ISBN-13: 9781496923547 / Angielski / Miękka / 2014 / 110 str.
"Those are words - only words." This was a comment I once heard in response to another's comments. The response to the responder came back quickly - "words are truly all we have - our words are WHO we are. They are everything." This author could not agree more. In writing "Words Of A Lifetime... So Far," I wanted to do just that - put words out there that reveal our meaning, our substance - that who we are and why we are, is so very important to our happiness in this life. That those things, those places, those people - their faces, (whoops There I go again ...) are what make the journey that we are all on so very worth it. The only way we truly have to authentically express what that journey means to us and what we mean to each other, is through the WORDS. Our Words. With, full page, color photographs, many of them montages of photos taken around the world, I offer scope and dimension into my poetic works and use the personal stories of my experiences to introduce each poem. I am really excited to offer the experience of essay, poetry and photography for your reading pleasure in a single volume. I believe it will present the poetic genre from a whole new perspective and vision. Above all, I hope it helps us all to connect with each other just a little more. There is no such thing as an ordinary life. We are all extraordinary. All of us... each of us. So here's to US and to The Words Of A Lifetime... So Far. Thanks for visiting. Join me in the journey. What we Read, is Where we Go KM KM Kirkpatrick or "kPat" for short, is a South Carolina native who resides in the low country haven of James Island in Charleston. A former Air Force member, he has lived throughout the Middle East, Asia and Turkey where many of the photographs from this book were taken. His passion for travel, exploration, language and culture have distilled a desire to write in unifiying themes that illumincate our human experience in ways that teach"beyond the moment." For a closer look at him and the creation of this book, visit