Preface xvii1 Carbon-Free Fuel and the Social Gap: The Analysis 1Saravanan Chinnusamy, Milind Shrinivas Dangate and Nasrin I. Shaikh1.1 Introduction 21.2 Objectives 31.3 Study Areas 31.3.1 Community A 41.3.2 Community B 41.3.3 community c 51.3.4 Community d 51.4 Data Collection 61.5 Data Analysis 91.6 Conclusion 10References 132 Opportunities of Translating Mobile Base Transceiver Station (BTS) for EV Charging Through Energy Management Systems in DC Microgrid 15A. Matheswaran, P. Prem, C. Ganesh Babu and K. Lakshmi2.1 Introduction 162.1.1 Telecom Sector in India 162.1.2 Overview of Base Transceiver Station (BTS) 172.1.3 Electric Vehicle in India 192.1.4 Evolution of EV Charging Station 212.2 Translating Mobile Base Transceiver Station (BTS) for EV Charging 212.2.1 Mobile Base Transceiver Station (BTS) for EV Charging - A Substitute or Complementary Solution? 212.2.2 Proposed Methodology 232.2.3 System Description Solar PV Array DC-DC Boost Converter Rectifier Battery Backup System Charge Controller Bidirectional Converter 282.3 Implementation of Energy Management System in Base Transceiver Station (BTS) 292.3.1 Introduction 292.3.2 Control Strategies 302.3.2.1 MPPT Control 312.3.2.2 Charge Controller Control 312.3.2.3 Bidirectional Converter Control 322.3.3 Power Supervisory and Control Algorithm (PSCA) 332.3.3.1 Grid Available Mode 332.3.3.2 Grid Fault Mode 332.3.4 Results and Discussions 352.3.4.1 Grid Available Mode 352.3.4.2 Grid Failure Mode 352.4 Conclusion 35References 383 A Review on Advanced Control Techniques for Multi-Input Power Converters for Various Applications 41Kodada Durga Priyanka and Abitha Memala Wilson Duraisamy3.1 Introduction 423.2 Multi-Input Magnetically Connected Power Converters 463.2.1 Dual-Source Power DC to DC Converter with Buck-Boost Arrangement 463.2.2 Bidirectional Multi-Input Arrangement 473.2.3 Full-Bridge Boost DC-DC Converter Formation 483.2.4 Multi-Input Power Converter with Half-Bridge and Full Bridge Configuration 493.3 Electrically Coupled Multi-Input Power DC-DC Converters 503.3.1 Combination of Electrically Linked Multi-Input DC/DC Power Converter 503.3.2 Multi-Input Power Converters in Series or Parallel Connection 513.3.3 Multi-Input DC/DC Fundamental Power Converters 523.3.4 Multiple-Input Boost Converter for RES 533.3.5 Multi-Input Buck-Boost/Buck/Boost-Boost Based Converter 543.3.6 Multi-Input Buck-Boost/Buck/Boost-Boost Based Converter 553.3.7 Multi-Input DC/DC Converter Using ZVS (Zero Voltage Switching) 573.3.8 Multi-Input DC-DC Converter Based Three Switches Leg 573.3.9 Multi-Input Converter Constructed on Switched Inductor/Switched Capacitor/Diode Capacitor 583.3.10 High/Modular VTR Multi-Input Converters 593.3.11 Multi/Input and Multi/Output (MIMO) Power Converter 603.4 Electro Magnetically Coupled Multi-Input Power DC/DC Converters 613.4.1 Direct Charge Multi-Input DC/DC Power Converter 613.4.2 Boost-Integrated Full-Bridge DC-DC Power Converter 623.4.3 Isolated Dual-Port Power Converter for Immediate Power Management 633.4.4 Dual Port Converter with Non-Isolated and Isolated Ports 633.4.5 Multi-Port ZVS And ZCS DC-DC Converter 643.4.6 Combined DC-Link and Magnetically Coupled DC/DC Power Converter 653.4.7 Three-Level Dual-Input DC-DC Converter 653.4.8 Half-Bridge Tri-Modal DC-DC Converter 663.4.9 Bidirectional Converter with Various Collective Battery Storage Input Sources 753.5 Different Control Methods Used in Multi-Input DC-DC Power Converters 753.5.1 Proportional Integral Derivation Controller (PID) 763.5.2 