Preface xxiCompanion Website xxiiiBiography xxvSolid State Chemistry, an Overview of the Discipline: Chemistry -- Solid State Chemistry -- Materials Chemistry -- Materials Science and Engineering 11 Crystal Structures, Crystal Chemistry, Symmetry and Space Groups 72 Crystal Defects, Non-stoichiometry and Solid Solutions 1193 Bonding in Solids 1614 Synthesis, Processing and Fabrication Methods 2215 Crystallography and Diffraction Techniques 2656 Other Characterisation Techniques: Microscopy, Spectroscopy, Thermal Analysis 3257 Phase Diagrams and Their Interpretation 3818 Electrical Properties 4699 Magnetic Properties 56310 Optical Properties: Luminescence, Lasers and Transparent Conductors 58911 Heterogeneous Materials, Electroceramics and Impedance Spectroscopy 61912 Thermal and Thermoelectric Properties 64713 Functional Materials: Some Important Examples 66314 Glass 69715 Structural Materials: Cement, Refractories and Structural Ceramics 74316 Oxides of the Elements, Their Properties and Uses 771Appendix A: Interplanar Spacings and Unit Cell Volumes 795Appendix B: Model Building 797Appendix C: Geometrical Considerations in Crystal Chemistry 801Appendix D: The Elements and Some of Their Properties 805Appendix E: The 32 Crystallographic Point Groups 811Appendix F: The Arrhenius Equation for Ionic Conductivity 815Appendix G: A Guide to the Use of Electrode Potentials 819Further Reading 823Questions 837Index 851
ANTHONY R. WEST, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Sheffield, UK.