ISBN-13: 9781493979400 / Angielski / Miękka / 2018 / 416 str.
ISBN-13: 9781493979400 / Angielski / Miękka / 2018 / 416 str.
Part I General Aspects of Traditional Foods
1. European Consumers’ Definition and Perception of Traditional Foods
Wim Verbeke, Filiep Vanhonacker, Luis Guerrero,Valerie Lengard Almli and Margrethe Herslet
2. Consumers’ Valuation and Quality Perception of Kid’s Meat From Traditional “Cabrito Da Gralheira” - Protected Geographical Indication
António L. Ribeiro, Ana P. Moura and Luís M. Cunha
3. Traditional Fermented Foods in Thailand
Busaba Yongsmith, Wanna Malapan
4. Increasing Romanian’s Traditional Food Added Value through Integration into the Protected Geographical Designations System
Gabriela Nedita, Nastasia Belc, Lucia Romanescu and Roxana Cristina Gradinariu
5. Traditional Foods in Slovakia
Jan Brindza, Dezider Toth, Radovan Ostrovsky, Lucia Kucelova
6. Traditional Foods in Turkey: General and Consumer Aspects
Ferruh Erdoğdu, Beraat Özçelik, Fahrettin Göğüş, Semih Ötleş
Part II Traditional Dairy Products
7. Indian Traditional Fermented Dairy Products
Narender Raju Panjagari, Ram Ran Bijoy Singh and Ashish Kumar Singh
8. Traditional Bulgarian Dairy Food
Aladjadjiyan Anna, Ivanka Zheleva, Yordanka Kartalska
9. Dulce de Leche: Technology, Quality and Consumer Aspects of the Traditional Milk Caramel of South America
María Cecilia Penci and María Andrea Marín
Part III Tradi
10. Austrian Dumplings
Josefa Friedel,
11. French Bread Baking
Alain SOMMIER, Yannick ANGUY, Imen DOUIRI, Elisabeth DUMOULIN
12. Traditional Rye Sourdough Bread in the Baltic Region
Grazina Juodeikiene, Kaunas University of Technology
13. The Legume Grains: When Tradition Goes Hand In Hand with Nutrition
Vasconcelos, Marta Wilton and Gomes, Ana Maria
14. Traditional Food Products from Prosopis sp. Flour
Leonardo Pablo Sciammaro, Daniel Pablo Ribotta and Maria Cecilia Puppo
15. Amaranth: an Andean Crop with History. It´s feeding reassessment in America
Myriam Villarreal, Laura Iturriaga
Part IV Traditional Meat and Fish Products
16. Yunnan Fermented Meat: Xuanwei Ham, Huotui
Huang Aixiang, Sarote Sirisansaneeyakul and Yusuf Chisti
17. Selected Viennese Meat Specialties
Elias Gmeiner, Helmut Glattes and Gerhard Schleining
18. Norse Dried Fish
Trude Wicklund
19. Utilization of Different Raw Materials from Sheep and Lamb in Norway.
Trude Wicklund
20. Muxama and Estupeta: Traditional Food Products Obtained from Tuna Loins in South Portugal and Spain
Jaime Aníbal and Eduardo Esteves
21. Salting and Drying of Cod
Helena Oliveira, Maria Leonor Nunes, Paulo Vaz-Pi
22. Brazilian Charqui Meats
24. “Pálinka” – Hungarian Distilled Fruit
Zsuzsanna László, Cecila Hodúr, József Csanádi
25. Tokaji Aszú – “the Wine of Kings, the King of Wines”
Cecilia Hodúr, József Csanádi, Zsuzsa László
26. Mead - The Oldest Alcoholic Beverage
Rajko Vidrih, Janez Hribar
27. Midus - a Traditional Lithuanian Mead
Rimantas Kublickas
28. Horchata
Codina, Idoia, Trujillo, Aantonio José., Ferragut, Victoria.
Part VI Traditional Deserts, Side Dishes and Oil
29. “Dobos”: A super-cake from Hungary
Elisabeth T. Kovács
30. Traditional Green Table Olives from the South of Portugal
Maria Alves and Célia Quintas
31. Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Table Olives from Slovenian Istra
Milena Bučar-Miklavčič, Bojan Butinar, Vasilij Valenčič, Erika Bešter, Mojca Korošec, Terezija Golob, Sonja Smole Možina
32. A Perspective on Production and Quality of Argentinian Nut Oils
Marcela Lilian Martínez and Damián Modesto Maestri
33. Pupunha (Bactris gasipaes): General and Consumption Aspects
Carolina Vieira Bezerra and Luiza Helena Meller da Silva
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