1. An introduction to electricity generation 2. Electricity generation and the environment 3. Coal-fired power plants 4. Natural gas-fired gas turbines and combined cycle power plants 5. Piston engine-based power plants 6. Combined heat and power 7. Fuel cells 8. Hydropower 9. Tidal Barrage Power Plants 10. Power system energy storage technologies 11. Wind Power 12. Geothermal Power 13. Solar Power 14. Marine power generation technologies 15. Biomass-based power generation 16. Power from waste 17. Nuclear power
Paul Breeze is a journalist and freelance science and technology writer and consultant in the United Kingdom. He has specialised in power generation technology for the past 30 years. In addition to writing Power Generation Technologies, Second Edition, he has contributed to journals and newspapers such as The Financial Times and The Economist and has written a range of technical management reports covering all the aspects of power generation, transmission and distribution.