1.1 History and development of chemostratigraphy as a subject
1.2. Principal applications of chemostratigraphy
1.3 commonly used terminology
2. Sampling, sample preparation and analytical techniques
2.1 sampling strategy
How sampling strategies are established, types of lithologies that should/should not be sampled, common errors during sampling.
2.2 Sample preparation
Correct procedures for washing, grinding and ‘picking’ of samples and common errors
2.3 Analytical techniques
Most commonly used techniques of ICP-OES, ICP-MS and XRF
2.4 Less commonly used techniques
Laser based instruments, QEMSCAN, XRD
2.5 Summary and conclusion
3. Geochemistry and mineralogy
3.1 The use of mineralogical data
The use of petrographic, XRD, heavy mineral and QEMSCAN data to establish element:mineral links will be discussed in detail
3.2 Application of statistical techniques
Principal Components Analysis, Eigenvector analysis and Correlation Coefficient analysis will be discussed in detail
3.3 Graphical analysis
Use of binary diagrams to establish element mineral links
3.3 Elements associated with heavy minerals
3.4 Elements associated with carbonate minerals and evaporites
3.5 Elements associated with clay minerals, feldspars and micas
3.6 Classification of sandstones using inorganic geochemical data
3.7 Use of geochemical data to determine changes in source/provenance
3.8 Use of geochemical data to determine changes in depositional environment
3.9 Use of geochemical data to model changes in weathering/diagenesis
3.10 Summary and conclusions
4. Principles of chemostratigraphy
4.1. Choice of key/index elements and ratios
How to choose particular elements for chemostratigraphic purposes
4.2 Development of hierarchical schemes
4.3 comparison with wireline log, lithostratigraphic, biostratigraphic and sedimentological data
Several case studies will be presented
4.5 Application of statistics
Applications of Discriminant Function Analysis, Principal Components Analysis and Histograms
4.6 Common mistakes made during the interpretation of inorganic geochemical data and the establishment of chemostratigraphic schemes
4. 7 Summary and conclusion
5. Applications of chemostratigraphy to clastic and carbonate depositional systems and unconventional reservoirs
5.1 Clastic depositional environments
Through case studies, details will be provided on the specific applications of the technique to the correlation of sediments deposited in glacial, continental, shallow marine and deep marine environments
5.2. Carbonate environments
How can the technique be used in carbonates? What are the unique challenges of using the technique in this system, compared with that of clastics” Various case studies will be presented in this section
5.3. Application of chemostratigraphy to unconventional reservoirs
6. Applications of chemostratigraphy at wellsite
Information provided on the application of chemostratigraphy at wellsite, including the use of chemostratigraphy to place coring points, casing points and total depth (TD) picks.
7. Summary and Conclusions
Dr Neil W. Craigie first became interested in geology during his experiences of attending Boy Scout camps in the early 1980’s and this inspired him to embark on a BSc degree in Geology at the University of St. Andrews, Scotland, in 1988. After this, Neil wished to enter the petroleum industry but felt that he required additional qualifications, so he decided to complete an MSc degree in Petroleum Geology at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland. Unlike many of his colleagues at that time, he preferred to work towards a PhD at the same university, instead of gaining employment immediately after graduation. This was awarded in 1998 on completion of his thesis on the chemostratigraphy and sedimentology of Middle Devonian lacustrine sediments encountered in the Orcadian Basin, NE Scotland. During this study Neil realized that, though chemostratigraphy could be employed as a stand-alone reservoir correlation technique, it worked best as part of a multidisciplinary approach to correlation. On completing his PhD, Neil worked as a Geologist for Scott Pickford Ltd until the year 2000, and then as a chemostratigrapher for Chemostrat Ltd and Ichron Ltd. He is currently employed as a “geological consultant” for Saudi Aramco in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, where he works on and manages a range of chemostratigraphy projects. Since 1997, Neil has completed chemostratigraphy studies throughout Saudi Arabia, the North Sea (UK, Norwegian, Dutch and Danish sectors), Norwegian Sea, Barents Sea, Canada, USA, Bolivia, Brazil, Egypt, Algeria, Libya and Qatar. Most of these studies have involved the integration of chemostratigraphic, sedimentological and biostratigraphy data and some have taken the form of ‘near real time’ wellsite work. Neil has published numerous papers and is widely regarded as one of the world’s leading experts in the field of elemental chemostratigraphy. He is delighted to share his knowledge and experience of the technique with readers of this book. Outside work, Neil enjoys fishing, walking and spending time with his family.
This book provides the reader with a comprehensive understanding of the applications of chemostratigraphy. The first chapter of the book offers an introduction to the technique. This is followed by a chapter detailing sample preparation and analytical techniques. Chapter 3 focuses on the techniques utilised to establish the mineralogical affinities of elements, while the general principles of how to build a chemostratigraphic scheme are covered in Chapter 4. Chapters 5, 6 and 7 provide information on the applications of chemostratigraphy to clastic, carbonate and unconventional reservoirs respectively, and various case studies are presented. Wellsite applications, a discussion and conclusion section form the latter part of the book.
The book will appeal to graduate and post graduate students of geology and professionals working in the hydrocarbon sector as a key reference text in chemostratigraphy.