1 Geophysics and subsurface geology (deep boreholes).- 2 Structural geology and tectonics.- 3 Karoo magmatism.- 4 Stratigraphy and sedimentary basin analysis.- 5 Paleontology and paleo-environment.- 6 Geochronology and thermochronology.- 7 Geochemistry of black shale and shale gas potential.- 8 Critical zone: hydrology, groundwater, soil and ecosystems.- 9 Landscapes and geomorphology.- 10 Geodynamics.
This book describes the latest research on the geological, geochemical, geochronological, biological, and geomorphic evolution of the unique and relatively pristine landscape of the Cape Mountains and the Karoo Basin, a region in South Africa that is currently being targeted for shale gas exploration and development. With up-to-date graphics, maps, drill-core and seismic data, it offers the latest observations and synthesis, and highlights areas of ongoing research. The work presented also considers a wider connection of the Cape-Karoo system to other basins in Central Gondwana, including South America, thus following in the footsteps of A. L. du Toit. Clearly, there is still much to be learned before shale gas development can be considered, and this book provides some timely perspectives.