wyszukanych pozycji: 50
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The Shorter Catechism Explained
ISBN: 9781800401808 / Angielski / Miękka / 2021 / 360 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. |
40,85 zł |
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The True Christian's Love to the Unseen Christ
ISBN: 9781612036311 / Angielski / Miękka / 2012 / 88 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. The following discourse of the true Christians love to the unseen Christ, is not finely spun and woven with neatness of wit and language. It is not flourished and set off with a variety of metaphors, hyperboles, rhetorical elegancies, or poetical fancies and fragments. It is not adorned and fringed with the specious show of many marginal quotations, excerpted out of divers authors. The discourse is plain-but the author has endeavored that it might be warm; his design being more to advance his Master, than himself, in your esteem; and if he has less of your praise, so that his Lord may have...
The following discourse of the true Christians love to the unseen Christ, is not finely spun and woven with neatness of wit and language. It is not fl...
55,71 zł |
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Setting Healthy Boundaries: Limit What Others Take So You Have More to Give (How to Set Strong and Healthy Boundaries and Take Control of Your Lif
ISBN: 9781774859704 / Angielski / Miękka / 2022 / 192 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. |
81,49 zł |
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The Only Deliverer from the Wrath to Come!: Or, the Way to Escape the Horrible and Eternal Burnings of Hell
ISBN: 9781537699950 / Angielski / Miękka / 2016 / 66 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Thomas Vincent (1634-1678) was an English Puritan minister and author in England when such a stance meant suffering and persecution at the hands of the government.
In typical Puritan style, Vincent covers all pertinent aspects of the issue of God's wrath and Christ's deliverance for his people: What this wrath is The certainty of God's wrath Upon whom this wrath will come When this wrath will come ... Thomas Vincent (1634-1678) was an English Puritan minister and author in England when such a stance meant suffering and persecution at the hands of th...
42,67 zł |
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Christ's Manifestation of Himself Unto Those Who Love Him
ISBN: 9781612036304 / Angielski / Miękka / 2012 / 56 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Christ manifests Himself-when He makes a clearer revelation unto His disciples of the excellency of His person
Christ manifests Himself when He makes a deep impression and gives a sweet sense to His disciples of His presence. Christ manifests Himself when He makes revelation of His love unto those who love Him. Thus Christ sometimes looks and speaks kindly unto His people; and this sweet language is not spoken to the bodily ear-but inwardly by His Spirit to their souls when He says to the soul, "I am your salvation and your Savior! In Christs Manifestation Of Himself Unto Those Who Love Him... Christ manifests Himself-when He makes a clearer revelation unto His disciples of the excellency of His person
Christ manifests Himself when He ma... |
44,89 zł |
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Cristo, el mejor esposo: Una invitación a las mujeres jóvenes a venir a Cristo
ISBN: 9798362954291 / Hiszpański / Miękka / 86 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. |
51,42 zł |
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The Only Deliverer from the Wrath to Come! Or, the Way to Escape the Horrible and Eternal Burnings of Hell
ISBN: 9781612036366 / Angielski / Miękka / 2012 / 66 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Past pains may easily be forgotten. Future pains are not easily believed. Present pains in extremity are so grievous and afflicting that all the wealth and honor in the world cannot countervail them-and, oh, how welcome is such a physician who can give ease and remove them! But if people believingly apprehended what horrible pains and torments the wicked must endure in the unquenchable flames of hell fire, where they can have no ease, surely they would use their utmost diligence now to escape.
This text, which makes a revelation of the only Deliverer from the wrath to come and the glad... Past pains may easily be forgotten. Future pains are not easily believed. Present pains in extremity are so grievous and afflicting that all the wealt...
51,41 zł |
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Gods Terrible Voice in the City!
ISBN: 9781612036298 / Angielski / Miękka / 2012 / 156 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Gods Terrible Voice in the City: wherein are set forth the sound of the voice, in a narration of the two dreadful judgments of plague and fire, inflicted upon the city of London.
Thomas Vincent was a clergyman who had given a long and powerful sermon about the Great Plague and the Great Fire of London. He, like many others at the time, believed the fire was a punishment from God for Londoners sins. He lists 25 sins in detail, such as religious hypocrisy, lying, swearing, laziness, drunkenness, pride, gluttony, envy and lust. Coming so soon after the dreadful plague of 1665, which killed... Gods Terrible Voice in the City: wherein are set forth the sound of the voice, in a narration of the two dreadful judgments of plague and fire, inflic...
