wyszukanych pozycji: 8
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Grenadiers De La Waffen-Ss: Volume 3
ISBN: 9782840486015 / Francuski / 31-03-2025 Książka dostępna od: 31-03-2025 |
Planowany termin premiery książki: 31-03-2025
Książkę można już zamówić z rabatem 5% |
396,38 zł |
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Les Organisations Nationales-Socialistes, 1920-1945, Analyse d'Un ReGime Totalitaire
ISBN: 9782840485988 / Francuski / Twarda / 31-03-2025 / 500 str. Książka dostępna od: 31-03-2025 |
Planowany termin premiery książki: 31-03-2025
Książkę można już zamówić z rabatem 5% |
481,67 zł |
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The Social Constructions and Experiences of Madness
ISBN: 9789004350786 / Angielski / Miękka / 2018 / 188 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 22 dni roboczych. |
224,15 zł |
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Density Functional Theory: Principles, Applications & Analysis
ISBN: 9781624179549 / Angielski / Twarda / 2013 / 322 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 22 dni roboczych. |
978,35 zł |
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L'Ordre Noir: Armes Blanches, Traditions & Symolique
ISBN: 9782840485841 / Angielski / Twarda / 30-06-2025 / 428 str. Książka dostępna od: 30-06-2025 |
Planowany termin premiery książki: 30-06-2025
Książkę można już zamówić z rabatem 5% |
536,86 zł |
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Accretion Disks, Jets and High-Energy Phenomena in Astrophysics: Les Houches Session LXXVIII, July 29 - August 23, 2002
ISBN: 9783642057687 / Angielski / Miękka / 2010 / 628 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. The accretion process is thought to play a key role in the Universe. This book explains, in a form intelligible to graduate students, its relation to the formation of new stars, to the energy release in compact objects and to the formation of black holes. The monograph describes how accretion processes are related to the presence of jets in stellar objects and active galactic nuclei and to jet formation. The authors treat theoretical work as well as current observational facts. This volume of the highly esteemed Les Houches series is meant as an advanced text that can serve to attract... The accretion process is thought to play a key role in the Universe. This book explains, in a form intelligible to graduate students, its relation ... |
881,45 zł |
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Superovulation Chez La Vache Laitiere : Impact de la Progesteronemie
ISBN: 9783838146140 / Francuski / Miękka / 2018 / 96 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 10-14 dni roboczych. Le transfert embryonnaire est une technique de reproduction assistA(c)e frA(c)quemment utilisA(c)e dans les A(c)levages de bovins laitiers depuis plus de trente ans. MalgrA(c) le perfectionnement de ce procA(c)dA(c), les rendements en nombre et en qualitA(c) des embryons par rA(c)colte effectuA(c)e n'ont connu que peu d'amA(c)lioration. Les rA(c)centes recherches suggA]rent que la superovulation de vaches laitiA]res sous une progestA(c)ronA(c)mie A(c)levA(c)e permet de meilleurs rA(c)sultats que la superovulation sous une basse concentration plasmatique de progestA(c)rone. Puisqu'une basse...
Le transfert embryonnaire est une technique de reproduction assistA(c)e frA(c)quemment utilisA(c)e dans les A(c)levages de bovins laitiers depuis plus...
320,10 zł |
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Modern Therapeutics in Rheumatic Diseases
ISBN: 9780896039162 / Angielski / Twarda / 2001 / 656 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. In this text, leading clinicians and clinical researchers discuss in practical detail contemporary treatments used in rheumatic diseases, emphasizing - without neglecting standard treatments - those experimental therapies now undergoing clinical trials and poised for early introduction into the rheumatology armamentarium. The diseases and therapeutic regimes examined here range from rheumatoid arthritis and its treatment by gene therapy, to osteoarthritis and systemic autoimmune diseases. Each chapter is organized so that the busy clinician can quickly obtain all the information needed...
In this text, leading clinicians and clinical researchers discuss in practical detail contemporary treatments used in rheumatic diseases, emphasizing ...
600,98 zł |