Blackbox optimization for chance constrained hydro scheduling problems.- Evaluating approaches for estimating the water value of a hydropower plant in the day-ahead electricity market.- Coordinated hydropower bidding in the day-ahead and balancing market.- Inflow forecasting for hydropower operations: Bayesian model averaging for postprocessing hydrological ensembles.- Benchmarking hydro operation by use of a simulator.- Optimal pricing of production changes in cascaded river systems with limited storage.- Implied efficiency curves from analysis of operational patterns.- Norway as a battery for the future European power system – comparison of two different methodological approaches.
Arild Helseth has been employed as a research scientist at SINTEF Energy research in Norway since 2008. In this period, he has worked with research and development related to mathematical scheduling models used for hydropower and hydro-thermal scheduling. These models are used by many market players (power producers, transmission system operators and regulators) in the hydro-dominated Nordic power market. He has published actively on methodological improvements in hydropower scheduling models in the relevant leading journals, and he also serves as an active reviewer in several of these. He was in charge of organizing the "5th International Workshop on Hydro Scheduling in Competitive Electricity Markets".
This book includes a collection of research articles presented at the “6th International Workshop on Hydro Scheduling in Competitive Electricity Markets”. The workshop was a unique and intimate forum for researchers and practitioners to present state-of-the-art research and development concerning novel methodological findings, best practices and real-life applications of hydro scheduling. It also provided a platform for discussing the developments that are taking place in the industry, sharing different experiences and discussing future trends related to this area.
This proceedings book is a collection of the most relevant, high-quality articles from the workshop. Discussing the state-of-the-art in the field of hydro scheduling, it is a valuable resource for a wide audience of researchers and practitioners in the field now and in the interesting and challenging times ahead.