57,14 zł |
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A Woman and a Suitcase
ISBN: 9780692761410 / Angielski / Miękka / 2016 / 70 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Written for the theatre, A Woman and a Suitcase, is a contemporary play with witty, sharp banter between complete strangers. In this dark comedy, Doris and Henry meet for the first time at a light rail platform. While waiting for the next train to arrive, bizarre antics start to develop, leaving the audience to ask, "What the heck is inside the suitcase?" Written for the theatre, A Woman and a Suitcase, is a contemporary play with witty, sharp banter between complete strangers. In this dark... |
54,33 zł |
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Hymns and Poems for the Sick and Suffering
ISBN: 9783382333591 / Angielski / Twarda / 2023 / 406 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. |
385,56 zł |
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Wake Up Crazy World!
ISBN: 9781629522227 / Angielski / Miękka / 2014 / 280 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Over the years, Hollywood has learned the secret of how to captivate our minds through the art of make-believe. Life in our world has become so unpredictable and uncertain, that it has become hard to distinguish between real-life and make-believe. It's time for God's true people to "wake up," and distance themselves as much as possible from the perils of a negative world; and take time to live a life filled with hope and promise. Putting our trust in God, loving and enjoying our families, respecting others and showing appreciation to our friends can put us in the frame of mind to continuously...
Over the years, Hollywood has learned the secret of how to captivate our minds through the art of make-believe. Life in our world has become so unpred...
82,30 zł |
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Hymns and Poems for the Sick and Suffering
ISBN: 9783382333584 / Angielski / Miękka / 2023 / 406 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. |
299,79 zł |
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Renewable Resource Management: Proceedings of a Workshop on Control Theory Applied to Renewable Resource Management and Ecology Held in Christchurch,
ISBN: 9783540105664 / Angielski / Miękka / 1981 / 236 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. As society becomes stressed by economic and population pressures, in turn, nature's renewable resources become stressed by harvesting pressures. For our own survival and euphoria, it is paramount that such resources remain as their name implies and not be driven to extinction through short term programs of over exploitation. Consideration of the harvesting of renewable resources leads to a simple question that was the theme of the workshop and is the focus of these proceedings: SUPPoRe you are assigned the role of manager for a specific renewable resource eco- system. How would you decide on...
As society becomes stressed by economic and population pressures, in turn, nature's renewable resources become stressed by harvesting pressures. For o...
199,35 zł |
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Modeling and Management of Resources Under Uncertainty: Proceedings of the Second U.S.-Australia Workshop on Renewable Resource Management Held at the
ISBN: 9783540179993 / Angielski / Miękka / 1987 / 322 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. This vol ume contains the proceedings of the second U. S. -Austral ia workshop on Renewable Resource Management held at the East-West Center, Honolulu, Hawaii, December 9-12, 1985. The workshop was jointly sponsored by the National Science Foundation (USA) and the Department of Science and Technology (Austral ia) under the U. S. -Austral ia Cooperative Science Program. The objective of the workshop was to focus on problems associated with the management of renewable resource systems. A particular emphasis was given to methods for handling uncertain elements whieh are present in any real...
This vol ume contains the proceedings of the second U. S. -Austral ia workshop on Renewable Resource Management held at the East-West Center, Honolulu...
199,35 zł |
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In Search of Gravestones Old and Curious
ISBN: 9783849180744 / Angielski / Twarda / 2012 / 170 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. |
217,25 zł |
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The Vincents. [signed: W. T. Vincent.]
ISBN: 9781241328139 / Angielski / Miękka / 2011 / 20 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. |
60,25 zł |
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Geschichten aus Falensia: Der Spiegel von Echenon
ISBN: 9781539499190 / Niemiecki / Miękka / 2016 / 726 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Seit Ulrich seine Frau verloren hat, ist er nicht mehr derselbe. Er bereist die Lande Hyderias unaufhorlich und kehrt nur noch selten in seine Heimat zuruck, bis er sich schlielich als alten, von Depressionen heimgesuchten Mann wiederfindet. Das Gefuhl, sein Leben vergeudet, nichts daraus gemacht zu haben, nagt an ihm. Doch wenn er eine Sache schon immer gut beherrscht hat, dann war es das Erzahlen von Geschichten. Und so geschieht es, dass Ulrich sich jahrelang mit Heldentaten ruhmt, die er nie begangen hat, nur um sich selbst ein wenig mehr ausstehen zu konnen. Doch dann wird Ewa, die junge...
Seit Ulrich seine Frau verloren hat, ist er nicht mehr derselbe. Er bereist die Lande Hyderias unaufhorlich und kehrt nur noch selten in seine Heimat ...
104,00 zł |
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In Search of Gravestones Old and Curious
ISBN: 9783849171735 / Angielski / Miękka / 2012 / 170 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. |
135,75 zł |
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Woolwich. Guide to the Royal Arsenal. (Reprint of Warlike Woolwich.) Tenth Thousand.
ISBN: 9781241601010 / Angielski / Miękka / 2011 / 188 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. |
104,08 zł |
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Arrhythmias in Children: A Case-Based Approach
ISBN: 9780323779074 / Angielski / Miękka / 2021 Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 8-10 dni roboczych. |
299,05 zł |