Foreword 1 xiLaurent BASEILHACForeword 2 xiiiVincent LAFLÈCHEForeword 3 xviiJune C. WISPELWEYIntroduction xixJean-Pierre DAL PONT and Marie DEBACQChapter 1. Bio-industry in the Age of the Transition to Digital Technology: Significance and Recent Advances 1Philippe JACQUES1.1. Introduction 11.2. Diversity of products and applications 41.2.1. Fermentations in agri-food 51.2.2. Biomass-based products 71.2.3. Metabolite-based products 71.3. Traditional process for developing a product of industrial microbiology 81.4. Strain selection and optimization 101.4.1. Evolution of strain screening techniques 101.4.2. Evolution of genetic modification technologies, from random mutagenesis to CRISPR-Cas9 technology 131.5. Production and purification processes 141.5.1. Needs of microorganisms 141.5.2. Production processes 151.5.3. Downstream fermentation processes (downstream processing, DSP) 181.5.4. Coupled procedures 191.5.5. Microfluidic intake (scale-up/scale-down) 201.5.6. Process intensification 201.6. Innovative concepts 211.6.1. Biofilm reactors 211.6.2. Mixed cultures and cascades of microorganisms 211.7. Towards a digital bio-industry 211.8. Acknowledgements 221.9. Glossary 231.10. References 29Chapter 2. Hydrogen Production by Steam Reforming 31Marie BASIN, Diana TUDORACHE, Matthieu FLIN, Raphaël FAURE and Philippe ARPENTINIER2.1. The industrial production of hydrogen 312.1.1. The processes of hydrogen production 312.1.2. Natural gas steam reforming 332.2. Problems and operational constraints in steam reforming units 582.2.1. Tube temperature and lifetime 582.2.2. Catalyst deactivation 602.2.3. Corrosion by metal dusting 642.2.4. Flexibility in raw materials of steam reforming units 642.3. Recent industrial developments responding to global warming 652.3.1. The role of hydrogen in energy transition (Hydrogen Council 2017) 652.3.2. CO2 capture in hydrogen production units 662.3.3. The exchanger reactor ("zero steam") 682.3.4. Current research interests 702.3.5. Other means to provide reaction heat (currently in development) 762.4. References 76Chapter 3. Industrialization: From Research to Final Product 79Jean-Pierre DAL PONT3.1. Anatomy of a process 803.2. Process evaluation 813.3. Industrialization process 823.3.1. The foundations of industrialization 823.3.2. Realization (project) engineering 833.4. The concept of the industrial project 843.5. Typical organization of an industrial project 853.6. The stages of an industrial project from the engineering perspective - validations 873.7. The tools of engineering project management - related activities 903.7.1. Process conceptualization: making it visible 903.7.2. Project management 913.7.3. Reporting - executive summary 913.7.4. Other concepts 913.8. Process intensification (PI) - miniaturization 923.9. Investment/sales coupling - modular construction 933.10. Circular industrial economy - platforms - centralization - decentralization 943.11. Overseas operations - technology transfer 943.12. Conclusion 953.13. Boxes 963.14. References 107Chapter 4. Operations 109Jean-Pierre DAL PONT4.1. The industrial tool seen by flows and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) 1104.2. The supply chain 1114.3. The typology of the means of production: VAT analysis 1124.4. The anatomy of a plant 1134.5. Operations management systems, the push for excellence 1144.5.1. A brief history of industrial operations management 1144.5.2. Toyotism 1164.6. Costing-based profitability analysis (CO-PA): measure of performance and steering tool 1174.6.1. Product cost 1184.6.2. Margins 1194.6.3. The breakeven point: the absorption of fixed costs 1204.6.4. The infernal spiral of fixed costs 1204.6.5. Observations on margins 1214.7. The plant: performance measurement and score cards 1224.8. Change management 1234.8.1. Processes: system integrity and robustness 1244.8.2. Human aspects and climate of trust 1244.8.3. Knowledge management and core competencies 1254.8.4. Continuous improvement and the search for innovation 1254.8.5. The search for technological breakthrough and innovation 1264.8.6. Operations abroad 1274.8.7. What about tomorrow? 1274.9. References 127Chapter 5. The Enterprise and the Plant of the Future at the Age of the Transition to Digital Technology 129Jean-Pierre DAL PONT5.1. From one Industrial Revolution to the next Industrial Revolution 1295.1.1. The First Industrial Revolution (1712-1860): steam, a source of energy 1305.1.2. The Second Industrial Revolution (1860-1960): from crafts to industrial enterprise 1315.1.3. The Third Industrial Revolution (1960-1990): the rise of industrial computing 1355.1.4. The Fourth Industrial Revolution (1990-present) 1365.2. Artificial intelligence (AI): deep learning and machine learning 1375.3. Big Data 1395.3.1. Characterization 1405.4. Digital tools and technologies for industrial enterprise 1425.4.1. Products, innovation, management 1425.4.2. New tools 1435.4.3. Digital twins 1455.4.4. Engineering revisited 1455.4.5. 3D (three-dimensional) printer or additive manufacturing 1475.4.6. Robots, robotics, exoskeletons 1485.4.7. Drones 1495.4.8. Operations management 1505.5. Boxes 1515.6. References 204Chapter 6. And Tomorrow 207Jean-Pierre DAL PONT6.1. The beginning of an epic: business, science, technology, the leap forward 2086.2. Artificial intelligence (AI) and economic channels 2096.2.1. Medicine and health 2096.2.2. The water-energy-food-climate nexus 2106.2.3. Intelligent electrical network (Smart Grid) 2106.2.4. Artificial Intelligence and Smart City 2106.3. Artificial intelligence and the consumer 2116.4. Artificial intelligence, environment and human factor 2116.5. The human at the heart of the device, at the heart of the system 2126.5.1. Humans and robots 2126.6. System robustness, resilience and fragility 2136.7. GAFA: concerns, fears, myths and phantasms 2146.8. Industrial companies in the face of digital technology 2156.8.1. Cybercrime and uberization 2166.8.2. Software hybridization 2176.8.3. After Fordism and Toyotism, Teslism? 2176.8.4. Business and governance: products 2186.8.5. The chemical engineer, the project management 2196.9. Towards a Black Box Society? 2206.10. Conclusion 2216.11. Box 2236.12. References 232List of Authors 233Index 235Summary of Volume 1 241
Jean-Pierre Dal Pont is the president of the Société des Experts Chimistes de France (SECF). Specializing in process industries, he has been an industrial director in the United States and Asia-Pacific for many years.Marie Debacq is responsible for the AgroParisTech technology platform in France. She was a research lecturer at Cnam (Paris), where her work involved experimental study and modeling of polyphasic reactors.