Foreword xiiiAcknowledgments xvAbout the Author xixIntroduction 11 The Biggest Day 52 The TIP Jar 11Twelve Years Earlier . . .3 A New Direction 154 Dear Valued Employee 215 First Impressions 296 The Offer 337 New Beginnings 438 What is a TIP? 499 Wake-up Call 5710 Labels and Purpose 6311 The Bear 8312 Position Yourself 8913 Communicate Your Brand 9714 What's Your Story? 11115 Actions Build the Brand 11516 Flow 12717 Protect the Business, Protect the Brand 13118 Day of All Days 13919 Create an Experience 14520 The Last TIP 153Present Day21 The TIP Jar (Continued) 16522 Good Choices 17123 Give More, Get More 177Twenty Takeaway Tips For Success 183Personal Accountability Model and Action Plan 187Resources 199
DAVE GORDON is an internationally recognized brand, marketing, and communications expert. He is an inspirational speaker, author, coach, and leader on a mission to help people identify, communicate, and deliver their unique value to build stronger personal, team, and corporate brands. Dave's work has positively impacted leaders, teams, organizations, and associations in countries around the world, including the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand.