Section 1: The language of social research -- includes Walter Wallace, G.H. Von Wright, K.R. Popper, Alfred Schutz, and Norman K. Denzin
Section 2: Research design -- includes Scott Greer, John I. Kitsuse, Aaron V. Cicourel, Leslie Kish, Donald T. Campbell, Jacqueline P. Wiseman, and Morris Zelditch Jr.
Section 3: Data collection -- includes C. A. Moser,G. Kalton, William Belson, Judith A. Duncan, Harper W. Boyd Jr., RalphWestfall, John P. Dean, William Foote Whyte, and Herbert C. Kelman
Section 4: Measurement -- includes A. N. Oppenheim, Lee J. Cronbach, Paul E. Meehl, and Aubrey McKennell
Section 5: Data analysis and report -- includes Morris Rosenberg, Hanan C. Selvin, Alan Stuart, Andrew Ahlgren, Herbert J. Walberg, and Howard S. Becker