ISBN-13: 9789027202260 / Kataloński
This book contains an edited and contextualized collection of poetry that is preserved, without an author's name, in a manuscript in the Vatican Apostolic Library. The internal and external analysis of the manuscript has made it possible to attribute it to Joan Salom (or Salon), a Franciscan monk who, in addition to being a noted hebraist and astronomer, had an important role in reforming the Gregorian calendar, and who is here also revealed as a poet. Beyond the interest of adding previously unknown lyrics to the Catalan literary production of the 1500s, this songbook is important because it is situated at the time when the new Italian poetic forms of the Renaissance were being introduced in Catalan poetry. Aquest llibre edita i contextualitza un petit recull de poesies que avui es conserva, sense nom d'autor, dins un manuscrit de la Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana. L'analisi interna i externa del manuscrit ha permes atribuir-lo amb tota seguretat a Joan Salom (o Salon), un frare francisca que, a mes d'hebraista i astronom reconegut -va tenir un paper important en la reforma del calendari gregoria-, se'ns revela, doncs, tambe com a poeta. A les composicions hi ha elogis a alguns contemporanis, algunes peces de caracter devot i unes quantes poesies adrecades a un amor frustrat envers una monja barcelonina. Mes enlla de l'interes que te augmentar la produccio literaria catalana del Cinc-cents amb uns textos desconeguts, aquest canconer es important perque se situa en el moment en que les noves formes poetiques italianes del renaixement s'introdueixen en la poesia catalana.