Noyau de la chaleur hypoelliptique et geometrie sous-riemannienne.- On two classes of smooth measures for symmetric markov processes.- The hydrodynamical limit for scalar ginzburg-landau model on R.- Short time asymptotics for fundamental solutions of diffusion equations.- Malliavin calculus on a segal space.- Weak convergence of functionals of point processes on Rd.- Image des points critiques d'une application reguliere.- Degree theorem in certain wiener riemannian manifolds.- Applications quantitatives et geometriques du calcul de malliavin.- On the fock space representation of occupations times for non reversible markov processes.- On weak solutions of stochastic partial differential equations.- Une remarque sur les chaos de wiener.- Limit theorem for one-dimensional diffusion process in brownian environment.- Diffusion processes and heat kernels on certain nilpotent groups.