In Quantum Stochastic Thermodynamics, Philip Strasberg has succeeded in giving clarity on an ever evolving and often misleading topic. I am convinced that this book will be the starting point for researchers and graduate students entering the field. It is written in a coherent fashion covering all of the essential material on what I believe, in lieu of the prevalence of imperfect quantum technologies, will become increasingly important.
After completing his PhD in 2015 at the Technical University of Berlin, Philipp Strasberg joined Massimiliano Esposito's group in Luxembourg to work on problems in nonequilibrium statistical mechanics and stochastic thermodynamics. In 2018, he was awarded a research fellowship at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, where he works on a variety of problems related to quantum stochastic processes, open quantum systems and the microscopic foundations of
nonequilibrium thermodynamics, in collaboration with Andreas Winter.