wyszukanych pozycji: 295
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Social Interaction and English Language Teacher Identity
ISBN: 9780748656110 / Angielski / Miękka / 2018 / 200 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 22 dni roboczych. This textbook uses analysis of interaction in a range of teacher education and professional practice settings in ELT to explore the different identities and power relationships which teachers orient to. It traces the role of identity and interaction in the processes of acquiring new teaching skills and knowledge, reflecting on professional practice and constructing teaching selves, and explores the limits and constraints on these processes imposed by global forces such as the marketization of education. The book is written for teachers, teacher educators, postgraduate students and researchers...
This textbook uses analysis of interaction in a range of teacher education and professional practice settings in ELT to explore the different identiti...
155,23 zł |
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Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus: The Classic Guide to Understanding the Opposite Sex
ISBN: 9780060574215 / Angielski / Miękka / 2012 / 368 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. The most well-know, long-lived, and tried-and-tested relationships guide ever, the phenomenal #1 New York Times bestseller Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus is now available for the first time ever in trade paperback. In this classic guide to understanding the opposite sex, Dr. John Gray provides a practical and proven way for men and women to improve their communication by acknowledging the differences between their needs, desires, and behaviors. No other relationship guide on the market will give you the same level of evidence-based insight sure to help you...
The most well-know, long-lived, and tried-and-tested relationships guide ever, the phenomenal #1 New York Times bestseller Men Are From M...
77,36 zł |
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Siedem typów ateizmu
ISBN: 9788366619029 / Polski / Miękka ze skrzydełka / 2020 / 242 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 1-3 dni roboczych. Zwolennicy religii kontra ateiści! Czy na ten rytualny spór można spojrzeć inaczej? Wybitny brytyjski filozof polityki, John Gray, przekonuje, że tak. „Siedem typów ateizmu” to brawurowa podróż intelektualna po europejskiej tradycji ateistycznej. Gray domaga się ateizmu ambitnego, na miarę XXI wieku. Znakomity esej pozwala ujrzeć w nowym świetle polskie spory o miejsce religii w państwie. I pokazuje, że ateizm to nie nihilizm.
„Współczesny ateizm jest ucieczką od świata pozbawionego Boga. Żeby jakoś uciec od tej wizji, ateiści wiarę w boską opatrzność wymienili... Zwolennicy religii kontra ateiści! Czy na ten rytualny spór można spojrzeć inaczej? Wybitny brytyjski filozof polityki, John Gray, przekonuje, że...
37,51 zł |
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Kocia filozofia. Sens życia według kotów
ISBN: 9788366619104 / Polski / miękka ze skrzydełkami / 196 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 1-3 dni roboczych. Filozofowie od Spinozy do Bierdiajewa zadawali sobie odwieczne pytania o to, jak być szczęśliwym, jak być dobrym, jak być kochanym i jak żyć w zmiennym świecie, gdzie nieustannie ogarnia nas poczucie straty. John Gray przekonuje, że tego wszystkiego najlepiej nauczą nas koty – zwierzęta, które w największym stopniu zawładnęły naszą wyobraźnią.
John Gray - filozof polityki, wykładowca m.in. Uniwersytetu Oksfordzkiego, emerytowany profesor myśli europejskiej w London School of Economics and Political Science. Autor kilkunastu książek. Po polsku w Bibliotece Kultury... Filozofowie od Spinozy do Bierdiajewa zadawali sobie odwieczne pytania o to, jak być szczęśliwym, jak być dobrym, jak być kochanym i jak żyć w ...
35,63 zł |
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Practical Miracles For Mars And Venus
ISBN: 9780091954642 / Angielski / Miękka / 2013 / 256 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 30 dni roboczych. Gives advice to how we live in modern times and gives advice on Love and all relationships- from couples and friends, to parents and beyond. This title explains the benefits of committing to change and returning to what's most important in order to create a life of lasting love, health and happiness.
Gives advice to how we live in modern times and gives advice on Love and all relationships- from couples and friends, to parents and beyond. This titl...
