About the Author ixAcknowledgments xiForeword xiii1 Catalyst Preparation Techniques and Equipment 11.1 Introduction 11.2 Forming of Catalysts 41.3 Impregnation and Drying 121.4 Rotary Calcination 131.5 From the Laboratory to a Commercial Plant 29Nomenclature 29References 302 Extrusion Technology 352.1 Background 352.2 Rheology 362.3 Extrusion 47Nomenclature 57References 593 The Aspect Ratio of an Extruded Catalyst: An In-depth Study 613.1 General 613.2 Introduction to Catalyst Strength and Catalyst Breakage 633.3 Mechanical Strength of Catalysts 673.4 Experimental Measurement of Mechanical Strength 763.5 Breakage by Collision 883.6 Breakage by Stress in a Fixed Bed 1293.7 Breakage in Contiguous Equipment 1453.8 Statistical Methods Applied to Manufacturing Materials 158Nomenclature 159Greek Symbols 161Subscripts 162References 1624 Steady-state Diffusion and First-order Reaction in Catalyst Networks 1654.1 Introduction 1654.2 Classic Continuum Approach 1694.3 The Network Approach 171Nomenclature 270Greek Symbols 270References 271Appendix 4.1 Diffusion in a simple network 272Appendix 4.2 Property of the semi-inverse 272Appendix 4.3 Diffusion and reaction in a simple network 273Appendix 4.4 Matrix properties for diffusion and reaction in a simple network 274Appendix 4.5 Perturbation in a simple network 274Appendix 4.6 A random variable 275Appendix 4.7 Diffusion along a string of nodes 275Appendix 4.8 Diffusion in a rectangular strip with an equal number of nodes 276Appendix 4.9 Diffusion in a rectangular strip with an unequal number of nodes 277Appendix 4.10 Diffusion and first-order reaction in a very deep network of 500 layers deep and five nodes per layer 279Appendix 4.11 Diffusion and first-order reaction 280Index 281
JEAN W. L. BEECKMAN obtained his chemical engineering degree in 1975 and later his doctorate in 1979 at the Rijksuniversiteit Gent, Belgium. Since 2001, the author has been with ExxonMobil in Annandale, NJ. His entire career has been in the area of catalyst development, catalyst manufacturing and mathematical modeling. Jean has over 35 patents and over 25 peer reviewed technical publications.