Part I Response Mechanisms of Hydrological Processes in the Near-Surface Environment
1. Surface Runoff Generation, Vertical Infiltration and Subsurface Lateral Flow
1.1 Key Definitions
1.2 Surface Runoff Mechanisms: Conversion of Rainfall into Runoff
1.3 Infiltrability Models for Non-Structured Soils (Infiltration in an Ideal Soil)
1.4 Influence of Macropores and Surface-Exposed Fractures on Infiltration, Runoff Generation and Lateral Preferential Flow
1.5 Non-Infiltration Types of Rainfall Losses
2. Rainfall-Induced Runoff and Subsurface Stormflow at the Hillslope Scale
2.1 Kinematic Flow Approximation to Runoff on Idealized Hillslopes and Basic Characteristic Solutions
2.2 Overland Flow over Impermeable Surface
2.3. Coupled Overland Flow and Infiltration Models
2.4 On an Analytical Approach to Coupled Surface and Subsurface Hydrological Processes
3. Models of Dissolved Component Transport at the Hillslope Scale
3.1 Mathematical Problem Formulation
3.2 Solute Transport in the Rain Water Flowing over Impermeable Soil Surface
3.3 Solute Transport in Surface Runoff Coupled with Infiltration into Underlying Soil
3.4 Solute Transport along Lateral Subsurface Flowpaths
4. Contaminant Sorption and Transport by Suspended Particles with Runoff
4.1 Physical and Mathematical Formulation of the Rainfall- and Runoff-Driven Soil Erosion Problem
4.2 Mathematical Formulation of Sediment-Bound Chemical Transport
4.3 Analysis of Behavior of Suspended Sediments and Adsorbed Solutes in a Runoff System
Part II Water Flow and Solute Transport Models at the Watershed Scale
5. A Short Review of Water Budget and Flow Models for a Lumped Watershed
5.1 Water Cycle Components and their Representation in Water Budget Models
5.2 Conceptual Reservoir Models
5.3 SCS Equation and Curve Number Method (a Standard SCS-CN Model)
5.4 Unsteady-State Basin-Scale Model of Formation of Surface Runoff and Infiltration
6. Lumped-Parameter Models for Solute Transport with Runoff
6.1 Lumped Hillslope Models for Overland Flow Dynamics
6.2 Solutions for Solute Transport in Runoff over Lumped Hillslope
6.3 Catchment-Scale Models for Solute Transport in Runoff and Soil Remediation Assessment
7. Prediction of the Impact of Severe Accidents at NPP on Radionuclide Contamination of the Near-Surface Environment
7.1 Characteristics of the Severe Accidents at NPP, Radioactive Fallout Scale and Distribution
7.2 A Case Study: Assessment of Watershed Contamination after a Hypothetical Accident at the Beloyarsk NPP (the Middle Urals, the Russian Federation)
This book provides essential background knowledge on a wide range of hydrological processes governing contaminant transport from soil to surface water across a range of scales, from hillslope to watershed. The mathematical description of these processes is based on both well-known and unique analytical solutions of different initial and boundary problems (primarily using methods from the kinematic wave theory and the reservoir/lumped-parameter concept), supported by numerical modelling studies. Some research topics, in particular several case studies, are illustrated by monitoring and experimental data analysis to show the importance of the research’s applications in environmental practice and environmental education. Specific results concern the recognition of: (a) the effect of transient rainfall–runoff–infiltration partitioning on the chemical response of drainage areas to excess precipitation under certain field conditions related to the soil, hillslope characteristics, and contaminant properties; (b) soil erosion as a key factor that enhances the potential of adsorbed chemical transport in runoff; and (c) common tendencies in radionuclide behaviour in the near-surface environment contaminated by radioactive fallout from the Chernobyl (1986), Fukushima (2011) and the less known Kyshtym (1957) accidents, as well as from nuclear weapon tests in the atmosphere since 1952.
The book’s goal is to provide a conceptual foundation enabling readers to apply scientific knowledge to solve practical problems in environmental hydrology and radiology. More specifically, the book presents the state-of-the-art approaches that scientists and natural resources experts need in order to significantly improve the prediction of changes in the soil–water system chemistry due to human activities.