ISBN-13: 9781461360513 / Angielski / Miękka / 2012 / 955 str.
ISBN-13: 9781461360513 / Angielski / Miękka / 2012 / 955 str.
Seventeen years after the 2nd International Symposium on Oxygen Transport to Tissue, which was held in Mainz in March 1975, the local Organizing Committee and the Board of ISOTT were pleased to host the ISOTT Conference in Mainz on the Rhine again. The venue of the 20th meeting was the prestigious, fully restored Schloss Waldthausen (Waldthausen Castle) which provided a special setting for ISOTT 1992. The beautiful front view of the castle became part of the ISOTT 1992 logo. The 20th ISOTT Meeting was held in Mainz from August 26th through August 30th, 1992. The Conference attracted 200 active participants from 16 countries. The theme of this meeting emphasized oxygen transport to tumors but as in earlier meetings, essentially all aspects of oxygen transport within the body were covered as demonstrated by the manuscripts comprising this volume of the series "Oxygen Transport to Tissue." All manuscripts were reviewed. Extensive revisions were made in about 25% and modest revision in about another 30%. Because we had to compromise between the aim of rapid publication on the one hand and the need for thorough review on the other, minor errors in format and some typographical errors were not corrected. Except for some revisions, all of the original camera-ready manuscripts in this volume were prepared by the authors themselves and we greatly appreciate their cooperation.
Symposium Dedicated to Professor Thews.- Professor Dr. Dr. Gerhard Thews: A Lifetime’s Dedication to Research on Oxygen Transport to Tissue and Academic Teaching.- Alveolar-Capillary Gas Transfer in Lungs: Development of Concepts and Current State.- O2 Transport in Skeletal Muscle: Development of Concepts and Current State.- Current State of Methodology on Hemoglobin Oximetry in Tissues.- Modeling Oxygen Transport: Development of Methods and Current State.- Respiratory System.- Optimal Pre-Oxygenation: The NasOral-System.- Effects of Progressive Intratracheal Administration of Perflubron during Conventional Gas Ventilation in Anesthetized Dogs with Oleic Acid Lung Injury.- Roles of Antioxidant Enzymes in Erythrocytes on Hypoxic Pulmonary Vasoconstriction.- Roles of Hypoxia and Blood Flow in Modulating$$ {\mathop V\limits^. _A}/\mathop Q\limits^.$$Heterogeneity in the Lungs.- Effects of 5-Hydroxytryptamine Inhibition on Gas Exchange and Pulmonary Hemodynamics in Acute Canine Pulmonary Embolism.- Surfactant Replacement Therapy in Animal Models of Respiratory Failure Due to Viral Infection.- Effects of Different Modes of Ventilation on Oxygenation and Intracranial Pressure of Pigs with Surfactant Depleted Lungs.- Effects of Hypertonic Saline on the Pulmonary Gas Exchange.- Diffusion and Perfusion Limitations in Patients Suffering Fibrosing Lung Disease.- Regulation of Blood Flow in Pulmonary Microcirculation by Vasoactive Arachidonic Acid Metabolites - Analysis in Acute Lung Injury.- Pulmonary Vagal Afferents versus Central Chemosensitivity in the Ventilatory Response to Hypoxia and Lactic Acidosis.- Microvascular PO2 Regulation and Chemoreception in the Cat Carotid Body.- Oxygen Transport in Blood, Hyperbaric Oxygenation.- Hemoglobin Oxygen Affinity and Acid-Base Status in Blood of Chronic Hemodialysis Patients.- The Effect of Increased Blood Carbon Monoxide Levels on the Hemoglobin Oxygen Affinity during Pregnancy.- Modeling Blood Gas Equilibria of Human Blood.- High Cooperativity of Hemoglobin-Oxygen Binding in Embryonic Rabbit Blood.- Mathematical Simulation of Gas Transport and Acid/Base Regulation by Blood Flowing in Microvessels - The Cl?/HCO3? Exchange across the Red Cell Membrane.- Red Blood Cell Velocity in Nailfold Capillaries during Hyperbaric Oxygenation.- Improvement of Wound Healing in Chronic Ulcers by Hyperbaric Oxygenation and by Waterfiltered Ultrared A Induced Localized Hyperthermia.- Lipid Peroxide-Related Hemodilution during Repetitive Hyperbaric Oxygenation.- Artificial Oxygen Carriers in Blood.- Oxygen Delivery Augmentation by Low-Dose Perfluorochemical Emulsion during Profound Normovolemic Hemodilution.- Divinyl Sulfone Cross-Linked Hyperpolymeric Human Haemoglobin as an Artificial Oxygen Carrier in Anaesthetized Spontaneously Breathing Rats.- Magnetometric Measurements of Macrophage Activity in the Liver after Administration of Different Perfluorochemicals.- Phagocytosis of Colloidal Carbon after Administration of Perfluorochemicals of First and Second Generation.- Novel Fluorocarbon-Based Injectable Oxygen-Carrying Formulations with Long-Term Room-Temperature Storage Stability.