ISBN-13: 9780595407330 / Angielski / Miękka / 2006 / 168 str.
The story might have been forgotten had not a preacher, John Barton, written a song about the baby that was packed in a suitcase and thrown from a train as it passed over the trestle near Hopewell, Missouri in 1902. Saved by a farmer named Bill Helms. Adopted by the Helm's, the Iron Mountain Baby grows to manhood on an Ozark farm and goes to St. Louis, Missouri to search for his real mother. There he finds romance with a young Jewish girl. The search for his real mother ends as he untangles a web of deceit, dishonesty, and intrigue. Included is a copy of the song written about the baby and recorded by Johnny Rion of Farmington, Missouri. All historical facts have been checked for accuracy.