Model Predictive Control Method (MPC) 773.5.3 State Space Modelling (SSM) 783.5.4 Fuzzy Logic Control (FLC) 793.5.5 Sliding Mode Control (SMC) 803.6 Comparison and Future Scope of Work 823.6.1 Comparison and Discussion 823.7 Conclusion 85References 864 Case Study: Optimized LT Cable Sizing for an IT Campus 101O.V. Gnana Swathika, K. Karthikeyan, Umashankar Subramaniam and K.T.M.U. HemapalaAbbreviations 1024.1 Introduction 1024.2 Methodology 1034.2.1 Algorithm for Cable Sizing 1034.3 Results and Discussion 1034.3.1 Feeder Schedule 1044.3.2 Design Consideration for LT Power Cable 1044.3.3 Cable Sizing & Voltage Drop Calculation 1074.4 Conclusion 114References 1145 Advanced Control Architecture for Interlinking Converter in Autonomous AC, DC and Hybrid AC/DC Micro Grids 115M. Padma Lalitha, S. Suresh and A. Viswa Pavani5.1 Introduction 1165.2 Prototype Model of IC 1175.3 Implemented Photo Voltaic System 1185.4 Highly Reliable and Efficient (HRE) Configurations 1205.5 MATLAB Simulink Results 1225.6 Conclusion 127References 1276 Optimal Power Flow Analysis in Distributed Grid Connected Photovoltaic Systems 131Neenu Thomas, T.N.P. Nambiar and Jayabarathi R.6.1 Introduction 1316.2 System Development and Design Parameters 1326.3 Proposed Algorithm 1386.4 Results and Discussion 1386.5 Conclusion 141References 1417 Reliability Assessment for Solar and Wind Renewable Energy in Generation System Planning 143S. Vinoth John Prakash and P.K. Dhal7.1 Introduction 1447.2 Generation & Load Model 1467.2.1 Generation Model-RBTS 1467.2.2 Wind Power Generation Model 1477.2.2.1 Wind Speed and Wind Turbine Output Model 1477.2.3 Solar Power Generation Model 1507.2.3.1 Solar Radiation and Solar Power Output Model 1507.2.4 Load Model 1527.3 Results and Analysis 1527.3.1 Reliability Indices Evaluation for Different Scenario 1537.4 Conclusion 155References 1568 Implementation of Savonius Blad Wind Tree Structure by Super Lift Luo Converter for Smart Grid Applications and Benefits to Smart City 159Jency Joseph J., Anitha Mary X., Josh F. T., Vinoth Kumar K. and Vinodha K.8.1 Introduction 1608.2 Savonius Wind Turbine - Performance Design 1608.3 Design Modules 1638.4 Results and Discussion 1678.5 Positive Output Super Lift Luo Converter 1708.6 Conclusion 171References 1729 Analysis: An Incorporation of PV and Battery for DC Scattered System 175M. Karuppiah, P. Dineshkumar, A. Arunbalaj and S. Krishnakumar9.1 Introduction 1769.2 Block Diagram of Proposed System 1799.2.1 Determine the Load Profile 1809.2.2 Duration of Autonomy and Recharge 1809.2.3 Select the Battery Rating 1819.2.4 Sizing the PV Array 1829.2.5 Analysis of Boost Converter 1849.2.5.1 To Select a Proper Inductor Value 1879.2.5.2 To Select a Proper Capacitor Value 1879.3 Proposed System Simulations 1889.4 Conclusion 192References 19310 Dead Time Compensation Scheme Using Space Vector PWM for 3Ø Inverter 195Sreeramula Reddy, Ravindra Prasad, Harinath Reddy and Suresh Srinivasan10.1 Introduction 19510.2 Concept of Space Vector PWM 19710.3 Proteus Simulation 20010.4 Hardware Setup 20110.4.1 Total Harmonic Distortion 20610.4.2 Hardware Configuration 20910.5 Conclusion 210References 21111 Transformer-Less Grid Connected PV System Using TSRPWM Strategy with Single Phase 7 Level Multi-Level Inverter 213S. Sruthi, K. Karthikumar, D. Narmitha, P. Chandra Sekhar and K. Karthi11.1 Introduction 21411.2 Proposed System 21511.3 DC-DC Influence Converter 21611.4 Controlling of 7-Level Inverter 21811.5 Controlling for Boost Converter and Inverter 