1. Hazard Analysis - A Standardised Approach 2. Application of Formal Methods to Railway Signalling 3. Fault Tolerance for Railway Signalling - VORTICS in Practice 4. An AI/Real Time Solution for Expert Scheduling of Underground Rail Traffic 5. Just a Slip of the Cursor: Methods for Identifying Potential Problem Areas in the Use of a VDU Based System for the Signalling of Trains 6. A Knowledge Based Assistant for Real-Time Planning and Recovery in Automatic Train Protection Systems 7. Safety and Reliability Analysis of the Hermes Crew Escape Module 8. A Study of Severe Air Crash Environments with Particular Reference to the Carriage of Radioactive Materials by Air 9. The use of Risk Analysis in the Formulation of Policy for the Transport of Dangerous Goods through Tunnels 10. Modes and Consequences of the Failure of Road and Rail Tankers Carrying Liquefied Gases and Other Hazardous Liquids 11. Should Dangerous Goods be Moved by Rail Rather than by Road? 12. TREMEX: Transport Emergency Expert System 13. Human Reliability and Risk Management in the Transportation of Spent Nuclear Fuel 14. Pipelines Once Buried Never to be Forgotten 15. LBL - A Computer Simulation Program for Risk Evaluation of Lifeboat Evacuation 16. Monte-Carlo Simulation to Assessing the Risk Associated to the Navigation in Channel-Port 16. Reliability Assessment of the Propulsion Machinery, Steering Gear, Electrical Supply and Fire Systems of Irradiated Fuel Ships