wyszukanych pozycji: 10
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What In Hell Is Going On?: Understanding The Real Rattle Taking Place Behind The Scenes In Your Christian Organization
ISBN: 9781460901670 / Angielski / Miękka / 2012 / 130 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 13-18 dni roboczych. Have you ever wanted to know what was going on the behind the scenes of your church or ministry organization? Would you like to be a fly on the wall during some of their leadership meetings? Have you ever thought about what the effects of spiritual warfare are on Christian organizations around the world and what we can do about it? What In Hell Is Going On takes an honest look at the fierce war taking place around us. Are you aware of the demonic strategies aimed at your leaders? I can tell you from experience, Hell is trying to destroy everything your group is trying to do for God. This is...
Have you ever wanted to know what was going on the behind the scenes of your church or ministry organization? Would you like to be a fly on the wall d...
54,20 zł |
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You Can Be Free: Overcoming The Sinful Habits In Your Life
ISBN: 9781460901557 / Angielski / Miękka / 2012 / 116 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 13-18 dni roboczych. Are you struggling with a sinful habit or impure desires? Do you repent of it over and over? Are you wondering if you'll ever be free? Have you given up trying to fight and have made a truce with it? Have you simply grown indifferent to your habit? If these questions interest you, then take the time to read through this book two or three times. Yes I just said two or three times, because there is a lot here for you to consider. You Can Be Free provides proof every person can be free from life controlling habits and addictions. Reading it several times will be needed in order to break through...
Are you struggling with a sinful habit or impure desires? Do you repent of it over and over? Are you wondering if you'll ever be free? Have you given ...
40,64 zł |
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Working Together For Jesus: Helping Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors And Teachers Get Along
ISBN: 9781460901656 / Angielski / Miękka / 2012 / 172 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 13-18 dni roboczych. Why don't more Christians work together in your town? Is it because we are immature or is because the Devil is better at what he does than we are at what we do? Working Together For Jesus is written for Christians who believe God is calling the Body of Christ to work together in greater ways for the final ingathering of souls. If you are working (or want to work) side by side with other believers in your ministry, church or city, this material will help you understand some of the reasons why we have allowed ourselves to be so easily divided and why there has been "conflict in the camp." As we...
Why don't more Christians work together in your town? Is it because we are immature or is because the Devil is better at what he does than we are at w...
54,20 zł |
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The Blessing Of The Tithe: Understanding The Privilege Of Giving God His Holy Portion
ISBN: 9781460901540 / Angielski / Miękka / 2012 / 122 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 13-18 dni roboczych. Does God have a use for your money? Is money connected to our spirituality? How much are we supposed to give to God or to our Church? What can we learn about ourselves from the way we handle money? Money is an important topic to God. Look at how many times the following words are used in the Bible. Believe - 272 times, Pray 371 times, Love - 714 times and Give - 2,162 times. As you can see, God knows what a person does with their money can say a lot about a person. "Is tithing for today? Isn't it just an Old Testament Law? Aren't we under grace today?" Does it all sound like legalism to you?...
Does God have a use for your money? Is money connected to our spirituality? How much are we supposed to give to God or to our Church? What can we lear...
36,12 zł |
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God Gives Us Power: Receiving Power From God
ISBN: 9781460901564 / Angielski / Miękka / 2012 / 106 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 13-18 dni roboczych. Do you have a sense of power in your life? Not natural energy because you took your vitamins today; but have you ever experienced a heavenly ability rush into your life before? If you haven't, would you like to? If you are a Christian, it probably won't be long before someone asks you if you have been filled with the Spirit of God. Questions like, "Do you speak in tongues?" or "Have you been baptized in the Holy Spirit?" will be asked of almost every Christian sometime in their life. This subject has caused many Christians to divide into different theological camps. One religious group...
Do you have a sense of power in your life? Not natural energy because you took your vitamins today; but have you ever experienced a heavenly ability r...
36,12 zł |
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The Inner Journey: Recognizing The Three Levels Of Christian Maturity
ISBN: 9781460901595 / Angielski / Miękka / 2012 / 122 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 13-18 dni roboczych. Is there a way to make sense of all the sermons and teachings we hear as believers? Where do all these spiritual lessons lead? Did you ever wish you could have a bird's eye view of your spiritual journey, to see where you have come from and what you are heading into? The Inner Journey reminds us when Jesus walked the earth He used many parables and illustrated sermons to communicate spiritual truth. In these parables He used fig trees, tares, leaven, seeds, a pearl, wineskins, a wedding feast, talents, a coin, as well as sheep and goats to get His point across. Yet in Scripture itself, there...
Is there a way to make sense of all the sermons and teachings we hear as believers? Where do all these spiritual lessons lead? Did you ever wish you c...
40,64 zł |
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It Really Is God's Book: Why The Holy Bible Is The Word Of God
ISBN: 9781460901489 / Angielski / Miękka / 2012 / 124 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 13-18 dni roboczych. Did you ever wonder why so many people seem to blindly follow the Holy Bible? Why do so many intelligent people accept what it says without questioning some of the questionable portions? Are these people simpletons? Is there any significant factual evidence that this book bears the marks of a supernatural or Supreme Being? Or are we supposed to just take it all on faith? It Really Is God's Book gives a brief overview of the astounding facts that distinguish the Holy Bible from every other "holy book" in the world. After looking at the data, you will soon realize that the Bible simply stands...
Did you ever wonder why so many people seem to blindly follow the Holy Bible? Why do so many intelligent people accept what it says without questionin...
40,64 zł |
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A Better Way To Govern: Helping Politicians, Preachers And Problem Solvers Find Solutions
ISBN: 9781460901687 / Angielski / Miękka / 2012 / 112 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 13-18 dni roboczych. Why do we see the same political entrenchment between the two parties at every election cycle? How can so many well educated people not see eye to eye on the most basic issues? Why do we see the same stubbornness at the PTA meeting, the board meeting at work or the family squabble in our own homes? Is there something going on here that we are missing? A Better Way To Govern will make you think beneath the surface of your decision making process. Many of your presuppositions will come to light as never before as you audit your political and religious mindset. Your own thinking will become...
Why do we see the same political entrenchment between the two parties at every election cycle? How can so many well educated people not see eye to eye...
40,64 zł |
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Threads Method: Styled for Life
ISBN: 9781977275530 / Angielski Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 13-18 dni roboczych. |
176,30 zł |
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Roadkill Seminary: The Ancient School Every Beliver Will Attend
ISBN: 9781460901588 / Angielski / Miękka / 2012 / 212 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 13-18 dni roboczych. Have you ever wondered why the Bible spends so much ink on individuals who were going through extended times of trials and tribulations? Why does God spend so many chapters on their horrific stories? Could He be trying to tell us something about Himself and even us? The contemporary Christian life has sometimes been characterized as a glamorous and exciting life of only answered prayers and prosperity. Serving the Lord is exciting and there are many thrilling moments, but the balance of Scripture paints a picture that can be somewhat different from our modern version of Christianity. This...
Have you ever wondered why the Bible spends so much ink on individuals who were going through extended times of trials and tribulations? Why does God ...
67,76 zł |