22111.6 MATLAB Simulation Results 22111.7 Conclusion 224References 22512 An Enhanced Multi-Level Inverter Topology for HEV Applications 227Premkumar E. and Kanimozhi G.12.1 Introduction 22712.2 E-MLI Topology 22812.2.1 Switching Operation of the E-MLI Topology 22912.2.2 Diode-Clamped Multi-Level Inverter (DC-MLI) 23212.3 PWM for the E-MLI Topology 23312.3.1 SPWM Based Switching for the E-MLI Topology 23412.3.2 Phase Opposition Disposition (POD) Scheme for DC-MLI 23412.4 Simulation Results & Discussions 23612.5 Conclusion 249References 24913 Improved Sheep Flock Heredity Algorithm-Based Optimal Pricing of RP 253P. Booma Devi, Booma Jayapalan and A.P. Jagadeesan13.1 Introduction 25413.2 RP Flow Tracing 25713.2.1 Intent Function 25713.2.1.1 System's Price Loss After RP Compensation 25713.2.1.2 SVC Support Price for RP 25813.2.1.3 Diesel Generator RP Production Price 25813.2.1.4 Minimization Function 25813.3 Existing Methodologies 25913.3.1 Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) 25913.3.1.1 PSO Parameter Settings 25913.3.2 Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization (HPSO) 26013.3.2.1 Flowchart for HPSO 26013.4 Proposed Methodology 26113.4.1 Improved Sheep Flock Heredity Algorithm 26113.4.2 ISFHA Algorithm 26313.5 Case Study 26313.5.1 Realistic Seventy-Five Bus Indian System Wind Farm 26313.6 Conclusion 266References 26714 Dual Axis Solar Tracking with Weather Monitoring System by Using IR and LDR Sensors with Arduino UNO 269Rajesh Babu Damala and Rajesh Kumar Patnaik14.1 Introduction 26914.2 Associated Hardware Components Details 27014.2.1 Arduino Uno 27014.2.2 L293D Motor Driver 27114.2.3 LDR Sensor 27214.2.4 Solar Panel 27314.2.5 RPM 10 Motor 27414.2.6 Jumper Wires 27414.2.7 16×2 LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) Module with I2C 27514.2.8 DTH11 Sensor 27614.2.9 Rain Drop Sensor 27614.3 Methodology 27714.3.1 Dual Axis Solar Tracking System Working Model 27714.3.2 Dual Axis Solar Tracking System Schematic Diagram 27914.4 Results and Discussion 27914.5 Conclusion 281References 28215 Missing Data Imputation of an Off-Grid Solar Power Model for a Small-Scale System 285Aadyasha Patel, Aniket Biswal and O.V. Gnana SwathikaAbbreviations and Nomenclature 28615.1 Overview 28615.2 Literature Review 28715.3 AI/ML for Imputation of Missing Values 28815.3.1 Cbr 28815.3.2 Mice 29015.3.3 Results and Discussion 29115.3.3.1 Data Collection 29115.3.3.2 Error Metrics 29215.3.3.3 Comparison Between CBR and MICE 29315.4 Applications of MICE in Imputation 29615.5 Summary 296References 29716 Power Theft in Smart Grids and Microgrids: Mini Review 299P. Tejaswi and O.V. Gnana Swathika16.1 Introduction 29916.2 Smart Grids/Microgrids Security Threats and Challenges 30016.2.1 Security Threats to Smart Grid/Microgrid by Classification of Sources 30116.2.1.1 Smart Grid/Microgrid Threats Sources in Technical Point of View 30216.2.2 Sources of Smart Grids/Microgrids Threats in Non-Technical Point of View 30416.2.2.1 Security of Environment 30416.2.2.2 Regulatory Policies of Government 30416.3 Conclusion 304References 30417 Isolated SEPIC-Based DC-DC Converter for Solar Applications 309Varun Mukesh Lal, Pranay Singh Parihar and Kanimozhi. G17.1 Introduction 30917.2 Converter Operation and Analysis 31117.2.1 Mode A 31117.2.2 Mode B 31317.3 Design Equations 31417.4 Simulation Results 31617.5 Conclusion 321References 32118 Hybrid Converter for Stand-Alone Solar Photovoltaic System 323R.R. Rubia Gandhi and C. Kathirvel18.1 Introduction 32418.2 Review