'The Comic Storytelling of Western Japan is a triumph … the book is a highly readable and often entertaining declaration of love for the wonders of the performing arts and the Kansai region. It whets the appetite and makes Kamigata rakugo more accessible for readers interested in Japanese performance, literature, and comedy. The performers of Kamigata rakugo should get ready for the new and well-deserved interest generated by this book.' Till Weingärtner, Journal of Japanese Studies
Author's Preface: COVID-19 and Tenugui Face Masks; Introduction; Part I. 1. Kamigata, Osaka; 2. The History of Kamigata Rakugo; 3. What Constitutes a Kamigata Rakugo Story?; 4. Geidan: An Interview with Hayashiya Somemaru IV (1949–); 5. Conclusion; Part II. 6. Five Kamigata Rakugo Classics.