- Resuscitation of Dogs from Endotoxic Shock by Continuous Dextran Infusion with and without Perflubron Added.- Heart.- Capillary Flow Direction in the Isolated Perfused Rat Heart.- Myocardial Oxygenation in Immature and Adult Rats.- Ischemic Areas in Hypertrophie Langendorff Rat Hearts Visualized by NADH Videofluorimetry.- Potential of Nitroimidazoles as Markers of Hypoxia in Heart.- Method for Simultaneous Determination of the Distribution of Capillary Plasma Flow and Myocyte Redox State (NADH-Fluorescence) in the Hypoperfused Myocardium of the Anesthetized Rat.- The Influence of Flow Redistributions on the Calculated PO2 in Rat Heart Tissue.- Does Cold Blood Cardioplegia Offer Adequate Oxygen Delivery to the Myocardium during Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting?.- Function of Isolated Rabbit Hearts Perfused with Erythrocyte Suspension Is Not Stable but Improvement May Be Feasible with Hemoglobin Solution.- Classical Krogh Model Does Not Apply Well to Coronary Oxygen Exchange.- Oxygen Consumption, Oxygen Transport, and Left Ventricular Function in Severe Sepsis in Man.- Effects of High Arterial Oxygen Tension on Coronary Blood Flow Regulation and Myocardial Oxygen Delivery.- Oxygen Supply to Tumors.- Glucose-, Energy-Metabolism and Cell Proliferation in Tumors.- Rates of Oxygen Consumption for Proliferating and Quiescent Cells Isolated from Multicellular Tumor Spheroids.- The Relationship of Radiation Sensitivity and Microenvironment of Human Tumor Cells in Multicellular Spheroid Tissue Culture.- Oxygenation Status of Rhabdomyosarcoma Spheroids with Different Stages of Differentiation.- Oncogene-Associated Growth Behavior and Oxygenation of Multicellular Spheroids from Rat Embryo Fibroblasts.- Characterisation of the Microcirculation of Tumours where the Blood Supply Originates from a Single Artery and Vein.- Relative Perfusion of Tumours in Two Sites for up to 6 Hours after the Induction of Anaemia.- Intermittent Blood Flow in the CaNT and CaRH Tumours in Two Different Sites.- Correlation between Regional ATP and Blood Flow in Tumors and Surrounding Normal Tissue.- The Effect of Nicotinamide on Microcirculatory Function, Tissue Oxygenation and Bioenergetic Status in Rat Tumors.- Tumour Radiosensitization by Nicotinamide: Is It the Result of an Improvement in Tumour Oxygenation?.- “Upstream” Modification of Vasoconstrictor Responses in Rat Epigastric Artery Supplying an Implanted Tumour.- The Effect of Vinca Alkaloids on Tumour Blood Flow.- Use of the Hypertensive Agent Angiotensin II for Modifying Oxygen Delivery to Tumours.- Is Oxygen the Limiting Substrate for the Expansion of Cords around Blood Vessels in Tumours?.- The Effect of Artificially Induced Ischemia on Tumour Cell Survival.- Intratumoral PO2 Histography as Predictive Assay in Advanced Cancer of the Uterine Cervix.- Oxygenation of Mammary Tumors as Evaluated by Ultrasound-Guided Computerized-P02-Histography.- Oxygenation of Locally Advanced Recurrent Rectal Cancer, Soft Tissue Sarcoma and Breast Cancer.- Direct Measurement of the PO2 Distribution in Human Malignant Brain Tumours.- Measurement of Oxygen Partial Pressure in Brain Tumors under Stereotactic Conditions.- Changes in Oxygenation Patterns of Locally Advanced Recurrent Tumors under Thermoradiotherapy.- The Role of Oxygen Tension Distribution on the Radiation Response of Human Breast Carcinoma.- Measurement of PO2 in a Murine Tumour and Its Correlation with Hypoxic Fraction.- Acute Effects of Tumor Necrosis Factor-? or Lymphotoxin on Oxygenation and Bioenergetic Status in Experimental Tumors.- The Effect of Ifosfamide on Tumor Oxygenation at Different Temperatures.- The Effect of Erythropoietin on Tumor Oxygenation in Normal and Anemic Rats.- Inhibition of Erythropoietin Production by Cytokines and Chemotherapy May Contribute to the Anemia in Malignant Diseases.- Non-Invasive Assessment of Tumor Oxygenation Status by Integrated 31P NMR Spectroscopy and 1H NMR Imaging.- Oxygenation of Tumors as Evaluated by Phosphorescence Imaging.- Non-Invasive Infrared-Spectroscopic Measurements of Intravasal Oxygen Content in Xenotransplanted Tumours on Nude Mice - Correlation to Growth Rate.- Brain.- Noninvasive Assessment of Cerebral Hemodynamics and Tissue Oxygenation during Activation of Brain Cell Function in Human Adults Using Near Infrared Spectroscopy.- Heterogeneity and Stability of Local PO2 Distribution within the Brain Tissue.- Critical O2 Delivery in Rat Brain.- Changes in Oxygenation States of Rat Brain Tissues during Glutamate-Related Epileptic Seizures - Near-Infrared Study.- Levels of Dopamine and Its Metabolites in the Extracellular Medium of the Striatum of Newborn Piglets during Graded Hypoxia.