on Converter Topology 32418.3 Block Diagram 32518.4 Existing Converter Topology 32618.5 Proposed Tapped Boost Hybrid Converter 32618.5.1 Novelty in the Circuit 32718.5.2 Converter Modes of Operation 32718.6 Derivation Part of Tapped Boost Hybrid Converter 32718.6.1 Voltage Gain 32818.6.2 Modulation Index 32818.7 Design Specification of the Converter 32918.8 Simulation Results for Both DC and AC Power Conversion 33018.9 Hardware Results 33018.10 TBHC Parameters for Simulation 33218.11 Conclusion 334References 33419 Analysis of Three-Phase Quasi Switched Boost Inverter Based on Switched Inductor-Switched Capacitor Structure 337P. Sriramalakshmi, Vachan Kumar, Pallav Pant and Reshab Kumar Sahoo19.1 Introduction 33719.1.1 Conventional Inverter (VSI) 33919.1.2 Z-Source Inverter (ZSI) 33919.1.3 SBI Based on SL-SC Structure 34019.2 Working Modes of Three-Phase SL-SC Circuit 34119.2.1 Shoot-Through State 34119.2.2 Non-Shoot-Through State 34219.3 Design of Three-Phase SL-SC Based Quasi Switched Boost Inverter 34219.3.1 Steady State Analysis of SL-SC Topology 34219.3.2 Design of Passive Elements 34419.3.3 Design Equations 34419.3.4 Design Specifications 34419.4 Simulation Results and Discussions 34419.4.1 Simulation Diagram of SBC PWM Technique 34419.4.2 SBC PWM Technique 34519.4.3 Switching Pulse Generated for the Power Switches 34719.4.4 Expanded Switching Pulse 34819.4.5 Input Current 34819.4.6 Current in Inductor L 1 34919.4.7 Current in Inductor L 2 34919.4.8 Capacitor Voltage VC 2 35019.4.9 dc Link Voltage 35019.4.10 Output Load Voltage 35119.4.11 Output Load Current 35119.5 Performance Analysis 35119.6 Conclusion 353References 35420 Power Quality Improvement and Performance Enhancement of Distribution System Using D-STATCOM 357M. Sai Sandeep, N. Balaji, Muqthiar Ali and Suresh Srinivasan20.1 Introduction 35820.2 Distribution Static Synchronous Compensator (d-statcom) 36020.3 Modelling of Distribution System 36120.3.1 Single Machine System 36120.3.2 Modeling of IEEE 14 Bus System 36220.4 Simulation Results & Discussions 36320.4.1 Power Flow Analysis on Single Machine System 36320.4.2 Different Modes of Operation of D-STATCOM on Single Machine System 36520.4.3 Step Change in Reference Value of dc Link Voltage 36820.5 IEEE-14 Bus Systems 37020.6 Conclusion 374References 374Index 377
O.V. Gnana Swathika, PhD, earned her PhD in electrical engineering from VIT University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. She completed her postdoc at the University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka in 2019. Her current research interests include microgrid protection, power system optimization, embedded systems, and photovoltaic systems.K. Karthikeyan is an electrical and electronics engineering graduate with a master's in personnel management from the University of Madras. He has two decades of experience in electrical design. He is Chief Engineering Manager in Electrical Designs for Larsen & Toubro Construction.Sanjeevikumar Padmanaban, PhD, Department of Electrical Engineering, IT and Cybernetics, University of South-Eastern Norway, Porsgrunn-Norway. He received his PhD in electrical engineering from the University of Bologna, Italy. He has almost ten years of teaching, research, and industrial experience and is an associate editor for a number of international scientific refereed journals. He has published more than 750 research papers and has won numerous awards for his research and teaching.
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