84,28 zł |
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Men are From Mars, Women are from Venus
ISBN: 9788183222815 / Tamil / Miękka / 2012 / 384 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. |
114,03 zł |
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Practical Miracles for Mars and Venus: Nine Principles for Lasting Love, Increasing Success, and Vibrant Health in the Twenty-First Century
ISBN: 9780060937300 / Angielski / Miękka / 2001 / 272 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. |
69,22 zł |
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Win from Within: Finding Yourself by Facing Yourself
ISBN: 9781455539598 / Angielski / Twarda / 2018 / 224 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 8-10 dni roboczych. |
109,41 zł |
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How to stop hair loss: The best way to regrow hair naturally
ISBN: 9798849293011 / Angielski / Miękka / 2022 / 76 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. |
25,62 zł |
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Action Art: A Bibliography of Artists' Performance from Futurism to Fluxus and Beyond
ISBN: 9780313289163 / Angielski / Twarda / 1993 / 360 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 30 dni roboczych. This comprehensive international bibliography is the first to attempt documentation of this diverse field, covering the history of Artist's Performance. It focuses on its early twentieth-century antecedents in such movements as Futurism, Dada, Russian Constructivism, and the Bauhaus as well as its peak period in the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s with such developments as Gutai, Fluxus, Viennese Actionism, Situationism, and Guerrilla Art Action. Major emphasis is also given to sources on 115 individual performance artists and groups. More than 3700 entries document print and media materials... This comprehensive international bibliography is the first to attempt documentation of this diverse field, covering the history of Artist's Perform... |
337,34 zł |
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Katzen und der Sinn des Lebens
ISBN: 9783746641300 / Niemiecki / Miękka / 159 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 10-14 dni roboczych. »Versuchen Sie niemals, einen Menschen zur Vernunft zu bringen.« Der große Philosoph John Gray lässt in seinem internationalen Bestseller Katzen die Antworten auf die entscheidenden Fragen geben: Wie wird man glücklich? Wie ist man gut? Wie wird man geliebt? Denn Katzen sind es, die uns wie kein anderes Tier lehren können, uns an eine sich rasant verändernde Welt anzupassen. Ein bezauberndes Buch, in dem unser liebstes und eigensinnigstes Haustier uns dabei hilft, dem Sinn des Lebens auf die Spur zu kommen. »Ein kluges Lesevergnügen.«... »Versuchen Sie niemals, einen Menschen zur Vernunft zu bringen.« Der große Philosoph John Gray lässt in seinem interna... |
53,05 zł |
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Fire Music: A Bibliography of the New Jazz, 1959-1990
ISBN: 9780313278921 / Angielski / Twarda / 1991 / 536 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 30 dni roboczych. The first bibliography devoted to a single jazz genre or era, "Fire Music" is concerned with the music of the jazz avant-gardists such as John Coltrane, Ornette Coleman, Cecil Taylor, and Sun Ra. It makes accessible the most extensive and up-to-date scholarship of the New Jazz beginning in the 1950s. Included are materials on such topics as jazz collectives and the New York loft scene, as well as jazz in specific countries and regions and a lengthy section of biographical and critical studies on more than 400 artists and ensembles from around the world. Organized by subject and artist,... The first bibliography devoted to a single jazz genre or era, "Fire Music" is concerned with the music of the jazz avant-gardists such as John Colt... |
337,34 zł |
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The Book of Job
ISBN: 9781905048021 / Angielski / Twarda / 2010 / 532 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. John Gray, who was Professor of Hebrew and Semitic Languages in the University of Aberdeen, left at his death in 2000 a complete manuscript of a commentary on the Book of Job. Rich in text-critical and philological observations, the manuscript has been carefully prepared for the press; it will soon become a standard work for scholars and students of the biblical book, and a fitting tribute to the sound judgment and innovative scholarship of its author. John Gray was noted especially for his books The Legacy of Canaan (1957; 2nd edn, 1964), The Biblical Doctrine of the Reign of God (1979), and...
John Gray, who was Professor of Hebrew and Semitic Languages in the University of Aberdeen, left at his death in 2000 a complete manuscript of a comme...
570,36 zł |
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Black Theatre and Performance: A Pan-African Bibliography
ISBN: 9780313268755 / Angielski / Twarda / 1990 / 434 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 30 dni roboczych. This volume represents the first major bibliography on Black theatre and performance in Africa, the Caribbean, Latin America, Europe, and Canada. Unlike previous bibliographies on the topic, this work gives equal weight to Africa and the African Diaspora, and to biographical/critical material and play texts themselves. John Gray has collected more than 4,000 entries from a broad range of media, books, dissertations and theses, unpublished papers, periodical and newspaper articles, films, and videotapes. More than 650 playwrights and theatre groups from 45 countries are featured, as are... This volume represents the first major bibliography on Black theatre and performance in Africa, the Caribbean, Latin America, Europe, and Canada. U... |
316,26 zł |
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How to Live for Change and Change for Life : Practical Ways to have the Life You want
ISBN: 9780091882266 / Angielski / Miękka / 2001 / 256 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 30 dni roboczych. For many people, the beginning of each new year is filled with resolutions, which, after a few weeks, get abandoned. This book talks about how your best intentions fail. It gives you practical ways to have the life you want. It also talks about the Placebo Effect.
