1. Methods for Analysis of Trends and Change Detection in Hydrometeorological Time Series 2. Changes and Trends in Precipitation Extremes and Characteristics: Links to Climate Variability and Change 3. Modelling High Intensity Precipitation for Urban Hydrologic Design 4. Changes in Streamflow with Global Warming - Assessment, Causes and Implications 5. Land-Cover Influenced Changes in Future Hydro-Climatic Variables 6. Detection of Spatio-temporal Changes in Droughts 7. Variations and Trends in Sea Levels
Dr. Teegavarapu is currently an associate professor in the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatics department at Florida Atlantic University (FAU), Boca Raton, Florida and founder and leader of the Hydrosystems Research Laboratory (HRL) http://hrl.fau.edu in the department. He has over 15 years of experience in hydrological modelling and water resources systems area. Dr. Teegavarapu's current research areas focus on climate variability and change, precipitation processes, water and environmental systems modelling and management, extreme precipitation events, spatial interpolation and geo-statistical methods, radar meteorology, rain-radar relationships. Prior to his tenure at FAU, he has worked as Assistant Director of Kentucky Water Resources Research Institute (KWRRI) and Assistant Professor (visiting and adjunct) at University of Kentucky, and also as Research Engineer at University of California, Davis. He is author of book on "Floods in Changing Climate: Extreme Precipitation published by Cambridge University Press and several chapters in number of books