
Out of the infamy of 9/11 and its aftermath people rose up with courage and determination to meet formidable challenges. On the Ground After September 11: Mental Health Responses and Practical Lessons Gained is a stirring compilation of over a hundred personal and professional first-hand accounts of the entire experience, from the moment the first plane slammed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center, to the months mental health professionals worked to ease the... A heartfelt collection of extraordinary first-person accounts that delve into every level of the experience of 9/11
Out of the infamy of 9/... |
390,53 zł |
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The Locker Diaries
ISBN: 9781515312703 / Angielski / Miękka / 2016 / 154 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. |
42,74 zł |
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Machtspiele Im Theater: Rassismus ALS Belief System
ISBN: 9783828848030 / Niemiecki / Miękka / 2022 / 154 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 10-14 dni roboczych. Die Autorin beschreibt ausgehend von ihren Seherfahrungen im Theater (Mittelreich, 2017 und Die Kränkungen der Menschheit, 2019) sowie einem Gespräch mit der Regisseurin Anta Helena Recke, wie Rassismus als Machtsystem funktioniert. Das besondere Potenzial der Aufführungen sieht sie in der potenziellen Umkehr der von Zuschauer:Innen internalisierten rassistischen Denkmuster. Koutouan verfolgt einen kritisch-phanomenologischen Ansatz und verbindet Aufführungsanalyse, Interview und deutsche Kolonialgeschichte mit ihrer eigenen Biografie. Die Autorin macht ihre Positionierung als Schwarze...
Die Autorin beschreibt ausgehend von ihren Seherfahrungen im Theater (Mittelreich, 2017 und Die Kränkungen der Menschheit, 2019) sowie einem Gespräc...
162,02 zł |
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Genial ernährt!
ISBN: 9783426448601 / Niemiecki / Twarda / 2025 / 416 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 10-14 dni roboczych. Es geht um Balance - nicht um Perfektion! Das neue Buch über Ernährung von der Nummer-1-Bestsellerautorin Dr. med. Yael Adler Kohlenhydrate, Fette, Proteine, Vitamine, Ballaststoffe - wir wissen mittlerweile, dass all das wichtige Bestandteile unserer Ernährung sind. Aber wenn es um konkrete Empfehlungen geht, widersprechen sich selbst Expertinnen und Experten regelmäßig. Ständig werden wir mit neuen Diätformen und Superfoods bombardiert, die viele Fragezeichen hinterlassen.
Es geht um Balance - nicht um Perfektion! Das neue Buch über Ernährung von der Nummer-1-Bestsellerautorin Dr. med. Yael Adler |
97,25 zł |
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Poverty, Charity and the Image of the Poor in Rabbinic Texts from the Land of Israel
ISBN: 9781909697003 / Angielski / Twarda / 2014 / 328 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. In the rabbinic literature from the land of Israel the poor are depicted not as passive recipients of gifts and support, but as independent agents who are responsible for their own behaviour. Communal care for the needy was expected to go beyond their basic needs for food, clothing and shelter; the physical safety of the poor and the value of their time as well as their dignity and self-worth were also included in the scope of charity. In this monograph, Yael Wilfand offers a comprehensive and contextual analysis of major rabbinic texts on poverty and charity composed during the first five...
In the rabbinic literature from the land of Israel the poor are depicted not as passive recipients of gifts and support, but as independent agents who...
593,18 zł |
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The Cosmos, the Person, and the Sa¯dhana: A Treatise on Tibetan Tantric Meditation
ISBN: 9780813951058 / Angielski Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 22 dni roboczych. |
158,08 zł |
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Wir müssen reden, Frau Doktor!, 1 Audio-CD,
ISBN: 9783839882078 / Niemiecki / CD-Audio / 2020 Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 10-14 dni roboczych. |
88,19 zł |
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I'm Calm: N?2 collection I'm Calm
ISBN: 9782322076918 / Francuski Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. |
42,35 zł |
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The Senses of Scripture: Sensory Perception in the Hebrew Bible
ISBN: 9780567460912 / Angielski / Miękka / 2014 / 328 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 22 dni roboczych. The Senses of Scripture reveals the essence of biblical epistemology - the ways in which ancient Israelites thought about and used their sensorium. The theoretical introduction demonstrates that scholars need to liberate themselves from the Western bias that holds a pentasensory paradigm and prioritises the sense of sight. The discussion of the biblical material demonstrates that biblical scholars should follow a similar path. Through examination of associative and contextual patters the author reaches a septasensory model, including sight, hearing, speech, kinaesthesia,... The Senses of Scripture reveals the essence of biblical epistemology - the ways in which ancient Israelites thought about and used their sen... |
190,23 zł |
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Cracks In Sacred Walls: Discover the secrets of true healing in yourself
ISBN: 9781503053458 / Angielski / Miękka / 2014 / 360 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. This book is a fascinating journey in self discovery. A Catholic Nun faces a life changing event, malignant breast cancer. She chose to break through traditions and use natural methods to recover. Guided by Dr.Yael Shany this book chronicles the trials and tribulations Sister Paula experienced on her journey. Yael takes you step by step through the growth, discovery and emotional roller coaster, as if it was happening to you. Unfortunately, we all could encounter such adversity at some point in our life. This book does a beautiful job in preparing you for such journey and teaches you the...
This book is a fascinating journey in self discovery. A Catholic Nun faces a life changing event, malignant breast cancer. She chose to break through ...
72,68 zł |
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ISBN: 9781796015386 / Angielski / Miękka / 2019 / 248 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. |
96,92 zł |
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Where Do You Stand?: Intercultural Learning and Political Education in Contemporary Europe
ISBN: 9783531180311 / Angielski / Miękka / 2011 / 280 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. This publication takes up the many and often controversial debates about the nature, content, methods and political significance of intercultural learning in and for the European youth field. Its starting point is the current depoliticisation of intercultural learning in this field, and especially in the programmes of the European Commission and the Directorate of Youth and Sport of the Council of Europe over the last several years. At the same time, the elevation of "intercultural dialogue" to panacea for all societal problems, from civil war to educational failure, is putting the...
This publication takes up the many and often controversial debates about the nature, content, methods and political significance of intercultural lear...
178,99 zł |
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Ein simpler Eingriff
ISBN: 9783312013265 / Niemiecki / Miękka / 208 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 10-14 dni roboczych. »Dies ist ein eindringliches, sinnliches Buch, elegant, schnörkellos und klug ... Absolute Empfehlung!« Mareike Fallwickl Meret geht in ihrem Beruf als Krankenschwester vollkommen auf: Die Klinik und das Schwesternwohnheim sind ihr Zuhause, ihre Uniform ist ihre Identität, auf die sie stolz ist. Neben der Routine ihrer Arbeit versucht Meret stets das Menschliche in ihren Patientinnen zu sehen und sie weiß genau, wie sie ihnen begegnen kann. Bis eines Tages ein neues Verfahren in der Klinik eingeführt wird, bei dem auch Meret eine Rolle spielen soll: Sie wird die Patientinnen... »Dies ist ein eindringliches, sinnliches Buch, elegant, schnörkellos und klug ... Absolute Empfehlung!« Mareike Fallwickl Meret geht in ih... |
61,89 zł |