Maurizio Migliori: Full Professor of Ancient Philosophy History at the University of Macerata, Faculty of Literature and Philosophy, Department of Philosophy and Human Science unitl 2015. European Representative of the Executive Committee of the International Plato Society (2001-2007). Author of many books on Plato (Il disordine ordinato. La filosofia dialettica di Platone. 2 vv., I. Dialettica, metafisica e cosmologia; II. Dall'anima alla prassi etica e politica, Morcelliana, Brescia 2013), on the dialogues (Parmenides, Philebus, Sophist, Statesman), and on Aristotle (Aristotele, La generazione e la corruzione, traduzione, introduzione e commento di M. Migliori, Revisione, aggiornamento e saggio bibliografico di Lucia Palpacelli, Bompiani, Milano 2013).Elisabetta Cattanei (Genoa, 1966), after graduating (1988) and getting a PhD in philosophy (1993) at the Catholic University in Milan, did her research in the 'Philologisches Seminar' of the Uni-Tuebingen and a 'Post-Doc' program in History of ancient mathematics (Regensburg-Paris); since Nov. 1999 she has been teaching at the University in Cagliari (I), where she's now Fullprofessor of History of Ancient Philosophy. In the last 7 years she has been directing 'local units' of 3 different National Research Projects (PRIN) about Aristotle and Aristoteleanism. Her publications are focussed on the relations between mathematics and philosophy, especially before Euclid.Arianna Fermani: Researcher in History of Ancient Philosophy at the University of Macerata (Italy), Full Member of the International Plato Society and Member of the Collegium Politicum. Her researches focus, particularly, on Ancient Ethics and on some anthropological and political questions posed by Platonic and Aristotelian reflection. Some of her publications: Vita felice umana: in dialogo con Platone e Aristotle, Eum, Macerata 2006 (Portuguese translation: A vida feliz humana, Diálogo com Platão e Aristóteles, Editora Paulus, São Paulo 2015); Aristotele, Le Tre Etiche, edited by A. Fermani, Bompiani, Milano 2008; M. Migliori, L.M. Napolitano Valditara and A. Fermani (Eds.), Inner Life and Soul. Psyche in Plato, Academia Verlag Sankt Augustin 2011;L'etica di Aristotele. Il mondo della vita umana, Morcelliana, Brescia 2012; Tò kakòn pollachôs lèghetai': the polivocity of the notion of evil in the Aristotelian Ethics, in C. Baracchi (ed.), The Bloomsbury Companion to Aristotle, Bloomsbury, London 2014, pp. 241-259.