For many people, the beginning of each new year is filled with resolutions, which, after a few weeks, get abandoned. This book talks about how your be...
84,28 zł |
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How To Get What You Want And Want What You Have
ISBN: 9780091851262 / Angielski / Miękka / 2001 / 320 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 8-10 dni roboczych. Western therapies combine with Eastern meditation to give a proven method for becoming happy, confident and content by taking five basic steps: identify blocks to your personal success; understand your soul's desire; release negative emotions; identify needs and take action; make decisions daily.
Western therapies combine with Eastern meditation to give a proven method for becoming happy, confident and content by taking five basic steps: identi...
74,56 zł |
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Marte Y Venus Juntos Para Siempre: Secretos del Amor Duradero = Mars and Venus Together Forever
ISBN: 9780060952365 / Hiszpański / Miękka / 1997 / 288 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. EN CUANTO A LA PASION, NO HAY COMO EL AMOR CASERO John Gray muestra como transformar el matrimonio en una relacion amorosa para toda la vida Si el fenomenal bestseller del New York Times de john Gray, Los Hombres son de Marte, Las Mujeres son de Venus, le ha ayudado a mejorar la relacion con su pareja, este estupendo nuevo libro la hara aun mas emocionante y duradera. Marte y Venus juntos para siempre presenta nuevas e innovadoras tecnicas para crear y mantener una intimidad mutuamente satisfactoria-- una que crece y se enriquece con el tiempo. Entre las varias lecciones de este libro,...
EN CUANTO A LA PASION, NO HAY COMO EL AMOR CASERO John Gray muestra como transformar el matrimonio en una relacion amorosa para toda la vida Si el f...
48,85 zł |
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Muži jsou z Marsu Ženy z Venuše
ISBN: 9788072528837 / Czeski / 2021 / 248 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Praktický návod, jak zlepšit vzájemné porozumění a dosáhnout v partnerských vztazích toho, co od nich očekáváme.
Nová předmluva autora po 30 letech, psaná jen pro české modernizované vydání. Desítky milionů prodaných výtisků ve světě a celkem už 150 000 prodaných výtisků v ČR Kniha, která nic neztratila na své aktuálnosti a stále pomáhá párům na celém světě udržet, prohloubit a zlepšit jejich vztahy Kdysi za pradávných časů se Marťané a Venušanky setkali, zamilovali se do sebe a navázali šťastné vztahy, protože... Praktický návod, jak zlepšit vzájemné porozumění a dosáhnout v partnerských vztazích toho, co od nich očekáváme.
Nová předmluva au... |
68,20 zł |
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What Your Mother Couldn't Tell You And Your Father Didn't Know : A Practical Guide to Improving Communication Between the Sexes
ISBN: 9780091806538 / Angielski / Miękka / 1995 / 448 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 30 dni roboczych. A guide which offers strategies for maintaining a fulfilled relationship. A generation ago it was common to sacrifice personal fulfilment for the sake of preserving a married relationship. Now, with changed roles for men and women, divorce has become the common solution. Gray maintains neither is the answer and, without resorting to jargon, pinpoints seven essential rules for lasting monogamy.
A guide which offers strategies for maintaining a fulfilled relationship. A generation ago it was common to sacrifice personal fulfilment for the sake...
89,55 zł |
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Mars and Venus Starting Over: A Practical Guide for Finding Love Again After a Painful Breakup, Divorce, or the Loss of a Loved One
ISBN: 9780060930271 / Angielski / Miękka / 2005 / 368 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Is it possible to find love again after a breakup, death, or divorce? The end of a relationship can sometimes feel like the end of the world. Devastation, loneliness, and bitterness are some emotions that exist due to a breakup, divorce, or the loss of a loved one. But with the help of this compassionate guide, Dr. John Gray expresses that you will survive and tells you how to find love again. While the process of healing is similar with both sexes, there are distinct differences between the ways men and women heal their bruised hearts. In Mars and Venus Starting Over,... Is it possible to find love again after a breakup, death, or divorce? The end of a relationship can sometimes feel like the end of the world.... |
69,22 zł |