wyszukanych pozycji: 7
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ISBN: 9788072038459 / Czeski / 2006 / 310 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Zásadní dílo moderní anglicky psané literatury, jímž se autor roku 1955 přiřadil k poetice „mladých rozhněvaných mužů“, rozčarovaných pozitivním budováním nového světa po 2. světové válce. Jedná se o příběh Sebastiana Dangerfielda, mladého Američana irského původu, který ve 40. letech po válce studuje na Trinity College v Dublinu a má plné zuby úplně všeho kromě žen a alkoholu. Se svými podezřelými kumpány prochází jednou pikareskní pitkou či šarvátkou do druhé, kupodivu většinou bez větších následků. Román byl přirovnán k...
Zásadní dílo moderní anglicky psané literatury, jímž se autor roku 1955 přiřadil k poetice „mladých rozhněvaných mužů“, rozčarovan...
57,37 zł |
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The Beastly Beatitudes of Balthazar B
ISBN: 9780802137968 / Angielski / Miękka / 2001 / 416 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. In the years before and after World War II, Balthazar B is the world's last shy, elegant young man. Born to riches in Paris and raised by his governess, Balthazar is shipped off to a British boarding school, where he meets the noble but naughty Beefy. The duo matriculate to Trinity College, Dublin, where Balthazar reads zoology and Beefy prepares for holy orders, all the while sharing amorous adven-tures high and low, until their university careers come to an abrupt and decidedly unholy end. Written with trademark bravado and a healthy dose of sincerity, The Beastly Beatitudes of Balthazar B...
In the years before and after World War II, Balthazar B is the world's last shy, elegant young man. Born to riches in Paris and raised by his governes...
72,29 zł |
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The Destinies of Darcy Dancer, Gentleman
ISBN: 9780871132895 / Angielski / Miękka / 1994 / 420 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Darcy Dancer grows to manhood in rural Ireland, finds himself temporarily the squire of Andromeda Park, takes his first steps in love, and travels across the country as a vagabond intent on regaining some of the glories to which he was born.
Darcy Dancer grows to manhood in rural Ireland, finds himself temporarily the squire of Andromeda Park, takes his first steps in love, and travels acr...
68,04 zł |
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Bezuzdná blahoslavenství Baltazara B.
ISBN: 9788025701508 / Czeski / 2009 / 418 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Další z Donleavyho románů, v nichž nad hladinu jiskřící vtipem tu a tam vytryskne temná ponorná řeka melancholie, se odehrává během druhé světové války a těsně po ní. Balthazar B. je v jistém smyslu protipólem Sebastiana Dangerfielda z Donleavyho prvotiny Zrzoun: je to neméně inteligentní, leč tentokrát kultivovaný a plachý mladý muž, narozený v bohaté rodině v Paříži. Poté, co prožije dětský, ovšem zdaleka ne nevinný vztah se svou guvernantkou, je odeslán do anglické internátní školy, a odtud jeho osudy sledujeme na dublinskou Trinity...
Další z Donleavyho románů, v nichž nad hladinu jiskřící vtipem tu a tam vytryskne temná ponorná řeka melancholie, se odehrává během druh...
73,10 zł |
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The Lady Who Liked Clean Restrooms: The Chronicle of One of the Strangest Stories Ever to Be Rumoured about Around New York
ISBN: 9780312187347 / Angielski / Miękka / 1998 / 128 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Not since The Gingerman has J.P. Donleavy succeeded in both delighting and irking his readers as he has with The Lady Who Like Clean Restrooms. This stylish novella tells the tale of Jocelyn Guenevere Marchantiere Jones, whose Scarsdale life comes to an abrupt end when her husband goes in search of a bit of "fresh flesh." Soon she is fending for herself in New York City, where finding a clean restroom will prove to be the least of her concerns. Not since The Gingerman has J.P. Donleavy succeeded in both delighting and irking his readers as he has with The Lady Who Like Clean Rest... |
76,50 zł |
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A Fairy Tale of New York
ISBN: 9780871132642 / Angielski / Miękka / 1994 / 348 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. The loneliness and insanity of life in New York City is the author's major concern in this novel about Cornelius Christian's struggle to survive.
The loneliness and insanity of life in New York City is the author's major concern in this novel about Cornelius Christian's struggle to survive.
72,29 zł |
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The Ginger Man
ISBN: 9780802144669 / Angielski / Miękka / 2010 / 368 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. First published in Paris in 1955, and originally banned in the United States, J. P. Donleavy's first novel is now recognized the world over as a masterpiece and a modern classic of the highest order. Set in Ireland just after World War II, The Ginger Man is J. P. Donleavy's wildly funny, picaresque classic novel of the misadventures of Sebastian Dangerfield, a young American ne'er-do-well studying at Trinity College in Dublin. He barely has time for his studies and avoids bill collectors, makes love to almost anything in a skirt, and tries to survive without having to descend into the...
First published in Paris in 1955, and originally banned in the United States, J. P. Donleavy's first novel is now recognized the world over as a maste...
76,55 zł |