wyszukanych pozycji: 10
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Fa-ti diabetul tip 2 sa dea inapoi: o abordare stiintifica unica: Intelege-i cauzele si tine-ti sub control diabetul!
ISBN: 9786069335024 / Rumuński / Miękka / 2015 / 380 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Exista o conceptie gresita comuna atat in randul pacientilor precum si a medicilor ca tratamentul diabetului de tip 2 inseamna controlul zaharului din sange prin orice mijloace. Aceasta abordare este periculoasa si eronata. Cert este ca diabetul de tip 2 este o boala complexa. In cazul in care nu e gestionata in mod corespunzator, de multe ori duce la un numar de complicatii urate. Uneori, medicamentele administrate pot provoca mai mult rau decat bine. Dr. Sarfraz Zaidi, diabetolog si endocrinolog recunoscut, explica principalele cauze ale diabetului de tip 2. Apoi, el prezinta abordarea sa...
Exista o conceptie gresita comuna atat in randul pacientilor precum si a medicilor ca tratamentul diabetului de tip 2 inseamna controlul zaharului din...
85,56 zł |
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Power Of Vitamin D: A Vitamin D Book That Contains The Most Scientific, Useful And Practical Information About Vitamin D - Hormone D
ISBN: 9781508946311 / Angielski / Miękka / 2015 / 304 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. A mounting scientific evidence clearly demonstrates a wide range of incredible health benefits Vitamin D may provide, yet most people continue to be low in Vitamin D---despite the vitamins they take, the food they eat, the milk they drink or the sun exposure they get. In "Power of Vitamin D," you will learn: -Why we are facing a true Pandemic of Vitamin D deficiency. -The crucial role Vitamin D may play in the Prevention as well as Treatment of various Cancers. -How Vitamin D may help Prevent Diabetes, Coronary Heart Disease, Hypertension and Kidney Disease. -How Vitamin D may Prevent as well...
A mounting scientific evidence clearly demonstrates a wide range of incredible health benefits Vitamin D may provide, yet most people continue to be l...
68,58 zł |
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Witamina D kluczem do zdrowia
ISBN: 9788392313700 / Polski / Miękka / 2013 / 174 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 6-8 dni roboczych. Będziesz mocno zdziwiony, że tak wiele twojego zdrowia, zależy od tak niewiele, od witaminy D.
Problem jednak w tym, że witamina D jest dość tania, a nawet darmowa (gdy pozyskamy ja ze słońca). Właśnie dlatego ani medycyna, która coraz bardziej staje się biznesem, ani politycy nie są kompletnie zainteresowani by cię poinformować, że jest potężną czarodziejską różdżką dla twojego zdrowia. Prawdopodobnie mieścisz się w grupie 85% ludzi którzy mają niedobór witaminy D. Nawet jeśli kiedykolwiek łykałeś witaminę D zapewne brałeś ją w zalecanych oficjalnie... Będziesz mocno zdziwiony, że tak wiele twojego zdrowia, zależy od tak niewiele, od witaminy D.
Problem jednak w tym, że witamina D jest dość... |
39,00 zł |
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Reverse Your Type 2 Diabetes Scientifically: Get the Facts And Take Charge of Your Type 2 Diabetes
ISBN: 9781500411695 / Angielski / Miękka / 2014 / 400 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. There is a common misconception among patients as well as physicians that treating Type 2 diabetes means controlling your blood sugar by any means. This approach is dangerously flawed. The fact is that Type 2 diabetes is a complex disease process. If not managed properly, it often leads to a number of horrendous complications. Sometimes, medications can cause more harm than good. In "Reverse Your Type 2 Diabetes Scientifically," Dr. Sarfraz Zaidi, MD explains the root cause of Type 2 diabetes. Then, he showcases his unique 5-step approach to manage this disease at its roots. Over the last...
There is a common misconception among patients as well as physicians that treating Type 2 diabetes means controlling your blood sugar by any means. Th...
68,41 zł |
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Stress Management For Teenagers, Parents and Teachers: A Breakthrough Approach To Get Rid Of Stress At Its Roots
ISBN: 9781477506714 / Angielski / Miękka / 2013 / 298 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Using the blazing torch of logic, Dr. Zaidi cuts through the stress triangle of teenagers, parents and teachers. He dissects out all of the shady, dense and treacherous layers of stress until he reaches the bare bottom: the Real Cause of Stress. In this way, he empowers you with the real wisdom to get rid of stress from its root cause, once and for all. You don't have to practice certain techniques, attend workshops or use the crutch of medications. This original, profound and breakthrough approach is completely different from the usual, customary approaches to manage stress, which simply...
Using the blazing torch of logic, Dr. Zaidi cuts through the stress triangle of teenagers, parents and teachers. He dissects out all of the shady, den...
68,41 zł |
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Hipertiroidismul Si Maladia Graves: Ce Trebuie Sa Stii Inainte CA Tiroida Sa Iti Fie Distrusa Cu Iod Radioactiv
ISBN: 9786069335093 / Rumuński / Miękka / 2015 / 288 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. |
55,71 zł |
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Wake Up While You Can: A New, Logical, Non-religious Insight Into Life After Death
ISBN: 9781500434281 / Angielski / Miękka / 2014 / 218 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Using the torch of logic, Dr. Zaidi guides us into what life after death is. His insight is original, logical and a breath of fresh air, free of old religious ideas and concepts. Dr. Zaidi's logical approach to spirituality is a true milestone discovery. He uses logic to elaborate: "What is your likely fate after death? You can easily change this fate during this life-time, simply with wisdom provided in the book. Then, you will be stress-free in this life and in life after death. You are extremely lucky to be a human being. Only as a human being, can you change what your life after death...
Using the torch of logic, Dr. Zaidi guides us into what life after death is. His insight is original, logical and a breath of fresh air, free of old r...
64,11 zł |
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Hypothyroidism And Hashimoto's Thyroiditis: A Groundbreaking, Scientific And Practical Treatment Approach
ISBN: 9781490915968 / Angielski / Miękka / 2013 / 330 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. The current treatment of Hypothyroidism is superficial and unsatisfactory. Patients continue to suffer from the symptoms of Hypothyroidism, despite taking thyroid pills. Even worse, there is no treatment for Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, the root cause of hypothyroidism in a large number of patients. Dr. Sarfraz Zaidi, MD, a former Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine at UCLA, and a leading endocrinologist in U.S.A., has made a breakthrough discovery about the real cause of Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, and how to effectively treat it. He has also made new insights into the causes of...
The current treatment of Hypothyroidism is superficial and unsatisfactory. Patients continue to suffer from the symptoms of Hypothyroidism, despite ta...
68,41 zł |
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Graves' Disease And Hyperthyroidism: What You Must Know Before They Zap Your Thyroid With Radioactive Iodine
ISBN: 9781481884440 / Angielski / Miękka / 2013 / 264 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Graves' disease is one of several causes of hyperthyroidism. In "Graves' Disease And Hyperthyroidism," Dr. Zaidi, a leading endocrinologist, describes how to accurately diagnose and treat Graves' disease as well as other causes of hyperthyroidism. The medical treatment of Graves' disease has not changed in over 50 years. Sad, but true The standard, usual treatment with Radioactive iodine is a superficial, myopic approach. It almost always makes you hypothyroid (underactive thyroid state). Then, you need to be on thyroid pills for the rest of your life. In addition, radioactive iodine does...
Graves' disease is one of several causes of hyperthyroidism. In "Graves' Disease And Hyperthyroidism," Dr. Zaidi, a leading endocrinologist, describes...
68,41 zł |