List of Contributors ixForeword xiPreface xiii1. Introduction: An Overview of Nanosized Emulsions 12. Formulation Development of Oil-In-Water Nanosized Emulsions 193. Characterization and Safety Assessment F Oil-In-Water Nanosized Emulsions 694. Manufacturing and Positioning (Generations) of Oil-In-Water Nanosized Emulsions 1695. Biofate of Nanosized Emulsions 2256. Medical or Therapeutical Applications of Oil-In-Water Nanosized Emulsions 259Part I: Overview of Tocol-Based Emulsions, Oxygen-Carrying Emulsions, Emulsions With Double or Triple Cargos and Emulsion-Like Dispersions 2877. Overview of Tocol-Based Emulsions, Oxygen-Carrying Emulsions, Emulsions With Double or Triple Cargos and Emulsion-Like Dispersions 2897.1. Tocol-Based Nanosized Emulsions 2917.2. Oxygen-Carrying Emulsions 3017.3. Nanosized Emulsions For Multiple Medicament Loadings, Imaging, and Theranostic Purposes 3217.4. Emulsion-Like Dispersions 347Part II: Selected Case Studies 3698. Selected Case Studies 3718.1. Case Study 1 - Cationic Nanosized Emulsions: Narration of Commercial Success 3738.2. Case Study 2 - Fish Oil-Based Nanosized Emulsions 389Index 423
Tamilvanan Shunmugaperumal, PhD, works at the National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER), Guwahati, India. His current research focuses on systematic optimization of formula to prepare various pharmaceutical dosage forms such as solid lipid microparticles, nanosized emulsions, and microspheres, where he seeks to exploit the potential of lipid- and polymer-based drug delivery carriers to eradicate infectious biofilm formation associated with both medical devices and human organs.