ISBN-13: 9781479173792 / Albański / Miękka / 2012 / 70 str.
Jane stine - ato qe trupi ndjen. Por ka dhe stine - ato qe mendja dhe zemra ndjen. Ky liber eshte nje koleksion i atyre diteve dhe momenteve, atyre stineve te zemres qe ndonjehere mund edhe mos te vihen re nga nje person tjeter (ose 'personi tjeter' mund te mos jete prezent ne ate moment), por jane reale sido qe te jete.
Dhe, si ne cdo stine, mund te kete momente te veshtira, por dhe te bukura. Ngjyrat e stineve, melodia e shiut qe bie... shume momente te tilla te vogla, te kendshme. Nuk eshte per t'u cuditur qe natyra eshte prezente ne disa poezi, ne kontrast shpesh me urbanizimin, me grine dhe monotonine qe mund te jete prezente ne boten tone moderne.
Ky eshte koleksioni i pare me poezi i autorit, shkruar gjate 2008. Eshte nje koleksion i ilustruar, me skica/vizatime te vete autorit (qe nga 2003). Po publikohet paralelisht ne shqip dhe anglisht.
Ky eshte nje hap i pare.. nje nisje. Por krijimtaria s'ka ndalese, dhe sigurisht do kete dhe libra te tjere ne vazhdim. Nderkohe, ju lutemi ta shijoni kete liber dhe ate qe ai ka per te ofruar.
Permes gjithe stineve te zemres...
There are seasons - those that the body feels. And then, there are seasons - those that the mind and heart feel. This book is a collection of those days and moments, of those seasons of the heart, that sometimes may not even be discernible to an outside observer (or the 'outside observer' may not even be present at that moment) but are real nonetheless.
And, as in every season, there may be hard moments, but also very beautiful ones. The colors of the seasons, the melody of the falling rain... many such little, joyous moments. It's not surprising that nature is present in a lot of these poems, contrasted often with the urban environment, with the greyness of the monotony that may be present in our modernized life.
This is the author's first collection of poems, written during 2008. It is an illustrated collection, including several drawings/sketches by the author himself (since 2003). It is being published in parallel, both in English and Albanian.
This is a first step... a beginning. But creativity has no stop, and surely other books will follow. Meanwhile, please enjoy this book and everything it has to offer.
Through all the seasons of the heart...