- The Influence of Profound Hypothermia and Rewarming on Primate Cerebral Oxygen Metabolism.- Non-Invasive Cerebral Oxygen Monitoring and Intracellular Redox State during Surfactant Administration.- Resolution of Near Infrared Time-of-Flight Brain Oxygenation Imaging.- Measurement of Changes in Cerebral Haemodynamics during Inspiration and Expiration Using Near Infrared Spectroscopy.- Increased Capillary Segment Length in Cerebral Cortical Microvessels of Rats Exposed to 3 Weeks of Hypobaric Hypoxia.- Erythrocyte Flow Heterogeneity in the Cerebrocortical Capillary Network.- Light Intensity Attenuation in the Rat Brain Tissue Assessed by Television Photometry.- Quantitative Multicomponent Spectral Analysis Using Neural Networks.- Skeletal Muscle and Other Tissues.- Morphometry of the Size of the Capillary-to-Fiber Interface in Muscles.- Capillary Proliferation Related to Fibre Types in Hypertrophied Aging Rat M. Plantaris.- Determination of Myoglobin-Diffusivity in Intact Skeletal Muscle Fibers. An Improved Microscope-Photometrical Approach.- Noninvasive Measurement of Forearm Oxygen Consumption during Exercise by Near Infrared Spectroscopy.- Continuous Tissue Oxygenation Assessment during Bloodflow Alterations in an Isolated Hindlimb Model of the Pig.- The Relationship between Mixed Venous and Hepatic Venous O2 Saturation in Patients with Septic Shock.- Oxygen Supply and Placental Oxygen Metabolism.- Diminution of Histidine-Induced Reoxygenation Damage by Glycine in Posthypoxic Renal Cells.- The Oxygen Permeability of Cultured Endothelial Cell Monolayers.- Transcutaneous Oxygen Partial Pressure and Doppler Ankle Pressure during Upper and Lower Body Exercise in Patients with Peripheral Arterial Occlusive Disease.- O2 Consumption VS. O2 Supply.- The Relevance of Measuring O2 Supply and O2 Consumption for Assessment of Regional Tissue Oxygenation.- Investigation of the Human Oxygen Transport System during Conditions of Rest and Increased Oxygen Consumption by Means of Fractionation Effects of Oxygen Isotopes.- Dependency of Overall Fractionation Effect of Respiration on Hemoglobin Concentration within Blood at Rest.- Measured and Predicted Values of Oxygen Consumption during Isoflurane Anesthesia in Man.- Combined Epidural and General Anesthesia Prevents Excessive Oxygen Consumption Postoperatively.- Increased Oxygen Affinity Contributes to Tissue Hypoxia in Critically Ill Patients with Low Oxygen Delivery.- Protective Regulation of Oxygen Uptake as a Result of Reduced Oxygen Extraction during Chronic Inflammation.- Methods and Modeling.- Measurements of Intracellular Concentrations of Oxygen: Experimental Results and Conceptual Implications of an Observed Gradient between Intracellular and Extracellular Concentrations of Oxygen.- Detection of Absorbers in a Dynamic System Using NIR Phase Modulated Device (PMD).- Near-Infrared Optical Imaging of Tissue Phantoms with Measurement in the Change of Optical Path Lengths.- NIRS in the Temporal Region - Strong Influence of External Carotid Artery.- A Method to Estimate the Ratio of Absorption Coefficients of Two Wavelengths Using Phase Modulated Near Infrared Light Spectroscopy.- NIRS in Adults - Effects of Increasing Optode Separation.- Comparison of Clark Electrode and Optode for Measurement of Tissue Oxygen Tension.- Photometric Determination of the O2 Status of Human Blood Using the Oxystat System: cO2 (mL/dL), sO2 (%), cHb (g/dL).- Laser Doppler Perfusion Imaging Compared with Lightguide Laser Doppler Flowmetry, Dynamic Thermographic Imaging and Tissue Spectrophotometry for Investigating Blood Flow in Human Skin.- Quantitation of Absolute Concentration Change in Scattering Media by the Time-Resolved Microscopic Beer-Lambert Law.- Monitoring of Tissue Oxygenation via Parameters of Erythropoetic Activity.- Cardiac Output and Regional Blood Flow Measurement with Nonradioactive Microspheres by X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry in Rats.- Use of Lightguide Reflectance Spectrophotometry in the Assessment of Peripheral Arterial Disease.- Modelling Erythrocytes as Point-Like O2 Sources in a Kroghian Cylinder Model.- The Microvascular Unit Size for Fractal Flow Heterogeneity Relevant for Oxygen Transport.- Terminology and Definitions in Respiratory Physiology.- Why a Consensus Meeting on Terminology and Definition in Respiratory Physiology?.- Tentative Recommendation on Terminology and Definitions in Respiratory Physiology: Résumé of the ISOTT Consensus Session 1992.- Nomenclature of Oxygen Saturation.- Definition and Measurement of Quantities Pertaining to Oxygen in Blood.- Quantities and Units in Gas Exchange Physiology.- Group Photograph.- Author Index.
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