3. Role of irrigated agriculture for food security
4. On-farm water use efficiency
5. Basin-level modelling for macro-water management strategies
6. Urban water challenges
7. Enabling environment for building resilience and water security
8. Comprehensive industrial water usage
Girish Chadha is a New Delhi-based business journalist-cum-entrepreneur. His engagement with water sector runs across several dimensions. He has written extensively on global water issues in leading foreign publications and is the Editor of India Water Review, a multi-media news platform on water in India. Girish also overlooks efficient water usage practice for a fast-growing global organic foods company with projects across several geographies.
Ashwin B Pandya is the Secretary-General of International Commission on Irrigation & Drainage (ICID). An M Tech in Structural Engineering from IIT-Delhi, Pandya has been a former Chairman of Central Water Commission. In his long distinguished career encompassing all aspects of water resources sector, Pandya has provided mentorship and led the large water resources engineering community towards a sustainable and rational development regime. Pandya has been engaged with several state governments, many countries and the World Bank in various capacities and is an advisor to the Indian Government on several flagship projects.
This book, the second volume in the series, continues to raise contextual issues and presents perspectives regarding multifaceted challenges in management and governance of water in India. This volume attempts to broad base and expand the dialogue started in the first volume and would touch upon issues that need immediate discussion but have been left unattended like politics and management of groundwater, efficient utilization of water in agriculture (irrigation) and improving water use efficiency and building resilience. As in the first volume, this book presents a set of suggestions and recommendations in each chapter that can help frame policy guidelines in the country.