ISBN-13: 9781536189025
The Biochemical Guide to Medicinal Plants presents the study of medicinal plants and organic chemistry, forming a bridge between the biology and chemistry of medicinal plants by studying complex chemical interactions. The book consists of 45 chapters, each describing one medicinal plant with figures. We present species of herbaceous and woody plants found on various continents and in various habitats, presenting their various adaptations to the environment. The book contains information about plants' range, appearance, and biological and ecological characteristics, and the descriptions are enriched with surprising curiosities. The book also contains data on the plants' life spans and flowering periods. Plants used as spices, plants that have no flowers, forest and meadow plants, and plants with medicinal and poisonous properties are described. The reader will learn about the properties of medicinal plants characteristic for each season. This book shows the beauty of plants used in medicine, with their richness of shape, color and fragrance.